Lindsay Shepherd: Rising Gatekeeper of the Merchant Right

I’ve critiqued Lindsay Shepherd before. She’s shaping up to be just another beta-bucks, shekel-grubbing, attention-whoring female cashing in on the weak talking points of the alt-light. Essentially her only opinion is that freedom of speech is cool and leftists are mentally ill censors (who didn’t know that already?), yet she’s already a “star” within the classical liberal brigade of frauds who avoid the truly taboo issues of Jewish power as well as the race and female questions.

12 thoughts on “Lindsay Shepherd: Rising Gatekeeper of the Merchant Right

  1. I’m the merchant right redpilled on the JQ and classical liberalism’s all inclusive social contract theories that make all social contracts equal. The egalitarian trap.

  2. This girl at it again… it’s “tough” bein’ a female out there, lol. 446k views for that video?! Jesus Christ. Wouldn’t respond back to you? Not a surprise. Yeah she’ll fit right in with her other alt-light “counterpart-princesses” going back-and-forth about long roads that have already been paved by certain dudes long ago. It’s a good guess that she’ll far outshine Peterson who is at least a quasi-intellectual in buckaroos with ease while she’s at it. And nevermind all the countless injustices going on that the alt-light totally ignores.

    What a buffoon Peterson is: arrogantly telling people that Jews just have a high-IQ, but they’re not tribal, and even more importantly, the upper echelon of Jewry isn’t Satanic; so they don’t conspire together, lol. I seriously doubt Jordan uses the same arguments even when talking about whites or Arabs or Berbers or Chinese or Indians over blacks in Africa; meaning, as we know, Peterson is pro-Jew and also quite anti-white while he’s at it.

    Damn Brandon, two likes and seven dislikes on that video? You’re really hurting some alt-lite, white knight, and fembot dummies’ feels over here, lol.

    1. ^Excuse me, Peterson is making 50k a month off of Patreon? Missed that, but in that case, I’m sure it’d take this Lindsay quite a while to make as much a month, but if she sticks to it, she might be able to do it really quickly; not sure. I don’t know how much these prominent tradwomen like Lauren Southern or Brittany Pettibone make per month; does anybody know?

      When I first saw Brittany, it wasn’t on FB but YT. She did a video about black-on-white crime with a link in the description box to her FB page. I went to her page and found we had zero friends in common; meaning she knew very few people on FB, if anybody, in the pro-white sphere of things. I gave her a link to Lana Lokteff’s page and mentioned that she should do an interview with her. Now somewhere around that time she also was on InfoWars… I’m quite sure it was after I talked to her. So she was into politics but didn’t know hardly anybody on the topic.

      Brittany does give good relationship advice for an American woman, which is rare and respectable. Her sisters are also very down-to-Earth kind of girls.

      It’s really hard to say if Brittany is doing more good in attracting lefties and former-lefties into the movement, or more bad by being so similar in thoughts/views as when she started, from what I see.
      To make progress in this long learning experience, one has to make sure their sources of information get wider and wider. If in the information age a person starts with all the same paradigms, and/but ends there, they’ve seriously ignored all kinds of good and superior information, and they’ve taken the easy way out. While alt-lights and tradcons are so proud of being alt-lights/tradcons, countless people are suffering because these alt-lighters/trads rest on their laurels and refuse to expose the injustices against these groups who are truly being demonized and oppressed.

      For instance, I’ll be really impressed when a trad-female exposes paternity fraud. If a male could make his wife pay for offspring *he* produced, think these women would be talking about it? Veeeery likely. But when men are the sole victims of it, they don’t touch it because it doesn’t fit in with their paradigm that marriage is “good”. For these young women: eventually getting to one level of understanding in the red-pill realm is good, but staying there is very bad.

  3. Damn Brandon, your vid has 5 likes and 21 dislikes. Obviously the dummy dislikers don’t have any gotdamned valid debates/arguments to bring to debunk what you’re saying, just hurt feelings, lol. What chumps.

