Discussion With Ronny Cameron About Faith Goldy, Alt-Light & Jewish Question

I had an interesting discussion with Canadian patriot Ronny Cameron about Faith Goldy, the kosher alt-light, and the Jewish question.


113 thoughts on “Discussion With Ronny Cameron About Faith Goldy, Alt-Light & Jewish Question

  1. Ronny Cameron is an alt-lite Zio cuck. He is no different from Tommy Robinson. Here he refers to the Jewish Defence League as “proud patriots”.


    The JDL has been involved in terrorism against White nationalists in Canada and elsewhere. Yet you attack me for supporting Castro because SUPPOSEDLY someone who used to harass White nationalists had ties to his government, or something. It really is one standard for alt-lite scum and a totally different standard for Nazbols. The alt-lite vermin can suck more Jew cock than would seem to be humanly possible, but the moment a Nazbol says they would die for the Palestinians everyone loses their mind.

  2. Sounds interesting and listening now.

    One thing from what I’ve heard already is Ronny saying he believes the JQ is the ‘final part of the red-pilling’… that is largely incorrect.

    It personally only took me about 4 months, in the latter part of 09, to realize this all was a Jewish conspiracy. It wasn’t my first ‘red-pill’ as other things like 9/11 and central banking were, but the JQ is old and the info has been out on it a long time. Scott Roberts noticed back in like 06 and so did many others beforehand, like Bobby Fischer. (BTW, too bad Scott is still a moron white knight who can’t figure out that Jews are anti-male and that elite Jews are real-life Luciferians, lol). Of course this isn’t to say I was some kind of ‘know-it-all’ because I continued to learn many things since. It took me quite some time to compile all the Jews behind all the agendas and to figure out all the agendas, including figuring out why Jews do what they do.

    So figuring out that Jews were economically and culturally Marxist (anti-white, anti-male, anti-free speech, anti-gun, anti-Christianity, pro-abortion, pro-welfare and pro-transfer of the wealth, pro-homosexuality, pro-mass immigration, pro-degeneracy, pro-central banking, pro-Luciferianism, etc.) and what kind of propaganda and organizations they use/d to propagate their ideas all took me some time to fully realize. Another example I have was that I became aware of large numbers of Jews behind the homosexual agenda before I knew why they were pro-homosexual, and it took me longer to figure out why they were; I just automatically knew with all these Jews behind it that something was up.

    Being a Zionist in this day and age is extremely, extremely odd to me. I was raised as a Christian Zionist and am ex-military and still was able to figure out this was a Jewish conspiracy in about 4 months, so it was extra painful for me than the average person. There is just no excuse for anybody who considers themselves ‘right-wing’ to be pro-Jew. Just on the issues of being anti-white and anti-male, I’ve compiled loads of Jews for anybody who wants to see them. There are so many that a person has to really have been living in denial and/or just not researching it at all.

    1. True. The final red pill, and I am emphasizing the RED there, is realizing that Communism is actually based and that the Jews HATE it. It’s easy to be the kind of kosher “antisemite” who repeats “hurr durr durr communism is j0000000000ish” propaganda which is spread by dozens of “muh edgy” fucktards, but realizing that Marxism is actually the red sword of liberation with which the Aryan will defeat the Jew takes some critical thinking skills.

      1. Lmfao. Are you still talking to me, dude? Mr. “very-high IQ” who can’t even answer WTF his IQ is. Why is it so hard for you to answer somebody when they ask you what it is? Why won’t your punk ass play me in online chess? I know, I was exceptionally good at the game as a child because it’s “luck” n sheeeit; “no natural talent” and “anybody” can be a good chess player, right? Any black can be a chess master like it’s going “out-of-style” right?!

        Why is it so hard for you to answer other simple questions? Like why TF do you think indolent, entitled, low-IQ, high-crime people (like blacks as a group) deserve fucking welfare money from whites? Has welfare and affirmative action been working, sucka?

        1. Lmao, “the final red-pill”. My bad, dawg. I didn’t know you already swallowed all the red-pills and already “knew everything” n sheeeit. What an arrogant fucking tosser you are. I’ve personally never claimed to have swallowed “every red-pill” and that there could possibly be more for me to swallow, but I sure have swallowed a shit-load of them and did so in rapid-fire succession.

          Seriously, why aren’t you already over in Palestine dying for them already? Or at the very least, hanging out with your Nazbol, too-kool-fer-skool crew? I know these are “tough questions” n sheeeit.

          1. I don’t know what my IQ is because I’ve never taken a fucking IQ test. But I bet it’s pretty damn high.

            Funny how you always put words in my mouth and then accuse me of doing that. When did I ever say Whites should give welfare money to Blacks? You just made that up.

            I might not have swallowed every red pill, but realizing that White interests go hand in hand with Communism is a pretty important one that few people in the Anglosphere have swallowed.

            1. Well I bet you it ISN’T. Keep telling people it is though as if it’s “fact”, lol.

              Dumb ass, economic Marxism is about erasing class differences (with the exception of the proletariat whom Marxists deem should be in charge; makes “lots” of sense, right). The Marxist narrative obviously goes that if any group or any person is poorer than another group or person that “injustice be happening n sheeeit”.

              If I’m “wrong” that you’re not advocating for this wealth transfer of affluent and/or financially better off whites to poor blacks (to help the poor because it’s one of the top Marxist priorities), then tell me what you’ve done to fight this transfer of the wealth? What do you tell poor blacks who believe the white man be keeping them down, nobody should have any more wealth than anybody else, and that they’re entitled to various forms of welfare and affirmative action from da white demon? I’m all ears…. make it a good answer because I’m “confused” on whether or not I wanna sign up to be a front-line battler for Marx himself (maybe get a tattoo of Marx too, while I’m at it ya know)…

              1. National Bolsheviks support the dictatorship of the WHITE proletariat in WHITE nations and the Black proletariat in Black nations. Rich White cuckold scum should be expropriated and their wealth redistributed to poor and working c less Whites. Blacks are irrelevant here because Communists do not recognize the capitalist concept of a “multiracial society”.

                1. Well too bad blacks aren’t “irrelevant” in this equation, but a REALITY, and they can’t just be magically ignored or removed with a snap of the fingers.

                  So you’re saying that you’ve done virtually NOTHING to stop the transfer of wealth from whites to blacks. YES or NO?

                  And since you’re a fan of Mugabe and think he’s “based”, you SUPPORT the transfer of wealth from whites to blacks, don’t you.

                  And then you falsely accuse ME of “always putting words into your mouth”. You know when you make claims, you need to be able to back them up like a BIG BOY. This means, for instance, you need to name a time I HAVE,

                  What happens if you’re a surgeon, lawyer, artist, hedge fund manager, dentist, CEO, petroleum engineer, electrician, or plumber, for examples, and your income happens to be putting you in the top 3% of people, but not the top 1%? And what about the others who are in the top 20% to the top 2% of the population? What happens if you’re a manager who was only in the top 1% for one year of your life?

                  What happens if you’re a poker player and you move from a state where you were in the top 1% to another state where average incomes are higher and now you’re only in the top 10% of income earners? How about if you weren’t in the top 1%, but moved to a state where you are?

                  If you happened to be a white, male brain surgeon and were in the top 1%, why should your money get distributed to a white mother who has popped out 6 different kids from 6 different dads and has never had a full-time job and is in the bottom 90%? How about to a white female in the same financial situation but not a mother?

                  1. Speaking of the poor…

                    “Ahmed Shaibi
                    17 hours ago
                    He’s making our religion look bad. He should’ve said ok I’ll give you food for free. Our religion tells us to help the poor especially during Ramadan.”

                    ^If that were the case, wouldn’t we be seeing these oil-rich Arab countries sending large sums of cashola to these Muslim economic migrants and parasites sucking up lots of welfare at white tax payers’ expense, not only in Europe but all throughout the West during Ramadan?

                    And you didn’t answer why you haven’t left to Palestine yet to die for them. How do you expect me to get a tattoo of Marx if I can’t be inspired by your example first? You know you have to lead by example don’t you? If not, people will scoff at you.

                    1. I know this doesn’t register for you “1%’s are “evil”‘ morons, but the top 5% of poker pros at higher stakes are consistently in the top 1%. In the US, the top 1% equates to about 400k a year; ain’t that hard to do consistently if you’re really good and you put your time in, and some people make that look really easy while they’re at it. You clowns also don’t realize that people like me had to also pay our dues and have sacrificed a lot to get good, just like it is in so many other professions. At first there are lots of ups and downs and it’s hard. Lacking tenacity/ambition as many people do (like many of the poor low-stakes players) is not a trait the top 1% of consistently winning poker players have. You clowns suffer from lack of ambition and IQ and/or talent and think this is the fault of the others who don’t.

                      You also suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect and don’t even realize just how stupid you are; and you’re even often convinced of the exact opposite:

                      “Ever met someone who is so extremely dumb that they don’t know how stupid they actually are? Ever tried to explain a new concept to someone who clearly doesn’t get it? Well, you’re not alone. Researchers have come up with a theory that explains why the less we know about something, the more confident we are in our ability to master it. So there’s a term for Dumb and Dumber? Yes. And it is more common than you might think.”

                      You dumb asses don’t even know business owners, because if you did, you’d know it ain’t nearly as easy as you d-bags make it out to be.

                      And then you losers call people like me “scum” or “classist cunts”. Basically what I’m going to be doing is getting myself set up for impending war between us and getting ready to annihilate as many of you douche bags as possible. I spit on you pieces of straight up shit and will do much worse when the time finally comes. You also should be banned from this site because you waste people’s fucking time, but that’s just me.


                    2. You could easily be a millennial, too, with your terrible comprehension (which is also a likely indicator of poor discipline), terrible understanding of economics (you can’t know too many business owners, if you even ever have known any at all, and/or just don’t give a shit that it’s not nearly as easy as you dummies make it out to be), and your arrogant, entitled, dim-witted mentality (like a bitch).

                      Look at all the pussies who don’t like this vid. Go give it a thumb’s down while you’re at it and explain why you’re of the commie mind-set and you’ll fit right in with them:

                    3. Yes, I am a millennial and you are clearly a fucking boomer. Only boomer trash would hate Communism as much as you do. Support for (((capitalism))) and judeoxtian hatred of Palestinians are the core of Boomer ideology.

                    4. Jijcf, I know this is another “hard” concept to understand, but there are just some “slight” differences in our guesses and statements of fact. I said you could *easily* be a millennial (not as a statement of “fact” but as a decent or better than decent guess), and you came back saying I’m “clearly a fucking boomer”. Not even close: I’m in my later 30s. You shoot your mouth off like Trump or a bitch, not giving a single shit about whether you’re right or wrong, just making dumb as shit statements. It’s the serious trademark of a loser. Trump is lucky that he has help from the establishment (or else he wouldn’t be where he is) and that he at least has some charisma, ambition, and is probably good at a few certain things, because if it weren’t for these, he would be a fucking loser too.

                      Another thing you were dead-wrong about (if you haven’t noticed, you’re dead-wrong all the goddamned time) from before was when you claimed that higher tax brackets don’t pay what lower tax brackets do. Of course you didn’t bother to show me where you got that completely false idea when I told you to, by no surprise, but being the fool that you are, you don’t know that certain people in many higher tax brackets intentionally avoid working longer hours because if they get placed in the next higher bracket, they have to pay a higher rate in taxes than they already are. And yes, I personally KNOW people like this that you apparently do the fuck not but wanna run your big mouth as if you just “know” or some shit. People dodging taxes and getting away with it happens much more frequently at the top .001% and above than at the top 1% level: the 1% are paying very high rates in taxes that all lower-levelers are not, and it gets higher and higher up to 1%, not “lower and lower”.

