UK Gulag: ‘Hate Posts’ Could Land You in Jail

Britain’s multicultural experiment is failing so miserably that the only way the leftist authoritarians in power can keep it alive is to silence anyone who criticizes their genocidal mass immigration policies. The UK has been using ‘hate speech’ laws against critics of immigration for years, but with the explosion of immigrant-linked violent crime in the country over the past year, they’re now stepping up their crackdown on nationalist dissent, openly banning nationalist groups, taking down websites, and charging online commenters with ‘hate speech’ for pointing out politically incorrect truths.

The Daily Mail noted:

Social media users who share or comment on racist or anti-gay postings will face jail under rules proposed yesterday.

Advice for judges and magistrates recommends harsh punishments for those found guilty of stirring up hatred against racial, religious or sexual minority groups.

Among those jailed should be people who post comments or share online hate speech because they have been reckless as to whether they stir up hatred, say the proposals from the Sentencing Council.

Those found guilty of hate trolling by commenting or sharing social media should typically receive a sentence of six months in jail.

Anyone who is convicted of orginating hate speech that threatens anyone’s life or which is widely distributed should expect three years.

Even someone whose words or material were judged as hateful, but were not considered to have threatened life or reached a big audience, is likely to be punished with a year in jail.

Years in jail for “hate” posts online! This is all utterly insane. The multicult experiment is so weak and fragile that it must fall back on authoritarian practices to keep it afloat. Like Soviet Communism, any criticism of the system is considered a threat to its existence, hence the communist need to corral dissidents into gulags to keep their words and speech away from other citizens who may accept their logic. Britain is doing the same today.

But these maniacs can’t control the internet. They’re beginning to put pressure on social media sites to censor nationalist content, and have partially succeeded in getting alt-right websites knocked off of networks. But the internet today is so fluid that it’ll be impossible for authorities to keep nationalists out of the public space.

White genocide is clearly the end-game for the Kalergite elite and their leftist SJW pawns. It’s becoming so clear that their goal is to wipe out the white race that the alt-right and nationalist movements have seen a huge boost in recruitment over the past few years, simply due to the obviousness of the left’s war on white culture. Hopefully more and more people come to our side as their communities come under attack by savage migrants from the third world and their leftist enablers.

6 thoughts on “UK Gulag: ‘Hate Posts’ Could Land You in Jail

    1. Bob, to me, your taking-an-hour-or-more-to-comment is subhuman. You really need to be commenting on other pages; especially pro-Arab pages. I sure as fuck don’t want to see you. If I don’t want to see you, but you keep coming here, what would you say I should do about that?

  1. Bob, before you tell us that, shouldn’t you be TELLING THAT to Samira Benomar, Nahida Izzat, Ken O’Keefe, Khanverse, and Trevor Labonte???

  2. Anyone ever bother commenting on old man Sigur’s page? I sure haven’t. I would BET you that he will block after being put under too much pressure.

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