    1. Not one of the down-voters has posted a comment. The only argument I’ve seen is that I shouldn’t criticize her because she “may” at some point in the future come to our side. Like I said, I’ve already reached out to her on these issues, and she failed to respond. And in any case, she’s a woman and has very limited capacity to achieve anything positive for us anyway. We don’t need her childish input in the affairs of grown men. I saw a recent tweet from her saying that she’s not opposed to immigrants and that her boyfriend is an immigrant. She’s a coal burner.

      1. Lol, no surprise that her boyfriend is a non-white immigrant.

        Extremely, extremely unlikely that she comes to the alt-right because she’ll wind up losing so much popularity when she’s already getting so much support where she is; and she’s gonna have to do a lot more research. And some of these broads have been around for quite a while and are still, for example, femtards, still quite anti-white, and pro-Jew, among many other things as we know.

        She’s not even very correct in her leftist vid anyway, talking about how the left has no sense of humor. They sure do have a sense of humor when it comes to say, kicking men in the balls or cutting their penises off, or laughing at killing white people. If the genders and races were reversed, they’d scream bloody murder. And it’s not like they don’t have much more nefarious intentions than she’s saying.

        She has no value to add here whatsoever, other than she might serve as a gateway to those diligent thinkers and researchers to start exploring more deeply down the rabbit-hole. By the same token, though, she serves a role in taking certain people who are more right than her but don’t have solid foundations and leading them back to the plantation.

        People saying she’s “good”, or not to criticize her are giving her a free-pass. Women get all kinds of free passes in society today, for anybody who hasn’t noticed. Any mild, mediocre accomplishment a female makes, she gets grand accolades for. Even logging in to my computer on Google yesterday I was seeing headlines about how these “brilliant female inventors are changing the world” lolz. A female inventor… like a needle in a haystack, and let’s just ignore and degrade all the bad ass white male inventors out there, lol.

        1. Yeah female glorification is a big problem. As soon as some female comes along and claims not to be a leftist SJW, she is heaped with praise, adulation and has hundreds of degenerate beta orbiters stroking her ego, gushing over how “smart” and “brave” she is for pointing out something obvious to most people. Yet dudes who are far braver than her, who have tackled all the big taboos fearlessly and to great risk to themselves, are virtually unheard of and given no praise or support besides from other red-pilled men who find their material. Shows how female privilege works across the board from left to right politics. End female privilege!

  4. I’ve tried to catch people in their early stages before they get too big or loaded down because it’s like even if they may have the best of intentions, it becomes very hard to reach them on social media because they can’t keep up with even close to all the comments and messages and things. If you don’t catch them, they get caught in a loop where they’re working with a very limited and narrow range of sources and thus paradigms. I was like that on my first FB account and was frantically trying to keep up with current events and messages. I mean my sources were very wide compared to the average truther, but of course looking back on it, I know they were still extremely limited as I’ve continuously picked up loads of more and new information. And in cases like Lindsay’s, it’s not like she’s gonna do it herself, lol. Yeah, she’ll fit right in with the alt-lite while things continually get worse because the alt-lite can’t bring themselves to address them.

    1. ^Not to say that the true pro-white and pro-male movements aren’t exploding, because they are, just that it’s gonna be a while before they get big enough to take serious action, and in the meantime, they have to deal with all these alt-lite fukin cucks, infiltrators, and dummies.

  5. Guys are you 100% she is a female? I dunno if it is the angle of view but almost every time her face looks masculine. You know it is not beyond “them” (meaning lefty or neutral J’s ) to put transgendered idols to ridicule white men etc. I got proof of that if you guys are unfamiliar with that. A clear, obvious example is “marilyn monroe” who had ribs removed to look like a female (failing pretty bad at that too).

    Dunno if this “Lindsay” is a tranny but IMO she looks like one. The (sorry for my weird english) disproportional lateral enlongated quality of the body and face which remids of a teenager, something that trannies have because at some point they chemically castrated themselves during adolescence.

    Tranny or not, deport her to Iran. Not that the ppl over there would want this crap.

  6. She praised the far right/Traditionalist right. She probably means the “modern” traditionalist right. People who are really traditionalist right have started calling themselves RADICAL traditionalist to separate themselves from the corrupted form of modern traditionalism.

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