Muslim Cultural Takeover of Britain

This documentary shows the shocking takeover of British cities by Muslim immigrants.

These people are total aliens in British and European societies generally. It’s absolute lunacy to see fully veiled Muslims waltzing around Britain like this is something normal. The globalists’ insane multicultural experiment is becoming such an eyesore that even the leftist BBC has been forced to address the issue in documentaries like this one.

Muslims cannot be good citizens of any country that’s not a Muslim majority and ruled by an Islamic government because their loyalty is first and foremost to their religious beliefs and principles and not to the nation they happen to live in. Millions of parasitic Muslims from the Middle East and Africa have swarmed Europe to take advantage of our better economies and standard of living. They contributed precisely nothing to make these societies what they are yet are reaping the rewards thanks to the lunatic leftists who opened our borders on behalf of the Jewish elite.

Now cities in Britain and other European countries are becoming unrecognizable. They look more like Riyadh or Islamabad than Paris, London, etc. Muslims are religious tribalists and will vote for leftist parties that support bringing more brown foreigners (mostly Muslims) to the West. Yet socially conservative Muslims secretly scorn these very leftists and their liberal values, and are only using them to ripen Europe for Islamic conquest where they can implement barbaric Sharia law.

Muslims contribute nothing to European societies besides creating an annoyance for natives with their disturbing religious marches and proselytizing in the streets, vastly increased instances of terrorism and mass murder in public places, as well as creating eye-sores with their ugly mosques everywhere.

Muslims are slowly but surely pushing out Christianity and other religions from areas they dominate in European cities and will sooner than later declare Islamic mini-states throughout Europe where Sharia is the law of the land. Christians, pagans and other “disbelievers” will either be expelled or executed in these Islamic mini-states.

Only a second Reconquista can solve this dangerous Muslim problem in Europe.

15 thoughts on “Muslim Cultural Takeover of Britain

  1. A second Reconquista is not only mandatory in Spain, as well as the rest of Europe, but also in the rest of the West.

    Let us also not forget that even various different groups of the ‘religion of peace’, or the ‘religion of balance’, as ‘Joe Cardsbury’ likes to call it, don’t fukin get along either. This is sheer ‘rocket science’ n sheeeit…. but various different Muslim groups can’t get along with each other; now let’s bring ’em to da West where multiculturalism is jus tha shiznit!!!

  2. Thanks for the video Brandon.
    “The TRUTH about Muslim immigration in England”
    I like The Clash song at the beginning.
    In the past the left have used popular music very effectively to further their agendas.
    And music can motivate and inform people – and brainwash them.
    We on the right should consider using it more – to play them at their own game..
    Hopefully the video will be a wake-up call to all those brits still asleep (the majority).
    Notable is the statement by a white lady that it all happened so quickly.
    That bbc documentary has it that immigration has been mis-managed.
    N o o o . . . it has been managed in a very controlled and calculated way by (((successive governments))).
    That bbc documentary slips in a little piece of propaganda defining british values.
    WTF we will say what british values are, the libtards and the cultural marxists have no right to define our british values when they want to remove borders and destroy the britain that we knew and loved.
    We need a reversal of previous and current immigration, quickly.
    Britain needs a proper nationalist government in power and severe actions to be taken against the existing anti-nationalist perpetrator traitors.

    1. Music like this, Dorset?! 😉 Haha, this was made by Patrick from TrueGritProductions… great shit; dude is definitely musically inclined:

      1. Good stuff Dana.
        It’s all in there (MGTOW).
        Important messages and a catchy tune.
        Very powerful.
        I would not normally choose to listen to that style of music, though I agree it is good and it will attract certain younger types.
        I have often asked why don’t more famous people and musical artists declare their political beliefs in music and other forms.
        The answer to that one is usually “they are afraid that it will ruin their careers if they speak out against the mainstream media message”.
        That was where the left were at an advantage, they always had the moneyed media types and governments on their side.

        1. Haha, thought you’d like it, Dorset. 🙂

          The major problem is that in order to get famous, virtually everybody had to literally sell their souls in Luciferian contracts with the Devil to begin with. Countless musicians, actors, entertainers, and even athletes have talked about this stuff. This also means that they’re working under Lucifer’s orders.

          For instance though, people like Lady Gaga, Eminem, Kesha, and Justin Beiber are all people who are very open and candid about their Satanism, and they’ve also all expressed major discontent about it in their own ways. Feeling trapped, and like they can’t be authentic and have to be fake is a big part of their dismay. Fame and fortune comes with it’s prices.

          Of course another problem is that if they say anything too un-PC, their content may not get produced, they might lose their careers, and/or at times even wind up dead. Then of course they’ll also face major potential backlash from the establishment.

          1. Brexit is an important but related issue.
            Some brave and famous celebrities including Roger Daltrey, John Cleese and Sir Michael Caine have joined to form ARTISTS 4 BREXIT.
            Good luck to them and to Brexit.

            1. I wish them luck and hope it works out for the best. I’ve heard some different things about Brexit and some claim that this exit is actually what the globalists want. I haven’t put enough time and research into it to know either way.

              I just noticed this YouTuber whose channel name is ‘Stranger Than Fiction’. He has put out lots of good info and has gotten lots of views on a lot of his videos. We’re at a time where people are waking up like mad to many different things, and more and more celebs have been coming out. It’s like a can of worms has been opened and it won’t be stopping, meaning the PTB are operating with a limited amount of time.

              This video he did on Chris Brown is good, and the dude is black. One thing that amazes me about blacks who are spiritually aware is that they’re still so often dumb as shit when it comes to the agendas they think Hollywood is promoting. They still so often think this all is a conspiracy to ‘keep blacks down’ and that whites benefit from it all, lol. They drive me crazy, and one comment here from this vid as an example:

              Badass Mother
              1 week ago
              It seems like blacks are expendable to the illuminati. People are are expendable to them like plastic silverware. But it really seems like black community is hugely exploited. Have you noticed How the strippers, pimps, gang bangers, drug dealers make it big and then they all seem to go into a downward spiral. Illuminati uses them up wears them out and then destroys them. If they can make money on their death they’ll kill them.”

            2. For celebrities stuck with an addiction.
              My 2 cents.
              Celebrities you are already successful at influencing people and you have inner strength.
              You are driven, will probably always do what you want to do and don’t listen to people and you are stubborn.
              It therefore follows that you should be able to shun the drink and drugs or other bad influences by being stubborn . . . with yourself and with others.
              It is your decision in your head.
              Peer pressure is the worst . . . it can derail your efforts.
              Peer pressure is a terrible thing.
              It is probably what set you off in the first place.
              It leads you to damage your health . . . just because some other person (idiot) insists that something will be harmless and not hurt you.
              Stay strong and stubborn and shun whatever it is you are being told is harmless.
              Don’t listen to them . . . stick to your abstinence plan for 12 months and things will get easier.
              Go your own way and find a new pathway.

            3. Thanks for the link on Brexit, Dorset. Hopefully Brexit benefits the Brits like MGTOW benefits men. I can think of plenty of US states that need to secede from the rest, while I’m at it.

  3. Old news and probably only revealing part of the complex and evolving web of deceit.
    Nick Griffin’s video below contains a lot of important and interesting information, it is well worth watching . . .
    . . . in light of Tommy Robinson(pseudonym or alias is a name that a person or group assumes for a particular purpose)’s continuing fame and media attention.
    Zionist Neocons Offered BNP Bribe to Ignore Zionist Power & Only Attack Islam

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