                      You don’t even try to answer my questions and just ignore them like a fucking pussy, too. They just don’t even register. Way to “argue” and back-up your points, fuck up.

                      I “hate” Palestinians you say. Well, I sure don’t have any more love for them than they do for me as a white, male, Christian-leaning individual in the West (which isn’t much love at all, if you haven’t noticed; more like dislike). And Palestinians are *anti-white* and think people like me “owe them” and that they’re “morally, culturally, and religiously, superior”. Quite a few probably think they’re physically superior, too. How many Bechir Rabanis are out there?
                      Not fukin many, but you seem to think there are. Aside from individual cases of Palestinians I really like (obviously there are just going to be great Palestinians as people, even if they’re Muslims, just like there would be in any other group), I see them just like they see me at the moment. There are becoming more and more ex-Muslims among Palestinians though, which is good, and there will be some small growth of those taking the time to figure out what’s happening to whites. Generally, though, they want to talk about how whites be “oppressing” blacks and ignoring black-on-white crime, and it makes me want to ignore Jewish-on-Palestinian crime and want to talk about Palestinian-on-Jewish crime. They want to support Arab and Muslim immigration in the West and this makes me want to support Jewish colonization of Palestine. I don’t have problems raising awareness for Jewish crimes in Palestine to show Jews have this problem everywhere they fukin go, but beyond that, I don’t care in the vast majority of cases either because you can show these Palestinians the same or similar racial attacks and murders happening to whites and they’ll turn a blind eye to it, or even try to attack you for it. So why the fuck would I? You’re not going to have any good answers for me either and you need to mosey on over into Palestinian territory already where you’ll be right at home fighting for them and hopefully dying.

                  2. Nazbols believe that White nations should be all-White. That Blacks are present in a multiracial capitalist nightmare is irrelevant. Mugabe is a leader of a Black nation and like God Emperor Idi Amin before him, he has every right to expel non-Blacks from his African nation. Mugabe is a strong supporter of Hitler and has endorsed the right of White nations to keep themselves White.

                    Most rich Whites are utter cucks, many of them are active participants in White genocide who bring in non-White trash as cheap labor. And no White person should be allowed to get rich at the expense of poor Whites.

                    Nothing wrong with the White mother of six kids by six different dads, provided that all of the dads are White. If one of the dads is Black she can go live in Africa then.

        1. What the fuck is inherently anti-White about Communism? NOTHING! NO Communist nation ever had mass immigration, which is typical of capitalist nations. In fact, in East Germany the idea that all Germans were evil Nazis (which was promoted by the psycho “reeducation” in capitalist West Germany) was rejected. Only the German bourgeoisie were responsible for fascism and the proletariat were innocent. The idea of “Whites” being collectively evil and responsible for fascism and colonialism is an idea that was never promoted in Communist nations, only in liberal capitalist societies.

          What Communism is is inherently anti-Jewish. Most Jews are the worst members of the capitalist class and supporters of Zionist and Imperialist terror. They would DIE under Communism and rightly so.

          1. So would you agree that America was a heavily communist nation all the way up until about 1965 when it started turning heavily capitalist?

            And America’s high GDP per capita in 1966 was largely due to the exploitation of it’s “minority” population, and the 88% of whites were pretty much just sitting on their asses reaping the benefits from the other 12% non-white population, right?

            1. The US has never been close to a Communist nation, but has been more psychotically capitalist since the 1980s with “trickle down economics”, tax cuts for the rich and privatization. This has coincided with the mass immigration that capitalist pigs have brought into the US in their war on the White working class.

              What Jews HATE more than anything else is a Confederate Southern White Nationalist movement that is also Communist and Marxist-Leninist. Confederate opponents of Yankee imperialists and Marxist Venezuelan opponents of Yankee imperialism should be natural allies against the Jews.

          2. NO Communist nation ever had mass immigration

            That’s where you’re wrong. There was a constant flow of immigrants after WWII (beginning in 1950’s) into Soviet colonies. It reached massive scale in 70’s and 80’s. they was mostly russian and slavic populations with very small minorities of non-whites (from Caucasus region and central Asia). Immigrants were predominantly white. You would probably call it ”benign white migration”, but the nations before communist takeover and the regions were white as well. Even more so, because communists reduced white populations by killings and deportations. The consequences are still there. Russian immigrants for the most part haven’t integrated and assimilated even less They live in seperate information space and neighbourhoods. Society can be easily divided, identity politics is present (russian speakers – mostly russians, ukrainians, belorussians and jews vote one way while natives are squabbling and are divided) and there is some awkwardenss and tension in the air, especially during specific dates (9th of may etc.)

            The idea that communist nations were white because of communism is silly. You could say that about all previous occupying forces and empires controlling eastern european regions. They all happened to be white (with expection of mongolians and jewish bolsheviks) – that was just unintended consequence of geography and political situation.

    2. @Dana

      Right, it really comes down to whenever you encounter the JQ information and digest it, which could be a very quick process like it was for you and I. One simply has to be open minded and it’s a piece of cake. People like Goldy have purposefully avoided the question because they were in the pay of Jews (Ezra Levant). So why should we give her so much lee-way in terms of a learning curve when she deliberately turned her back on this truthful information about the JQ and sought extended employment as a mouthpiece of Jewish propaganda? It’s not that she’s just slow or hasn’t seen the info, she HAS seen it. She just rejected it and did the bidding of the Jews anyway. That’s terribly unprincipled at best, treasonous at worst. Basically she’s an opportunistic female who knew that Jews could pay her a decent wage to shill for them whereas the “anti-Semites” had no monetary compensation to give her for telling the truth. Typical female behaviour IMO!

      1. Yeah, Ronny has a much more optimistic view of Faith than you (and now I) do. I didn’t know you had already tweeted information to her about the JQ and that she wound up blocking you. Her coming to terms with it and exposing it seems to be about as likely to me as Jared Taylor or Colin Flaherty or Jordan Peterson doing so: very little chance of it.

        Besides so many paid shills out there, and so many people with a lack of guts, a lot of people are also just lazy goddamned researchers. There are a shiiit ton of things to know, and for people like Ken O’Keefe who openly admit they don’t spend a lot of time watching videos and things means that they don’t have any idea of WTF is going on concerning so many different issues and are obviously even fighting the wrong fights. You really have to spend a lot of time not only reading and fact-checking, but just plain watching vids/documentaries. If a person doesn’t, they’re missing out on loads of gems of information. I know people who say they can’t even watch a 30-minute documentary because they don’t have the patience and attention span; that is just pathetic and these people will always be inferior and ruled over in this world.

  3. Red-pill swallowing is kind of a painful process, and it can be extremely painful for many people as it was me.

    This dude David Goggins is a very special cat and I’m sharing this vid because it’s highly inspirational and it could help those who find red-pill swallowing to be very (or too) painful. David is a retired Navy SEAL and was in the same BUD/S class (235) as another buddy of mine named Kakoa Lee. He didn’t mention what class he was in, but I knew when he said that his OIC (officer-in-charge) died during hell week that it was class 235.

    David is all about the pain and pushing the ultimate physical and mental limits, as is the SEAL mentality. He’s got a couple Guinness Book of World Records for most pull-ups in a 24-hour period and running 205 miles in 39 hours; really stellar shit. He’s also only the 36th black dude ever to have become a Navy SEAL.

    I have to add that the reason there are so few black Navy SEALs, and just in special forces in general, is for a few other obvious reasons David didn’t mention. One is that you have to score at least a 50 on the ASVAB to qualify. That isn’t a high score, but it’s definitely going to disqualify more blacks than anyone else. There are also dive physics involved and some people can’t pass the academic part of BUD/S. Another reason is that blacks are poorly disciplined as a group. Another reason is that they’re highly entitled and aren’t of the mentality that they should work hard for things, but that things should be given to them. Truth be told, special forces are over-represented by ‘evil’, ‘lazy’ white males, and that includes the Navy SEALs. Besides that and the fact he never mentions what it’s like being white in a black neighborhood/ghetto, this is a great interview:

  4. Goldy is pushing a demonstration against immigration, but a “respectable” one – that means inoffensive, cute girls holding signs with cute slogans, begging Trudeau for sympathy. Fools gonna get doxxed and put on blacklists – the right never gets tired of shooting itself in the foot.
    Power only respects power.

  5. On the topic of Trump, I am just not impressed with him and don’t give him nearly the credit for certain things that others do. I mean, my red-pill awakening on the race issue was well ahead of Trump ever getting any media exposure for the presidency. Mine came from many cases in the MSM like Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman and from seeing a bunch of punk ass, racist non-whites in the MRM and of course from being added to a bunch of black groups by black anti-feminist friends and seeing what these fools are really like amongst themselves. I know other whites (including non-whites) in the MRM were noticing the same things and were starting to get really pissed like I was. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it and I thought he was soft when I first started hearing him talk about it. He might be credited for saying some outlandish shit that draws attention, but he sure as hell isn’t consistent in what the hell he says. He shoots his mouth off a lot of times like he has no fucking idea what he’s talking about, but wants to talk anyway, and this draws in people who are just like Trump. He’s such a civnat and so cucked-out. There is just no way he’s not a Luciferian agent.

    On immigration, he has said things like he’ll deport many of the 11 million or so illegals, but that hasn’t been fukin happening. Actually not much has changed with immigration since Trump has been in and here are a couple articles on it with excerpts:

    “Illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border, after declining in early 2017, began an unexpected upturn last spring that only recently receded, according to new government figures.

    The figures reflect the up-and-down nature of illegal immigration and are reminders that multiple factors — from politics to weather to conditions in home countries — influence who tries to come to the United States and when.

    Apprehensions on the southern border in October 2016, a month before Donald Trump’s election, topped 66,000. After Trump’s victory, the number of migrants trying to enter the U.S. illegally reached a 17-year low.

    Monthly apprehensions continued to drop into 2017, hitting 15,766 in April, when the downward trend reversed. Apprehensions rose each month to 40,513 in December. Migrant advocates said the “Trump effect” discouraging illegal immigration might be wearing off.”


  6. “Deportations of undocumented immigrants have slowed down in the three months since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, despite his promise to increase the number of these. According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency data, 54,564 immigrants have been deported from the US since Trump became President on 20 January. This is a fall of 12 percent from the same period in 2016, under President Barack Obama.”

    “Trump has vowed to expel many of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, despite many having jobs, homes, and families, and having been settled in the country for decades. Trump’s administration insists its focus is on criminal immigrants.”


  7. “Faith Goldy”… “Faith Goldy”… “Faith Goldy”… “Faith Goldy”… “Alpha male figures… blah blah… The youth look up to a strong male like Jordan Peterson”…. “Faith Goldy”… “Faith Goldy”… “Give her time” “Faith Goldy”… “Give her time”…. “Faith Goldy”…


    Thank God that Brandon was the other part of the conversation….

    These women belong in the kitchen or in some fuckin church picnic to do their lame bullshit there. It is a waste of seconds to even debate their ability for leadership. They are fake. They look fake. They speak suspiciously (weird pauses, strange -tone of voice- changes etc), it’s just they are faking at the moment they are speaking. Faith Goldy is attractive to men because we/they want to fuck her. (That specific bitch, fuck in a wild way, that’s what they fantasize i guess, she looks bossy, I bet they wanna spank her). However I am not even sure she deserves EVEN THAT because if you look her without make up she looks like an average looking bitch with fake lips, sometimes even bordering the Transvestite look.

    Get the Tara McFakers to the bitchgrinder, dump em in a kitchen where they can do their Lana Lokteff cooking shit, that’s where they belong.


    Booooo moron. Boooooooo. Dump em in the kitchen where they belong asshole. Men like this Golden One professional poseur are the reason for the decades long uprising of the pussies.

    1. These women belong in the kitchen or in some fuckin church picnic to do their lame bullshit there. It is a waste of seconds to even debate their ability for leadership. They are fake. They look fake.

      I agree. But I think it was necessary to get my views on the broad out there to these half-way-there alt-righters so they don’t fall for her bullshit. Anointing her the “queen of the Canadian alt-right” was very beta and cringy. These broads have over-inflated egos as it is, we don’t need to add fuel to the gynocentric fire. She essentially got paid by a Jew to be a mouthpiece for Israel and Jewish supremacy, and now people are worshipping her based on a slight move towards ethnonationalism that still has Jews in power and running it. I see her as little more than Zionist Jewry’s advocate within the alt-right, steering discourse away from the JQ.

      1. “These broads have over-inflated egos as it is, we don’t need to add fuel to the gynocentric fire. She essentially got paid by a Jew to be a mouthpiece for Israel and Jewish supremacy, and now people are worshipping her based on a slight move towards ethnonationalism that still has Jews in power and running it. ”

        Precisely. Wow what a move, ethnonationalism. It’s a healthy concept but its so simplistic that people should be able to understand it like in their 20’s. You don’t need to be the wise man to get it. Are we supposed to believe that this is some amazing moment of clarity that happened in her head and made this amazingly fantastic massive move towards… … … …slight ethnonationalism lol… ahhahahahahaah These people (Gavin McDickness, Milo, Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, $tefan Molyneuxxx) are just raving lunatic liberals who just add some puny pathetic little dose of rationalism to their bullshit, and we are supposed to go WOW. They could make their “slight moves” towards leftism if they wanted tomorrow. They are thinking of themselves as companies, not as human beings. They just “invest” and they get the return, which is follower$$.

        1. Dana Hart earlier quoted a gem of sad reality

          “Ever tried to explain a new concept to someone who clearly doesn’t get it? . . . Ever met someone who is so extremely dumb that they don’t know how stupid they actually are?”

          Their attitude and laziness is the main stupid thing about them (and in some cases low intelligence, but not always).
          They think they know better and/or are too lazy to do some serious research.
          They resist the new information – in the short term it is easier for them.
          In the long term – they never get around to doing the research.

          1. A lot of the time they simply don’t believe what you are telling them. No amount of words from you will convince them.
            They need to go away and hear it from someone that they do believe.

              1. Well that clearly didn’t work.
                Brandon could you provide a list of commenting tags and how to use them please?
                One I would like to use is the image tag

                Also the quote tag.

                1. trying blockquote instead of quote

                  I must start using the blockquote tags

                  This is a blockquote highlighted to make it stand out

                  1. Quotes sorted, amazing what 2 minutes research can fix.

                    Are images allowed in comments or has that been disabled?

  8. According to Weininger the jew is a woman ( in trait). Woman manipulates through sex, the jew through money. Eg. Woman says I’ll blow you if you do this or that. The jew says I’ll pay you if you do this or that. Very basic, but I think true.

    1. Best answer to both the woman and the jew: “I detect you are using me, take off to find some other boneheaded moron to suck or suck the life out of”

    1. Her “real” name is Faith Julia Goldy-Bazos and she is “born in Toronto, Ontario, to a family of partial Ukrainian and Greek origin.”

      I can assure you that the “Bazos” part is probably greek (I know people called Bezos with an ‘e’). But whhaaaaaaattttt’s with that “Goldy”??????? Doesn’t sound Ukraininan to me!!!

      “Goldy later graduated in politics and history from Trinity College at the University of Toronto, minoring in philosophy and physics.”

      Bahahahahahahahahhuhuhuhuhu. So Politics (bullshit), history (bullshit because of propaganda), philosophy (mostly bullshit) and “””””””physics”””””””. And there you have this 30sometingish bitch which takes this “serious” tone of voice and thinks she is a person of worth. That what she says and does is worthy of some kind of “repect”. Get back to the kitchen, bitch.

      1. If she is a chosen person, she looks RELATIVELY good for a chosen woman. That’s why it could be that her people promoted her, because a lot of chosenite women look soooo disgustingly curly-haired and boringly brunette that it would be difficult for the North American goyim to want to fuck her. But they do want to fuck Goldy, she looks more like an average North American white bitch. That’s why men defend and or support her, they identify her as a white woman and want to FUCK HER.

        1. Her mannerisms, especially her overactive mouth movements, are so cringy. She’s very tom-boyish in her speech style and mannerisms. I wouldn’t want to touch that to be honest, lol. The bottom line is that she was a paid shill for Jewish interests. I don’t think we can simply “forgive” that and promote her into a leadership position in the alt-right. That’s crazy.

          1. Some people feel compelled to talk with their hands and arms and cannot keep them still. It is totally unnecessary and distracting and characteristic of certain races.
            She looks borderline neurotic / nervous, fast talking and hyped up to me.
            I have only watched random youtube clips of her to check on her style, presentation and mannerisms.
            And from that, I would not choose to watch or listen to her.
            I am no expert on body language, but my intuition says “acting, controlled, don’t trust”

            1. Nervousness can be caused by inexperience or by a conflict of interests lurking somewhere (saying things that she does not really agree with, or subconsiously thinking about money factors).
              Giving her the “benefit of the doubt” would be risky IMHO.
              Also we would prefer a non-female steering the discourse.

              1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5MjlBkHOAg

                Notice how the MAN constructs his arguments, builds up a beautiful structure of logic that the listener appreciates. And notice that vague, empty bitch. Throw some meaningless comment here and there yoohoo!!

                I don’t know the dude. I just made this observation.

                Wake up european people, throw the bitches back in the house!

            2. “I am no expert on body language, but my intuition says “acting, controlled, don’t trust””

              That’s good practicing of “zen” “alertness” there Dorset, good comment. Nice observation/reaction. She looks like she is “making it up as she goes along” but also giving a very very STRONG “i have prepared what to say” vibe…. Maybe even to the point of “others wrote my script” some (but not many, because she is a relatively good ACTOR) times.

          2. She’s an actress, exploiting her physical charms to the max. Somebody told her she’s beautiful, it seems. She’s going full-speed now though – fools might end up in jail because of her. That bimbo Jayda Fransen in Britain (zionist fanatic, similar to Robinson) is her equivalent with heavy accent.

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mduUbJTdXag

    Keep it true, you bossy bitch with fake lips. YOU…. Y.O.U. Y O U are feminizing the west. Not Soy not Goy not nothing. YOU, WOMEN ARE FEMINIZING THE WEST. And now that muslim dick is growing pretty large, you wanna go back runnin scared to us. But guess what? Fuck you. I propose you should be all sold to fuckin Iranian shepherds. Especially this Lindsay Shepherd. It would be good for a moustache shepherd out there in the mountains of Iran because she looks like one of the 72 virgins he would want to fuck in his harem.

    Deport these females from Canada / US / Europe to IRAN.

  10. “The bottom line is that she was a paid shill for Jewish interests. I don’t think we can simply “forgive” that and promote her into a leadership position in the alt-right. That’s crazy.”

  11. Only thing I admit to these people is that their videos are just more interesting or funny to watch compared to my daily dosage of Nuke conspiracism etc. So in some respects they do promote white identity but if you are already red pilled. Hey Faith, sorry baby!! Been’ drinkin’ too much coffee. Get back in the house! I should’ve been more friendly! LOL HHAhAHAHaHahahahh

  12. I “hate” Palestinians you say. Well, I sure don’t have any more love for them than they do for me as a white, male, Christian-leaning individual in the West (which isn’t much love at all, if you haven’t noticed; more like dislike). And Palestinians are *anti-white* and think people like me “owe them” and that they’re “morally, culturally, and religiously, superior”. Quite a few probably think they’re physically superior, too. How many Bechir Rabanis are out there? Not fukin many, but you seem to think there are. Aside from individual cases of Palestinians I really like (obviously there are just going to be great Palestinians as people, even if they’re Muslims, just like there would be in any other group), I see them just like they see me at the moment. There are becoming more and more ex-Muslims among Palestinians though, which is good, and there will be some small growth of those taking the time to figure out what’s happening to whites. Generally, though, they want to talk about how whites be “oppressing” blacks and ignoring black-on-white crime, and it makes me want to ignore Jewish-on-Palestinian crime and want to talk about Palestinian-on-Jewish crime. They want to support Arab and Muslim immigration in the West and this makes me want to support Jewish colonization of Palestine. I don’t have problems raising awareness for Jewish crimes in Palestine to show Jews have this problem everywhere they fukin go, but beyond that, I don’t care in the vast majority of cases either because you can show these Palestinians the same or similar racial attacks and murders happening to whites and they’ll turn a blind eye to it, or even try to attack you for it. So why the fuck would I? You’re not going to have any good answers for me either and you need to mosey on over into Palestinian territory already where you’ll be right at home fighting for them and hopefully dying.

    I don’t have some kind of sheer dislike for the boomer generation or blame them nearly as much as people like Molyneux do. Molyneux likes to seriously ignore and cover-up Jewish crime and influence. Like it’s da “boomers” in all these positions of power, when it’s really Jews in so many positions of power who also try to place other ‘minorities’ in positions of power, too. But succeeding generations have become more and more brainwashed and Marxist. The Marxist revolution in America gained major steam starting in the 60s. My generation is more brainwashed than the boomers and millennials are more brainwashed than me. It’s not like there is some “magical dividing-line” between the generations though, the brainwashing has happened quite linearly and has gotten worse and worse. You know, many people saw Elvis shaking his hips or some of the things Marilyn Manson did as outrageous. These days that shit is like child’s play to what these people like Marilyn Manson, Kesha, and Miley Cyrus do. Obvious decay of morals and increase in degeneracy over time.

    1. America is going through a Marxist revolution? I haven’t noticed that. Where is the egalitarian distribution of wealth? Where is the workers control over production? Where is the military aid to the Palestinian resistance? Where are the Jews quaking in terror before the thunder of Communism? Where are people being allowed to have racial self-determination and not race mixed into a capitalist nightmare? Why is neoliberalism and Zionism more powerful than ever if America is going Marxist? If this is a Marxist revolution, I don’t want to ever see what a capitalist counterrevolution looks like.

      Oh yeah, and the reason why Palestinians generally do not align with WNs is because WNism is full of people like you who are crypto-Zionists or overt Zionists like Faith Goldy. Goldy is no civnat, she is an “ethno-nationalist” who also openly loves Israel and hates Palestine. If WNism dropped the anti-Communist, pro colonialist and pro-Zionist shit and declared clear solidarity with Palestine it would be very different. Also, Palestinians supported the USSR which was a de facto White nationalist state.

      1. It’s going through a cultural Marxist revolution. The left has largely dropped the obsession with economic Marxism and class warfare. Now their shtick is all-out warfare against whiteness and white males in particular. Every marxist, socialist and communist in America (and the West generally) is an anti-white douchebag aligned with Antifa, SJWs, feminists and minority race hustlers. Why is it that you’re among literally a handful supposedly “pro-white” communists in the entire world? I could count pro-white communists on one hand.

      2. If you’re a socialist and pro-white I don’t see why you’d not just take up Hitler’s National Socialism instead of the Jewish ideology of Bolshevism which you’re trying to edit and morph to fit your other beliefs.

        But ultimately I think you’re a commie subversive trying to suck us into non-white squabbles like Palestine. Palestinians are occupying our lands thanks to their Jewish friends who opened the gates. Why should we give a damn about their struggle? I’ll continue to point out the evil nature of the Israeli lobby and Israeli deceptions to drag us into their squabbles, but spending any amount of time shilling for Palestine is off the table.

        1. There are many pro-White Communists in Eastern Europe. I have been interested in NS and especially it’s more Strasserite form and I think there should be some kind of reconciliation between National Socialism and Marxism-Leninism. At the very least National Socialists should have recognized that the USSR was the lesser evil in the Cold War. I think without Operation Barbarossa things would have turned out much better, the Jews feared the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact absolutely.

          1. That pact was one of Hitler’s big mistakes and showed the red-commie side of National Socialism. Hitler should have allied with racialist white America and Britain against the subhuman Soviets. Ultimately Jewish influence forced America and Britain into a sick alliance with Stalin.

              1. Yes Fox.
                Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Rae West discussions are always worth a listen. They say what they want (their research findings) it seems without self-censoring.
                So that is always very interesting.
                Nice to see that free speech is still possible.

          2. There are many pro-White Communists in Eastern Europe.

            No, there aren’t. And even if such people exist, they are very, very few. Eastern european populations by large are unconscious of race, because we are 95-99% white. Race doesn’t matter here – ethnicity does. It will change if more non-whites will immigrate here. The only people who have extensive knowledge of race or talk about it are nationalists.
            Where i agree with you is that there are many communists in Eastern Europe. They can be divided in two groups:

            – Old guard communists (pro-Russia)
            – New “progressive” communists (skeptical of Russia)

            They sometimes adjust their labels and appearences, but they both have marxist roots. Old guard communists are those who lived through USSR and after its collapse privatized state properties, switched positions in government and created new type of power structure. Some are called communists by their past affiliations, some because of their ideology today. Just like in the past – capitalism for me, socialism for thee. These types don’t care about race at all. They might have some preconcieved notion of ”evil white imperialist” at best. They wouldn’t mind flooding this region with immigrants, but they would prefer to import them from former Soviet states (that includes also non-whites).

            The new communists are basically SJWs. They support most ”progressive” agendas. More idealistic than old guard, but louder and with much less power. The Old guard distances itself from socially ”progressive” politics and would never (!) endorse homosexuals unlike the new communists. In a way they are conservatives. They don’t work together, but they share common view of social underclass, welfare spending and other typical socialist policies. They tend to have ironic, skeptical view of race (meaning whiteness). New communists would prefer current streams of migrants from africa and middle east.

            Eastern european socialists and communists adore Russia unlike what most alt-media would tell you. Kremlin uses local leftist parties as their ambassadors and lobying force in the region while supports right wing factions in The West.

            The new school communists and leftists dislike or even strongly oppose Russia because of its lack of social liberalism domestically and also because they have bought the ”nationalistic – conservative Russia” meme.

      3. Where is the egalitarian distribution of wealth, you ask? For one thing, there can never be a totally egalitarian distribution of wealth without holding a gun to every person’s head and it will never happen entirely because somebody is always going to have more power than somebody else. But as I’ve already said many times, people have different levels of wealth for many reasons; some being because of ambition, IQ, social skills, talent, and culture. There are many mechanisms working to take from white males and to give to non-whites and women, though, if you’ve been paying any attention. Some are:

        Welfare. Money is taken from white male tax payers and given to virtually all minorities. This especially includes blacks, women, Jews, and illegals. The “war on poverty” has costed 22 trillion and has largely been taken from white males and given to all ‘minority’ groups. Welfare is a bit semantic though because different people may consider different things welfare. Like EBT cards, food stamps, section-8 housing, and HUD (blacks use all these like crazy) may not all be considered welfare by some people. Also, who has to pay for blacks rioting or the high black prison population? Another one would be public schooling; whites have to pay more than their fare share when whites and blacks share schools. Or how about all-black government grants (which there are many), How about anchor babies and so many other kinds of ways citizens have to pay for illegals? Huge hospitalization bills near the border from illegals and many hospitals have already been shut down. Free food, free housing, free healthcare, and free schooling for so many illegals. How about government loans to non-white immigrants that are interest free? How about numerous multi-million dollar lawsuits and pay outs over “racism” that have been aimed at companies like Denny’s due to perceived racism from whites? The NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus and others have been great at implementing and pursuing these lawsuits. These lawsuits can and do come from all other ‘minority groups’ too; just like hate-crime hoaxes. How about all these subsidized women’s shelters when there are almost none for men? Sure, some blacks are good tax payers, but whites have had to give enormous sums to blacks and continue to do so.

        Affirmative Action. This means diversity is top-priority and that jobs need to all be equally represented by all races, genders, and sexual orientations. So obviously what happens is that more qualified white males are turned away in order to fill these jobs with lesser qualified people to fulfill these quotas. If these quotas are not met, lawsuits, firings, and backlash are always around the corner. This is not to say that affirmative action doesn’t hurt Asians in applying for colleges because they have to score higher than other minorities (especially higher than blacks) to be accepted. One caveat I know of to that though is that my buddy from BUD/S,
        who was half-Filipino and half-white, and I both applied for the same college grants. I would have never thought of it and got the idea off of him. Well, he got grants right away and I finally quit trying to apply for them on my third or fourth try.

        Then of course, and as I recently already mentioned, people from higher tax brackets have to pay higher taxes, especially the top 1%, than those of lower tax brackets.

        These are just off the top of my head ATM, and there are others.

        1. I didn’t mention that my buddy only got a 52 on his ASVAB and wasn’t great academically, so it’s not as though he scored higher on his college-entrance exam than I did. I scored better than he did, but he still got the grants right away. I know of no other reason he could have, except that he would have put down Asian or possibly Filipino (if they had that category) as his race. If I could go back in time for that moment, I’d say fuggit and would’ve put down Native American (because I’m 1/16th and can tan very well and look a bit Amerindian) and gay as well for my orientation if they had it, but I wasn’t paying attention and don’t know if they did, lol.

          1. Another obvious one is the divorce industry in the US. I don’t know what it is in other countries, but in the US, it’s a 50-billion-dollar-a-year industry. What’s happening? The vast majority of this money is being stolen off of men and given to lawyers, judges, and last but not least, women. Women also own more wealth in the US than men, and they sure didn’t work for it as a collective like men have.

            But, you’re way out of your league if you don’t think massive financial egalitarian measures are being taken here.

            1. You ask, “Where is the workers control of production?”

              I put up the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto earlier and you didn’t read or conceptualize it. You know Marxism/communism is all about the empowerment of the proletariat and the state over the bourgeois. This also means the increased size and power of the government (which has been happening in the US for a long time). The bourgeois is not the state, but the proletariat “oppressed minority groups” are being propped-up, protected, and promoted by the state, as if they’re an extension of the state.

              “7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
              Americans call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture… Thus read “controlled or subsidized” rather than “owned”… This is easily seen in these as well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.”


  13. You ask, “Where is the military aid to the Palestinian resistance?”

    A common misconception people have is that Jews are “not” a proletarian group. They sure are identified as an “oppressed minority group” according to the Marxist narrative. Just because many cuckservatives are pro-Jew doesn’t mean they aren’t obviously part of the proletariat.

    That’s also kind of like asking where is the military aid to the black resistance in Compton, California (given that it’s now majority Hispanic and that they’ve been pushing the black out of it for decades). They’re both “oppressed minority groups” who deserve special treatment and sing kumbaya together, according to the Marxist narrative, and so we’re not supposed to know that they have a real racial antipathy for each other.

    BTW, large sums in US foreign-aid have also been given to Africa and this is a significant reason for the population explosion there.

    You said, “Oh yeah, and the reason why Palestinians generally do not align with WNs is because WNism is full of people like you who are crypto-Zionists or overt Zionists like Faith Goldy.”

    Are you even reading the things I’m saying, dude? I told you twice before that I don’t consider myself a white nationalist because I’m not one according to the dictionary definition of it. You are the one calling me one.

    And no, the reason why Palestinians don’t align with pro-whites is because they’re anti-white. Why don’t you go to the Palestinians and start talking about racial IQ differences; colonialism, slavery, and racism in the Islamic world; mass Muslim immigration; or for instance, black-on-white crime? As a group, they’re going to turn a blind-eye to it all and/or even attack you for it.

    And even if there were many pro-white communists in Eastern Europe (which is obviously not true per capita), the obvious question is why weren’t/aren’t they everywhere else too? The answer is they obviously aren’t pro-white but anti-white.

    1. I love how you take every word I say and use it as an excuse for massive spam.

      If Palestinians are inherently anti-White than why did the Grand Mufti support Hitler? And racial IQ differences are interesting but really irrelevant to why I am a White separatist. Yeah the average IQ of Whites is about 100 and the average IQ of Blacks is 67 and East Asians have an average IQ about 105. The Jews have the highest IQs of all and they are my only real enemy. The reason I am WN is because Whites are my people and I have a duty to love and preserve them, not because they are more intelligent or commit less crime than Negroes. If I were Black I would be a Black nationalist.

      The reason there are pro-White Communists in Eastern Europe is because they are not infected with the Trotskyite/Left-Liberal virus around there. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is known for its “red-brown” alliances with Russian Nationalists and its anti-immigration policies.

      Oh yeah and the proletariat does NOT mean “non-Whites and non-males”. It is an ECONOMIC categorization and one that that CERTAINLY does not include Jews. The proletariat, of any race, has zero power in the US today, but the White proletariat is the most oppressed of all. That’s why I fight for them, they belong to both an oppressed race and an oppressed class.

      There is a division of the world into proletarian and bourgeois nations but that’s actually a Fascist concept, not a Marxist one. Israel is not a proletarian nation certainly.

      1. I’ve told you before that what you call “spam” is simply WTF you don’t want to see or hear. Your mind instantly shuts off, and you then go on to use your non-existent “psychic abilities” to jump to shoddy conclusions or maintain your own pre-existing beliefs at all costs. Terrible trait to have for politics, including for finance.

        I’ve said many times somewhat recently on other articles here that just because someone is pro-Hitler doesn’t mean they’re “pro-white” by a long-shot; in fact, so many are openly anti-white. Ken O’Keefe and Trevor Labonte are good examples of this. Large numbers of Muslims are also good examples of this. How many die-hard Hitlerians are white knights? It has to be the vast, or vast, vast majority. Being pro-Hitler doesn’t mean shit other than, say, the person likely knows about Jewish banking schemes and that the official story of the ‘Holocaust’ is total bunk, but this takes no “genius” whatsoever to figure out either and is old news. I seriously have NOT learned a SINGLE thing off of Hitler. He was a very talented public speaker, but beyond that, I have learned not a gotdamned thing. So many issues white males are faced with today, Hitler apparently never talked about. And his acolytes love to think that if Hitler didn’t talk about it then it must not be a problem or relevant… terrible thinking.

        IQ differences between races are highly relevant when it comes to explaining wealth and crime differences between them. Ryan Faulk also covered how races also differ on *specific parts* of IQ tests than others. There are areas of IQ tests where blacks score higher than whites, and obviously vice versa, even though whites have significantly higher IQs than blacks. Same goes with whites and NE Asians. It’s also known that white males are unique in the sense that their bell curves are significantly wider than both women and what seems to be all other races. Libertarian Realist also covers some of this on his video ‘Why are white males high achievers.’
        Of course he doesn’t mean the average white male is, but that whites have a higher number who are per capita than other races. So white males are more likely to deviate from their mean and create both more retards and more geniuses. And at least you can be a smart white and live among other whites while they may not be the brightest, but are still low-crime.

        Also, when you mention racial IQ numbers, don’t forget that the average IQ in sub-Saharan Africa is about 70, but in America, it’s about 85. One reason is that blacks Americans have about 25% white DNA, and that in Africa, they’re so poor that environment makes a bigger difference. Large numbers of people over there don’t have access to the most menial of things.

        When it comes to whatever side in a battle you choose, it’s really easy to see who’s being systematically demonized and disenfranchised with all the information out there on it. One side always will be, and the other side is intentionally being propped up and angelized. So if I were a black person, I’d be pro-white because the injustice is happening to whites, not blacks. Nothing wrong with a black person feeling at home with certain other blacks who he has more in common with, but they should obviously be pro-white if they had any morals and/or intelligence. It’s like if I were a female, I’d be pro-male for the same reasons.

        Dude, the same core principles of economic (classical) Marxism were simply applied to race and gender and is also where the idea that race and gender are simply “social constructs” (when Marxists say they are, but not when they say they aren’t, lol) comes from, as well as cultural relativism. Both economic and classical Marxism exist heavily in the West today and are extremely corrosive forces. And yes, all “minority groups”, whether blacks, gays, women, or Jews are the “oppressed” proletariat in cultural Marxism. There is vid after vid and article after article on it you can find. I’ve also said before that pro-whites can easily be in predicaments they themselves didn’t create and that it’s not their faults. But I also said, it easily can be their fault due to their own mentality, (they might be seriously entitled, lazy, dumb, etc) and that the hardest working whites in society (including many of those in high income brackets) are getting shit on and having their money stolen to pay for many other whites who it shouldn’t (like white mothers who’ve been around the block). Just an example of somebody I personally know is that he makes only 20k a month and doesn’t work full-time because if he did, he’d be put up into the next higher tax bracket and would be working for free. People in higher tax brackets certainly do pay out higher percentages of their income than lower tax brackets, with the exception that there is a major difference between what the top 1% pays out and what the top .001% pays out; the latter being very likely to also being in cahoots with politicians and other people of power and influence.

        1. Horkheimer, for example, obviously noticed the success of capitalism, and that the Marxist revolution couldn’t come from what they deemed in the Marxist lexicon as the “working class”. So the Frankfurt-schoolers wanted to overthrow capitalism and the bourgeois.

          This is a very basic and succinct video on both economic and cultural Marxism, below. And as the man says after 9:55 and especially at the 10:40 and 16 minute marks, Marxist critical theory is the basis for gay studies, black studies, women’s studies, and various other studies departments. These “minorities” are the “oppressed” proletariat in cultural Marxism, not the gotdamned bourgeois. Theodor Adorno for example also called Americans fascists and said they needed sensitivity training. We must also be tolerant of the left but absolutely intolerant of the right, and these are just some of the countless double-standards used in Marxism. Political correctness and radical multiculturalism also come from the Frankfurt school.

          BTW, you also call me a “classist cunt” when you, yourself are a classist. The differences is I openly admit to being one (as practically everybody is to some degree or other) whereas you deny being one but then talk shit about financially well-off people, lol.

          1. Scheming left wing intellectuals have ruined the west and that always was their intention.
            They were one level above the masses who took the bait and got drawn into it.
            Think what it would have been like if they had not succeeded.
            If they had not been allowed to relocate to america?
            If their think tanks and university departments had been closed down and their destructive ideas prohibited?
            That video you posted Dana, should be watched by everyone, it might pique their interest and wake them up.

            1. Bro, so much of their propaganda was (and even still is in certain cases) just impossible to see through or refute for so many people, and so taking the bait was largely inevitable.

              For example, as a kid, I remember going to see the movie GI Jane. It was about a female (played by Demi Moore) who became a Navy SEAL. Right at the beginning of the movie it says, “Based on a true story”; and not knowing otherwise, I assumed it was true. I was also thinking this female is a ‘bad ass’, lolz. 🙁 The only way I could have known otherwise would have been to try to go to the library to fact-check it or something (who would have given me a ride to the library though… nobody), but then I wouldn’t have known where to look or how much to read and how long it would have taken me. This of course was before the internet. And I knew many other people who were way older than me who thought a female actually made it through, too, because of the movie.

              But after puberty and right before going to BUD/S, I started becoming skeptical of it because I wasn’t noticing any impressive females in the gym; they were all weak AF, lol. Then after being inspired by a Discovery Channel documentary on the SEAL program, just like David Goggins was and many others, lol, I proceeded to read every book in the library about SEALs in my only free time on the weekends. Eventually I read how no female has ever made it through because no females have ever been allowed in the program. I also found this out first-hand after arriving to BUD/S because the question will come up while you’re there. Of course the instructors don’t think a female has any chance of making it through either. But just no way to know things like this for so many people. You’re fed countless lies as if they’re ‘truth’, while so much actual truth is entirely omitted anyway. Massive numbers of people have never known much of any truths as they’ve been hidden and hard to find.

              You know just recently the first couple females tried to go to BUD/S but didn’t even make an inkling on the entire length of the course, lol. What a sheer waste of money it is to even think of sending the delusional broads, but it has to be done to satisfy diversity and equality demands. Is there a female on Earth who can make it through BUD/S? Like some freak of nature? I seriously, seriously doubt it. It ain’t like Ranger school where some females can make it, lol. 🙂

              Things like this are why I don’t blame boomers nearly as much as so many others do. And there was massive outrage to many establishment agendas like forced integration of blacks into white schools, for example, but this was suppressed by the national guard. Lots of outrage in their time to things like Satanic and degenerate music and witchcraft too, for example, but the media made them look like ‘paranoid conspiracy nuts’ and so it always has been very hard or impossible to organize mass resistance movements.

              Yeah unfortunately Hollywood and the American music industry has so much influence on so many other parts of the world. Would have been way, way different no doubt.

  14. I think this Marxism business and the conversations between Dana and Jijcf boil down to this essential question: Is Marxism any good for whites?

    It’s not.

    In my early 20s I was a Marxist because I thought that his explaination of how society works is adequate. But I never really bought the line that the proletariat is “heroic” and the bourgeois suppresses it throught sheer force (what marxists call the “state”). I always felt deep in me that psychological propaganda is the real weapon that the elite (I called it bourgeois then) use to keep US (I identified with the proletariat) down.

    911 conspiracism is what made me grow out of marxism, simply because it affirmed my deep feelings that psychological propaganda and physical destruction (or creation of fake) evidence is what some fuckin asshole elites use against us. Well I understood that the white elite and the hardcore zionists are what I called “bourgeois”. And I understood that they are using white people like pigs (send them to die in the desert of the holyland…). Like…. hm… hm… har har har… goyim. So I understood that the morally bad guys are a bunch of fuckers that are controlling our opinions through fakery and manipulation of truth. The “good” guys are those that are itching in their mind when they take the everyday propaganda and QUESTION what they see/hear. The “good” guys are us. Ordinary whites who don’t buy too much shit. And expose the intentions of these fuckers.

    Ordinary but red-pilled white males are the moral enemy of those who control us. Somebody or something (a group) hate the IDEA (platonic) of the white ordinary straight male. They hate the way we look, the way we act. They hate us because we are (straight) males and they hate us because we are white.

    I then found out that 2nd generation marxism (frankfurt school) is ONE OF THE WEAPONS they use against our EXISTENCE. They want us DEAD and the AK47 they are shooting us with is Frankfurt School Marxism.

    So in the end of the day I say to Jijcf or any marxist this thing: I, as Fox, am open to CONVERSATION about your economic ideas. But I as a white straight male have been under attack by your ideology and I REJECT IT OPENLY. FUCK MARXISM.

    1. It’s next to impossible to not harbor at least some Marxist views for people who’ve never studied it, given that society is so heavily permeated with it and also given all the new information that has come out as of more recently exposing it that didn’t exist before.

      For instance, I went through stages early on in life where I didn’t like flamboyant gays and thought they were attention-seekers, then became more gay-friendly, then found out what the gay agenda was and studied up on what ex-gays had to say and also differences in gay crime (like gays are significantly more likely than non-gays to be pedophiles). So NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), for instance, is openly about promoting pedophilia, and we now also see the same forces that promote homosexuality are working to normalize/promote pedophilia.

      But when it comes to economics, Marxists are totally ass-backwards on the topic, just like Jijcf here is. One simple mistake they make is their inaccurate perception of certain words in the Marxist lexicon like “workers” or the “working class” and jump to the assumption/conclusion that these people actually work, that they’re the “good people”, and that the bourgeois “doesn’t”, but just lives off of and exploits them. Lmao, ridiculous. There are all kinds of lazy, incompetent, amoral, undisciplined, untalented people who don’t work and are poor, and there are all kinds of people who are middle and upper-middle class (bourgeois) who are the exact opposite and *are* far-harder workers than these specific poor people. And despite what he claims about how higher tax brackets pay out proportionally less of their incomes in taxes than the poor, he’s completely full of shit; it’s the OPPOSITE; of course until we get well-beyond the top 1%. The top .001% or so and above, is another animal altogether though.

      1. Jijcf has no qualms at all saying shit that he knows nothing about. As a typical Marxist, he thinks that lower-income people pay higher taxes proportionally to the higher tax brackets, when this is completely opposite in reality and is easy to look up to fact-check. He’s not concerned with fact-checking anything, all he’s concerned with is his utopian idea that the “workers” or “poor people” are “doing all the work” and being “oppressed”, and the middle class and up aren’t really working, as Marx never called them the “worker class”, but that these folks are “exploiting” the poor. It shouldn’t be a wonder to anybody why people like Jijcf are poor; because they’re fukin morons.

        On this chart, if you’re in the next-to-the-lowest tax bracket and make 9,500 a year, you’re taxed at a rate of only 12%. It increases for each succeeding tax bracket all the way up to 500k a year, in which case this bracket is taxed at a rate of 37%. That’s “oppressing da poor” n sheeeit according to Jijcf. If he were a true egalitarian as these “morally superior” Marxists love to arrogantly proclaiming themselves to be, he’d be saying that the lower-income earners should be paying HIGHER taxes just like the higher tax brackets. (Of course I’m a believer in low -state taxes anyway and that the US federal government is so corrupt and steal your tax dollars and use your own moneys against you in so many ways that they shouldn’t be receiving any taxes at all). But anyway, don’t ever count on his script-parroting, entitled, gib-me-dat ass to ever be doing that, though.


    2. Fox mentioned that 911 conspiracism is what made him grow out of marxism.
      So this probably happened to a lot of people and they got interested and woke up.

      Every cloud has a silver lining

      1. @Dorset

        “So this probably happened to a lot of people and they got interested and woke up.”

        This happened to two friends of mine who were marxists. But most of them never grew out of marxism.

        The specific thing that made me grow out of it, is this fuckin “heroic” proletariat. Well I thought I was a marxist because it was “scientific”. I was a strict materialist. But……………. Is it materialist to think that a whole group of fuckin people are “honorable” “heroic” “smart” whatever (just because you think they are), but……… DAMN IT!!!! They are kept down every second by sheer force!!!!

        ………..And why did the paris commune fail? DAMN IT! They kept us down again. ……And why did the soviet union fail? DAMN IT! The capitalists misled the hhhhheeerroic proletariat. What happened in China? DAMN IT! Deng Xiaoping left the path of communism. DAMN IT! The proletariat was kept down again.

        These “DAMN IT!!!!” moments I understood, are a CRISIS OF THEORY. That’s what made me grow out of it. Marxism says it is a materialist philosophy. But it it such a huge pile of shit. Labeling one huge group (proles) as heroic and just as competent just because they are your “allies” doesnt actually MAKE the group develop these characteristics. This is anti-materialism. This is Fanatic Idealism, quite the reverse of materialism. This is like schizophrenia, thinking that because you WILL it, it will happen.

        Just like that nut Richard Spencer, who was seriously trying to say that “we” “WILLED” trump into office………………………. LOL

        1. …..And with the evidence that 911 gave me about WHO’S running the world. I suddenly realized that these “DAMN IT!!!!” moments were not only Crisis of Theory, but also wrong maps of reality. And when the maps are wrong, you either change the maps (the normal thing to do) or you try to make reality conform to your earlier maps (Schizophrenia).

        2. Fox said

          This happened to two friends of mine who were marxists. But most of them never grew out of marxism.

          Brandon, you Fox, Dana and others here are doing a great job here of providing reading material and food for thought, for those who are “on the fence”.
          It will make a difference and change minds . . . I am sure of that.
          It gives, for those who already know most of this, extra ideas and information.
          Remain alert and leave no stone unturned.
          I am thankful for this website and I enjoy reading it.

  15. Also, to Brandon:

    Don’t you agree that, whatever one thinks about “non-White squabbles like Palestine”, we should be openly pro-Palestine and decorate our pages with Palestinian flags just to countersignal the utterly pathetic, sickening Jew-worshipping Zionist cuckery of the alt-lite?

  16. This also reminds me that more Americans are using various kinds of welfare than ever before, and it keeps increasing and increasing (same trend all over the West). This of course means that dependency is increasing and people are becoming less and less self-sufficient. Well, when the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression in America in the 30s, at least people were much more self-sufficient and could absorb the economic blow in some stride. Another thing that worked in their favor was that the country was far less multicultural. Today, these whiny millennial pussies are not cut-out for self-sufficiency, and to add insult to injury, with the national debt spiraling out-of-control, if and when a massive economic collapse occurs, you’re talking mass chaos in America, including inevitable mass deaths. Good thing the government has a bunch of FEMA camps set up, right?

    1. Well, Dana, the economy of Greece was, is, and perhaps always will be much different than the economy of the US.

      I don’t remember how many $$ is the minimum wage in the US but I remember last time I saw it it was pretty big. People in Europe sometimes think that the US is running a fucking pure capitalist system. They thought this is the case especially just before Obama. However the “socialist” stuff is older.

      I NEVER liked this FDR motherfucker….. Never ever. Every stone you pick up, there is some nefarious FDR job inside. I will have to look more into the New Deal and how it historically affected US economy.

      What US economy needs to do now to pick up is to lower taxes and perhaps lower wages. Outsourcing of industry happens because it is simply more profitable for the industrialists to make their products in the fuckin third world. The reason? Wages are lower over there. (sometimes Taxes are lower too). For industries that don’t need much of a national infrastructure to be able to work smoothly, outsourcing to a fucking 3rd world hellhole is the smart thing to do.

      But more important is to HAVE A BUDGET SURPLUS…… OR DIEEEEEEE… Budget surpluses should be constitutionally fixed. BUDGET SURPLUS OOOOR DEAAAAAAAAAAAAATH. States are like companies (with the only addition of inflation, gdp growth/decline, central bank rates etc). Is it logical for a corporation to have continuous long running deficits??!?!?!?!?!?? So countries/states should absolutely be required by their citizens to run budget surpluses BY FORCE.

      If I ever see the Greek government create large deficits again, I will simply leave the country. I don’t know why they underestimate it. Countries/states ARE companies.

      1. Brotha, the US economy is on borrowed time. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if the US economy wasn’t so intertwined with so many other country’s economies and if the US dollar wasn’t the world’s reserve currency. So it definitely still pays to be in touch with the US economy, even if as an outsider, because of all this.

        Inflation has been substantial, and all the quantitative-easing will also negatively impact the economy multitudes of times worse than it would have normally been. It’s being propped-up artificially and deceptively; in-line for massive losses to say the least, and this is not by accident.

        Is it logical for a corporation to have long-running deficits? Obviously not in a free-market economy because personal failure isn’t anybody else’s fault and shouldn’t be.

        It’s great to hear that you can leave Greece so easily if need be. 🙂

        1. “It’s great to hear that you can leave Greece so easily if need be. ”

          I strategically placed myself in this position because I distrust the greek PEOPLE AND THE STATE (logical AND) so much, despite being Greek myself. Greeks are magicians in making debts rise buy mysterious, unprovoked loaning when “times are good man!”. Explaining to foreign whites (especially the Northwestern european types) I have stressed that Greece has a more “nigga”-like culture which can be attributed to Ottoman empire and influence. We were just imperial territory for fucken aeons and there has been developed some kind of “pirate” mentality. Greeks think they can “cheat” unfortunately. They think they can “game the system”. This leads to fuckin amazing instabilities in the long run. The greek economy was built on socialist (da public secta nigga) bullshit and it’s collapse, when the budget was suddenly needed to be tighted, was not very unpredictable to a VERY few but keen observers.

          Only a fool would not ready himself to just leave in this situation. Greece is a very special kind of monster. They are small time people who thought that they become da europe when the EURO was introduced. This lead to moronic overspeanding etc. Just to show off and fuck da Romanian bitchez which came after the fall of the Soviet empire.

          Only if you have spent time in Greece you can know how it is. Greeks are literlly crazy, this is absolutely not just a popular image. lol 😛

  17. In britain many people are obsessed with their homes and others strive to get on, or are already on what is termed the “property ladder”.
    These sorts of people sometimes say to the non-homeowners “I have this and this” and look “you have nothing”.
    Well for a start, the homeowners often have a lot of debt initially and running costs for repairs etc.
    The lucky ones have been gifted their properties, but then still have to pay property taxes and utility bills and repair costs.
    Then there is another class of entrepreneur altogether, who might own 50 or more properties and buy cheap, renovate and then sell expensive.
    Others rent them out, others set up elderly care homes.
    Whole local economies are thriving due to housing and property development.
    Tradesmen are kept very busy.
    Even the crooks are happy in this environment as they have plenty of opportunity for fraud,for instance they can and do illegally claim tax refunds for new homes they never actually built.
    To some people their home and house price value is a major concern to them, the government knows that.
    The ones in debt do not want the house prices to crash as then they might be in a “negative equity” situation.
    The government uses vote gaining strategies (bribery) that target homeowners and tries to get them on-side.
    Long ago it was only homeowners who could vote.
    Long ago there was a very unpopular poll tax.
    I am mentioning all this as it ties in with the capitalism-marxism theme that has been brought up this thread.
    I know the discussion started out as Faith Goldy, the alt-light etc.

    1. The local councils also probably get more tax revenue from 16 small apartments on a plot of land that once sited only one nice property with a backyard/garden.
      To me that is a scam and is why whenever I see a derelict house (in an affluent area) I know that they will probably build a condo/flats there (or a mosque – another part of the agenda).
      “How did they get permission to build that monstrosity?” QUITE EASILY I EXPECT.

      1. You have heard of “egytian dancing”?
        Left hand forward palm downwards, right hand behind back palm upwards, now rythmically move hands back and forth.
        Metaphor for taking back-handers (bribes).
        The mainstream might have warped it to mean any legal dance.
        The Bangles – Walk Like an Egyptian

    2. Indeed, Dorset. And the rise of materialism in the West has definitely coincided with the rise of cultural Marxism.

      Money is really relative, and sometimes you have more, and sometimes you have less. Naturally, the most important part of this for humans is acquiring and having enough money to have personal freedom. After that, there can be and often are strategic uses for it, and so it is still quite, and/or very important, in this respect. Judging people merely because they have good or large amounts of it, or if they don’t, is seriously weak though.

      Yeah, lots of people in the US also don’t have more than 5k saved-up, and they also are quite likely not to own their homes or cars and have them all on credit. Even when they do own their own homes, property taxes and insurance have gotten larger and larger. Of course this is Marxism in the making and it seriously pays to be prepared for the future. 🙂

  18. “Money is really relative, and sometimes you have more, and sometimes you have less. Naturally, the most important part of this for humans is acquiring and having enough money to have personal freedom. After that, there can be and often are strategic uses for it, and so it is still quite, and/or very important, in this respect. Judging people merely because they have good or large amounts of it, or if they don’t, is seriously weak though. ”

    Well judging people as righteous merely because they have good or large amounts of it is what the chosens do. Their “God” is a real estate agent as others have noticed.

    On the other hand, judging people as righteous because they DONT have large amounts of it is the Marxist (another chosen) way to think.

    I know this might be a bit offensive for you Dana because you are Christian oriented. But let me express my thoughts: SPIRITUAL “INVESTIGATION” (in our own selves) is what is essential for LIFE in general but especially for transcending the nutty materialism, or nutty idealsm (nutty = schizophrenic) that mostly came out of the middle east. The old testament was a chosenite fraud and the new testament in my opinion is highly suspicious although I am far more familiar with the old testament. Whether we like it or not, as whites we have been brought up with Christianity and this is our refugee for spiritualism. When so much bullshit has hit the fan we end up doing a little soul searching which is a spiritual Odyssey which whether we like it or not is filled with christian stories, possibly from our early lives’ experiences.

    As I have said, I, as Fox, find the “””Far eastern””” (for a lack of a better term, I am mostly speaking about Daoism/Taoism) spirituality more LOGICAL. (I am very careful for my words because I don’t want to be misinterpreted). God is the totality of existence, plus it’s WAY of moving forward. In mathematical/physical terms God is the (seemingly infinite) totallity of variables existing in the world PLUS it’s first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth etc etc etc mathematical “derivative”. “Derivatives” are the indicators of how the function of a variable will move in the future. God is the totallity of existence (structure) plus it’s deep information (DNA, computer code, “derivatives” etc). When people realize how complex this world is, they can understand that a mere variable, one out of gazillion trillion billions, (money) is just a variable, to which we have tied our economies to. But it is not a thing of value per se. It is like mathematicians obsessing with algebra and not realizing that much of the structure of what they are devoting their lives to (for example Jude(tm) relativity) is TOTAL BULLSHIT, it is a human structure of glass feet. It is like us, engineers, obsessing with transfer functions and our math. In the end, a marvellous piece of engineering is just that “It’s working perfectly” with a low chance of failure, and a low first “derivative” for chance for failure in the future. Even if you substituted math for perception, if the end result is beautiful. It is beautiful. Reality is what it is.

    Not to be misunderstood, I think this ontology/philosophy/theology that I just described, exist also in Christians’ minds. But I find a lot of bullshit (obsession baaaby, schizophrenia (wrong maps of reality and life lived according to those wrong maps) etc) that remind me of the other 2 abrahamic faiths (personalization of God, especially with Jesus). I will admit that to myself, despite knowing that I might offend some people. 😉

    Of course I am not implying that it is good for Whites to become TAOISTS LOL hHAhAhahAHahAH. But a connection to the mythical stuff of our pagan roots (like ancient greek Religion) might be a starter. Maybe a new Christianity fused with more reality might be the way forward. Maybe Alfred Rosenberg (if he was not an agent like Hitler) was right. Dunno. Life goes on.

    1. I used to admire this man (Rosenberg) very much because of his spiritual ideas. However how the “reich” (jewish agents) intrepreted this ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity ) was bullshit for a variety of reasons that I won’t go into.

      “Alfred Rosenberg, editor of Völkischer Beobachter, wrote The Myth of the Twentieth Century, in which he argued that the Catholic and Protestant churches had distorted Christianity in such a way that the “heroic” and “Germanic” aspects of Jesus’s life had been ignored.”

      Well we can observe some bullshit (was jesus “germanic”?) but we can also observe some deep yearning to get rid of this mideast schizophrenia and victimhood towards a more essentially white christianity.

      The jury is still out on this dude. I used to admire him despite the rumours that surround him (“rosenberg” is a jewy surname) and the people (all the fuckin morons/sold-out agents of the NSDAP) that surrounded him. However I am not so sure now after discovering some shit… However christianity needs “renovating”, and perhaps reinvigoration. Our attitude towards God/Tao/all things/the flow of things/reality/existence etc etc depends on that. And money is just a part of the reality we live in. If we have bad maps about reality/god, and we live in accordance with these bullshit maps, we tend to be schizophrenic. I cannot prove it but this schizophrenia is a characteristic of the chosen people. That’s why they appear “immoral” to us. Because they are neurotic nuts. This deep neurosis has to be dislodged from the heart of white people so we can continue towards our destiny which is simply our future (time).

      1. Nutty can be funny . . . so they can be good at fast, witty comedy . . . if that kind of comedy is your taste.

        1. Well I prefer the british-anglo style of deep cynical sarcasm. I liked to smoke MJ and watch Monty Python stuff when I was young. I could die laughing, God saved me ahahhahaha lol. I also like american comedy, that’s why I intentionally used the word “anglo”.

          Chosen people are sometimes good for a laugh. Nothing more.

          1. The “worlds funniest joke” is a monty python sketch you might have seen, if not then it might be on youtube somewhere. Try ienp4J3pW7U
            I like monty python but find it a bit too childish for my taste, not my “exact cup of tea”.
            I much prefer american stuff, police squad, uncle buck etc etc.
            Each to their own, I suppose, as the saying goes.

          2. Had friends who loved Monty Python but I never got around to watching it. Speaking of it though, I’ve heard Mark Dice, who is another alt-light figure and is very weak on the JQ, say that the Holy Grail referred to in Monty Python and what the Templars were so interested in was “Islamic texts”, lol. As if the Templars were or became “Muslims” lol. In reality, the Holy Grail and what the Templars found was Kabbalah, and much info can be found on it like this:

            “This week in Miami I shared a quick preview of an upcoming lecture series that will reveal the long-held secret between Kabbalah, the Holy Grail, the Knights Templar and the King Arthur Legends. Below is a quick preview of just one secret.”


      2. Blimey Fox,
        I just clicked the positive christianity link you provided.
        A bit unexpected to see that combined emblem . . . I will read through the article later.

      3. Religion could not be ignored by the nazis because it was too influential and so they decided to use it and to engineer it to suit.
        Unfortunately for them, it turned out to be a pandora’s box and too complicated to deal with.
        It is interesting to me that they took it very seriously and made great efforts to resolve the issues by appointing various experts like Rosenberg.

        1. Yes some of their ideas were BS and crazy.
          It is like having a story to begin with, then trying to make everything else fit in with that story.
          Very contrived . . . possibly the same could be said of many of the existing established religions of the world.

          1. Like Dana, I am Christian oriented and I do mix with christians and listen to their viewpoints and generally find those viewpoints and testimonies to be extremely compelling.
            Bible study in a group that is friendly and understanding is a painless way to find out a bit more, it even gives you a chance to voice your questions and skepticism and have them provide answers (or not).
            There are many worthwhile tales in the bible even though, as we know, it has been edited and re-engineered by many, some with vested interests (zionists).
            Life is short and we really should, at least try, to make an effort to find some meaning and truth.
            Hopefully we will find it.

            1. As far as skepticism and alternative views goes :
              Rae West’s big-lies.org has some research and opinions on religions and a lot more.
              David Icke’s website and forum dabbles in those matters too, and a lot more.

              1. Then of course there is humanism, which prefers evidence and rational logic over superstition.

      4. Fox, as we know, there are many denominations within Christianity, and many different viewpoints and disagreements on *certain* matters. Personally, I find certain passages that seem quite vague that I don’t know how to interpret. This is not what I’m focused on in regards to the religion. The few certain fundamental and unique views I *DO* hold of it though took me years to figure out, and they’re all based on *fact*. It’s not like these are *mistakes*, or that I’m “not sure” or them or something:

        #1. Good and bad spiritual entities exist.
        #2. In Christianity, sorcery is explicitly forbidden, and for very good reason. If you mess with sorcery, you will indeed be opening up doorways to demonic entities.
        #3. Lucifer and his minions are very powerful and certain people in this world (including secret societies like the Illuminati) summon up Lucifer and other demonic entities on a regular basis and take their orders from them. Luciferianism is rampant in politics, including in Hollywood and the music industry and countless people in these arenas testify to this.
        #4. Life after death exists. And when you die, your spirit will leave your body, as countless life-after-death experiencers attest to.
        #5. The first time the word “Jew” is ever used in the Bible is in II Kings.
        #6. Jesus hated the Pharisees and vice versa.
        #7. Pharisaism because Talmudic/Kabbalistic Judaism, and there’s a reason Jews have such a passionate hatred for Christ and Christianity.
        #8. Jewish Kabbalah is based on the idea that God is an “evil”, “oppressor” and that Lucifer is the “liberator” and “light-bringer”. We also see this theme covertly played out in many Hollywood movies, such as in the Matrix and the Truman Show.
        #9. The genesis of a massive spiritual awakening has already begun as more people become aware of these things, no matter that atheism and evolution have been and continually are so heavily promoted in academia.

        These are all some of the most important things to understand about Christianity; there could be some others, but they’re quite simple to me. I’m not about going in and acting as if I know what all the different verses throughout the Bible precisely mean or how they should all be applied and this and that, especially given that times have changed, and so have laws.

        It’s definitely true that many ideas within different denominations of Christianity could/should be reformed to be practical and relevant. You know, my denomination for instance, was of the belief that upon dying, you’ve lost consciousness and are basically waiting to regain it until the day of judgement when God calls you up. Many Christians believe this and it’s why people who have NDEs, even when they say they saw Jesus, are disbelieved or even looked down upon by these types of Christians.

        When it comes to Taoism or paganism, they’re just not going to know these things. We know pagans aren’t against sorcery, and from what I’ve read, Taoists don’t seem to be against sorcery either, and some of their views have also contributed to the fraudulent New-Age movement.

        1. I don’t know if you don’t believe in demonic entities or anything, but I did as a child, and then eventually went a long time where my mind was changed and I didn’t think they operated in the world at all; I got to a point where I thought things like sorcery and demonic possessions were farcical. (Not that there aren’t people who act demon-possessed fraudulently), but that it definitely exists today. It’s like if you really believed in them, though, you’d know why I’m Christian-leaning, and so you must not or just aren’t sure. You can find so, so much information on this stuff if you actually look; it’s incredibly rampant but still generally very hidden from the public.

          For instance, there is a book called Necronomicon. It’s a very dangerous and demonic book that deals with things like incantations and invoking demonic entities; if you f’ with it, you *will* be visited by evil entities. I personally know of people who have messed with the book and have had their lives destroyed by it; these are generally the types that get involved in it and want out. You can find all kinds of information on it, and this is one of Marilyn Manson’s stories about it. So many celebs testify to being terrified and tormented by demons that won’t leave them alone.

          1. Marilyn Manson was ordained as a priest in the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey when Anton was alive. Both of them hated Christianity, and in a way, they played their own Marxist roles in trying to erase the religion entirely. Knowing what I know today, this pisses me off, but I know I won’t be seeing pagans and so many others talking about it. Marilyn and Billy Corgan, as another example, are good friends and both have been credited for what they’re part in dismantling Christianity. There is rampant, rampant Satanism in the upper-echelons of society that you must not be noticing or researching, my man. And yes, over this long-lasting war on Christianity, it has become very PC to do things like this, and to mock Christianity, because Christians aren’t in power here.

            1. Because I was in the heavy metal scene as a teenager I know what’s going on with these Satanists (or “satanists”) or sorcerers (or “sorcerers”) or pagans (or “pagans”). It is 99,9% of the time to get metal pussy. But there are some people who seem literally crazy and this is what I could also call “demonic possession” but in a more metaphorical sense I guess. But I do admit that I have seen alcoholic/cocaine addicts in the scene that were very very very near what people think of as “demonic possession”. You know, unprovoked aggression, weird melancholy fused with rage (not even anger) etc etc. Some were legit nuts too.

              Taoism as a religion (although I mostly like it’s philosophical stuff) has evil spirits etc. But the idea of evil is according to these Chinese dudes something that stops the natural flow of reality (Tao). A fuckin moron who goes and cuts flowers in a field every time they seem to grow up is “evil” according to taoists because it stops the natural flow of reality. Well….. I haven’t asked any, but I think that they would be naturally very much against abortion too (stops the natural flow of things). So I would be very very surprised if they “invoked” what they think as evil spirits. Because to be just very blunt, they equate evil with surreal “stopping” of natural processes like birth/growth (in every aspect). One aspect they disagree with Christianity is that they think that God is the flow of reality and not something personified.

              Pagans are not pagans. Dana, quit taking them seriously. I have fucked pagan pussy numerous times when I was a heavy metaller. They are more normal than the normals. They are fake christians posing as fake pagans. Assumption? They are just FAKE, that’s the common denominator. They think the neopagan shit is just a reincarnation of the 60s woodstock bullshit mentality and boy, they like it.

              When I meant connections to our pagan roots I didn’t mean erase Christianity. Personally I am not sure about CHRIST per se. But thats me Fox. As white people I just think we should be influenced more (more, not only by) by some ancient mythos that were pretty grounded on reality. Like the greek Hybris/Nemesis etc. Which describes perfectly accurately some situations like partyin with drugs and the little ugly chosenite friends in the NY hellhole and staging bullshit to deceive the world (911). Well this is hybris for example (caused by vanity). And Nemesis is when each of these whites get offloaded like a bitch by their chosenite masters because he was simply not useful anymore.

              Evil in taoism (if you can stand this fat chinaman face lol, I can assure you he brings his point kind of well (the difference between western themes of evil, and Taoist ones)):

              1. I don’t know what the metal scene is like in Greece, but I’ve always loved metal for the beat, and many other forms of music as well. Marilyn Manson is towards the extreme end of metal in his hatred of Christianity, and of course the average singer of famous metal bands isn’t going to be nearly as extreme. For so long though, I didn’t realize just how rampant Satanism was in famous metal bands (including in their lyrics) until I started researching it all. I still love metal music, and even songs like Hells Bells or The God That Failed or White Flesh or Running With the Devil, but now I know what their agendas are and have for some years. This has nothing to do with only metal though, and it spans across most every genre of music. Curt Cobain, Rick Ross, Kesha, Madonna, the Beatles, the Beach Boys, etc.

                Lol Fox, of course the vast, vast majority of metal listeners aren’t literally into Satanism, but their favorite bands/musicians sure are, and some of them are as well, of course. The number has been steadily on the rise, too.

                Paganism has also been on the rise, and I seriously dislike many of the clowns. If you don’t think they’re for real about paganism, witchcraft, etc., don’t tell me, but join pagan groups and tell them they’re fake pagans and front like you’re a Christian. They’ll attack you for being a Christian and say all kinds of stupid shit about Christianity because they’re fucking stupid themselves. I don’t know how many times I’ve said over here that around pagans, every time you put up a case of Christianity being demonized and/or disenfranchised, they’ll always be around the corner to attack you for it because they so often hate Christianity. Can’t stand the mofos and fuck those fools. They can’t argue worth shit either.

                Besides the music industry, Hollywood, academia, the porn industry, pagans, and Jews, many atheists, agnostics, and Muslims hate Christianity too. The hatred of Christianity is real and has been on the rise in the West for a long time, especially since the very beginning of Marxism. Yes, there are loads of people in the West who talk shit about Christianity all day; it’s not like it’s just a few people here and there.

                Yeah, Eastern medicine revolves around chi and chi blockages too. Acupuncture and acupressure never worked for me. This is not to say they don’t work for other people, but they haven’t worked in my cases.

                I’m not saying there aren’t going to be any good things about Taoism. I’ve always been a believer in taking what’s practical and useful from any school of thought and applying it elsewhere. Just that I’m never going to be a Taoist and that I know precisely why I’m Christian-leaning… it’s not like this is just a mistaken “phase” for me or something. I say Christian-leaning because I have many of my own views of the religion that the average practicing Christian would find very different. Many Western Christians, for example, still believe in marriage in the West, and I certainly do not. Of course I’m not pious, either and don’t go in to listen to preachers unless they’re specialists on a given topic or topics.

                I don’t care if you’re in-between on different religions or have your own brand of religion Fox as long as you can understand and/or not attack me for why I believe as I believe, including why I get angry when people incorrectly demonize Christianity for shit like slavery and so many other things; and that you don’t mind pro-Christianity people such as myself expose the ongoing demonization and disenfranchisement of Christianity.

                1. I don’t know whether it was photo-shopped or not, but I remember a photo on the internet of 2 churches in america on opposite sides of a road.
                  One had a big sign outside “Pets go to heaven”.
                  The church opposite had a big sign outside “No they don’t”.

                  It highlights the bickering that can occur within movements and organizations.

                  1. A general observation :
                    “Animals know things”.
                    Certain animal senses are more acute and sensitive than ours.
                    Possibly they might also, be able to tune into nature and communicate between themselves, in ways that we do not yet understand.
                    So if there are other realms . . .
                    Superstitious ancient people regarded some types of beasts as holy.

                    1. I could see different groups of Christians disagreeing over something like that. If it’s any consolation for the group who believes animals go to heaven, some NDEers have said that they saw their pets in heaven.

                      But yeah, very petty to bicker over an issue like that. And as cool as some animals may be, there are many more pressing and important issues to worry about and they need to remember that animals won’t be saving humans in any kind of life-or-death, or apocalyptic scenario, and that animals as a group really don’t care if a human survives or not. A human better do it himself.

                    2. “A general observation :
                      “Animals know things”.”

                      Well the brain as a concept (which animals obviously also have been designed like that) detects pulses and frequencies. Mostly frequences. Animals detect simply other, maybe more low freq stuff. Other animals can be proven to detect more high frequencies i think. That’s maybe why some animals can detect earthquakes by feeling the “earthquakey” build up by detecting movements that we cannot.

                      The brain is amazing. For the math ppl, it has perfect “fourier transform” systems , perfect analogue sensing. It is pathetic to be an engineer if you compare your perception of reality (math) with marvellous pieces of engineering like the animal/human brain.

                      Thermostats, comparators, machines, systems. All in this concept/design of a brain/body. A-mazing.

        2. “#1. Good and bad spiritual entities exist.”

          —–Agreed, just not sure if I believe it metaphorically or literally.

          “#2. In Christianity, sorcery is explicitly forbidden, and for very good reason. If you mess with sorcery, you will indeed be opening up doorways to demonic entities.”

          —–If sorcery can do damage I would use it against anti-whites lol. But not to a degree that would open the doors of the mind to bizarre stuff (maybe what you call evil spiritual entities)

          Media fakery is sorcery of a kind. Cheats the system. Games the system. Dorset jokingly said that we could do a pearl harbor event favoring the nationalist side lol. However we don’t control the media and have truthfulness, something that the other side lacks. And maybe that’s why we will win? who knows? We got a pretty powerful weapon: “simple truth”.

          “#3. Lucifer and his minions are very powerful and certain people in this world (including secret societies like the Illuminati) summon up Lucifer and other demonic entities on a regular basis and take their orders from them. ”

          Satan is the most persuasive argument pro-Christianity. Because his descriptions certainly ring bells of everyday experiences with people. Satan DOES exist.

          Maybe my favorite movie “Devil’s advocate” deals with it in a kind of Christian way that i really liked and I always admired this SPECIFIC kind of Christian outlook (brutality against hybris/vanity). Dunno, what’s your opinion about that movie Dana? Have you seen it?

          Bottom line Satan is eerily true in this world. No one can deny that deep in their souls.

          “#4. Life after death exists. And when you die, your spirit will leave your body, as countless life-after-death experiencers attest to.”

          I believe that life after death exists. However I do not think that this is a good mentality for the white race. If we find ourselves in the worst nightmare kind of situation where we are at an all out war (and it’s not gonna be nuclear baaaby) with actual, physical anti-whites/non-whites we should be ready for war business…….. And we should want to finish the fuckers in THIS lifetime. That’s the mentality for whites. Life’s here, if they push it, let’s FUCK THEM ALL in the NOW.

          1. 1. We have the internet. It’s everywhere to be found throughout the entertainment industry if you look (including in politics). So many people are openly Satanists and they talk about utilizing spiritual entities, or even just selling their souls. Like Santana’s Rolling Stone article, for example, or the pyramid and all-seeing-eye reference all over the place, or inverted crosses, etc, etc.

            2. You can’t tame demons. In order to harness demonic power, you have to give something/s in return, and you’re not gonna like what you have to give. It’s like when people like Ronny or Roosh say whites should just do what Jews do; well, they can practice in-group tribalism, nepotism, or investing heavily in their own media empires, etc., but they can’t conduct Satanic rituals for power like sucking baby penises, drinking blood, killing babies, etc.

            3. It has been a long time since I’ve seen the movie, but I liked it and have always liked Al Pacino’s acting styles. Al Pacino is one of the small number of stars I’ve had problems with finding his Luciferian connections. It’s like he has to have souled-out somewhere along the line, but I can’t find any good info about it on him. Now Keanu Reeves on the other hand is totally sold out and uses demonic invocation for acting. I wasn’t paying much attention to the plot or anything either. But I don’t believe in having any remorse for people who want to fuck with you. In fact, people need to know that if they’re going to mess with you that it’s gonna cost them.

            4. I seriously don’t think this is gonna ever come down to all-out nuclear war either, Fox. (I know you don’t believe in nukes, but I’m saying this from a spirituality standpoint: it’s not something God would allow in my mind).
            What is good about the belief that life after death exists from an NDEers perspective is that all that really mattered on this Earth was what you did for your fellow man, and this view I’ve found to be inspiring, as well as grounding and humbling. I personally don’t see how large numbers of physical deaths from race wars and for people who aren’t prepared for these and harsh economic times can be avoided at this point. There are going to be lots in the future. I see it going down not like one big battle, but a series of many, many small, intense battles. I definitely feel ya though and the mofos also piss me off to no end. I have my own plans for the future, just need to get settled first before full preparation begins. You can definitely also do things with money that others can’t.

            1. “but they can’t conduct Satanic rituals for power like sucking baby penises, drinking blood, killing babies, etc. ”

              Man… The satanic shit is not limited to that in them. I was listening to some podcast with Rae West ( http://www.biglies.org ) and I have heared a catholic I think who said that what’s behind how the chosens act/what they do.. is Satan.

              Now if you are not religious, this might seem like a whopper ok? But the chosens are so neck deep in just anti-nature, really EVIL shit. 911 was evil man. I know it seems like spam because I promote some shit in my posts, but that’s by intention. http://www.septemberclues.info/ 911 was a satanic orgy of craziness. They lost the plot at that point. Drugs are evil shit when taken in combination. The chosens have reached a point where they are absolutely delusional satanic schizophrenic MANIACS. Look now at this ejaculation of fanatic surrealistic mania with the move of the embassy to Jerusalem by that motherfucker Trump.

              Satan as a force resides somewhere in the chosen camp. Out there. In the fuckin mid-east desert. In this fuckin hellhole of a land that keeps haunting us whites like a fuckin parasite which needs to be cut by the fucking root and thrown to the fuckin sea.

              1. Indeed, 9/11 was incredibly fucking evil. And the incredibly evil shit they do knows no bounds and goes on and on. Absolutely no compassion for their victims whatsoever, and an intense, insatiable desire to keep creating endless misery in the world and to become a ‘god’ themselves. Incredible narcissism involved.

                The rituals a high-level Satanist does (like these pedophiles who run Hollywood) are to receive demonic power. Lucifer inverts morality so that the more evil a person is, and the bigger the blasphemy against God they commit, the more power they receive from the demonic realm.

                It’s like Justin Bieber reported fleeing from a party with Hollywood elites last year or so, and he said that he was approached and told that if he raped this boy (there is a large missing-children list in the US) that he’d be brought over to the business side of the music industry and become a billionaire. Well he has already sold his soul to the devil, but there are levels in the Luciferian club where the most evil get to the higher/highest levels.


  19. I won’t be posting here for the next two weeks or so, I’m busy. I’m trying to get funding for the Economic Freedom Fighters in their quest to make Azania great again. They’re a nice group of folks who want to bring the light of Economic Freedom, you know Capitalism. I’m sure y’all wouldn’t mind.

    See ya.

  20. There is a place for religion in nationalism, I think, simply to give us inner strength and respect of a greater force . . . that we don’t get “too big for our boots” (not jackboots . . . sorry thought I would slip that one in, clicks heels).
    Powerful ideas exist in religions like christianity.
    Faith, hope and charity – helping one another etc.
    These are all a “spanner in the works” for movements trying to quash nationalism.
    If people have faith and hope and charity, and help each other as christians or whatever and as nationalists, then they will be much more difficult to beat.
    Christianity has helped with this in the past . . . as a countervailing force to islam and the conquering hordes from adjacent empires.
    If we lose our moral compass by degenerating into an lgbt…….xyz “imagine all the people” “free for all” “no borders nightmare” then I think all bets are off and we will not be in the right mind to fight and resist our planned destruction.
    So religion in mild forms and not too fanatical is a good thing for “keeping the spirits up” and for helping to unite people to build their nationalism on a foundation of “rock and not shifting sands”. IMHO.

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