Leftist Spain Regime Speeds Up White Genocide in Europa

The new Spanish government has proven itself to be one of the worst leftist facilitators of white genocide. Within a few weeks of becoming president, the new socialist president Pedro Sanchez has accepted over 600 African migrants. Now, Spain has just “rescued” 900 more:

The coast guard has rescued migrants from 68 different smuggling boats in the last two days. This is in addition to the 630 people due to arrive in Spain on Sunday after being turned away by Italy and Malta.

The Spanish coast guard said Saturday that it has rescued 933 people and recovered four bodies from the Mediterranean Sea over the past two days.

Officials said the migrants were plucked from 68 different smuggling boats that were intercepted by the rescue vessels.

The surge in arrivals comes as the country prepares to take in another 630 migrants that were turned away by Italy and Malta. The Aquarius and two Italian boats carrying the migrants are due to arrive at the Spanish port of Valencia on Sunday.

Health officials, emergency workers and psychologists were called up to be on hand at the city’s marina.

Spanish officials plan to do a case-by-case analysis of the migrants’ requests for asylum.

This is absolutely disastrous. Spain seems to be the new go-to destination for migrants given the new president’s radical leftist policies of unchecked immigration.

African migrants will just keep coming by the boatloads to Europe’s shores. There’s no telling how many millions of Africans will attempt to invade Europe to get the free benefits that socialist European regimes will give them, while neglecting their own people.

This is treason of the highest order. Our leaders are putting our culture, heritage and race at risk of extinction.

When a foreign boat is heading towards a European nation, it should be considered a military threat to our lands. Any boats headed in our direction should be stopped by any means necessary. No other nation would tolerate boats with loads of people forcing themselves onto the shores of another country.

Thousands of people cannot just get on a boat and sail into the ports of a foreign nation. That’s literally a foreign invasion, yet it’s facilitated by our own politicians who are brainwashed with self-hatred and white guilt, which says we must race-mix ourselves our of existence to atone for the sins of our forefathers.

15 thoughts on “Leftist Spain Regime Speeds Up White Genocide in Europa

  1. There were people in Greece that were praising the Spanish govenrment’s gooooood will!!……

    Well, of course, when WE (greece) take these boats, then they are more skeptical of “good intentions”.

    LOL AHAHahHAhahA. That’s why white identity/solidarity is needed. Because the chosen people use this divide and conquer strategy. We need our alternative media like this site to communicate and find common ground because we (whites) have common interests and common “dangers” await us. Most of these “dangers” are manufactured by ‘others’ anyways…

    Send the FUCKING BOATS to ISRAEL. It’s closer to africa and it needs ENRICHMENT!!!!!!!

  2. Stop what you’re doing right there, Brandon! You’re not ‘meaningfully uniting’ on an international level with these blacks invading Europe! Thus, you’ll never have the power required to beat the powers that be whom know no borders! Ken O’Keefe will tell you himself!

    At a little past the 45-minute mark here, the host asks Ken: “You see the rising of the nationalist movements in Europe as a positive sign in eventually dealing with some of the problems that we’ve gotta deal with, which is essentially… to me, it’s an abomination called Israel?

    Ken replies, (and these replies are some paraphrasing and shortened a bit for brevity): “I do, but there’s only one thing I have to say.” “National sovereignty is something we shouldn’t sacrifice for anything.” “I support the national cause of every people.” Etc. He goes on to say, though:

    “However, there’s one very important and obvious fact: If we are all fighting for our national sovereignty, we’re also forgetting that we will NEVER have the kind of power to deal with a monolithic entity which does not know borders. That which we are fighting for: the financial system; control of the financial system and the monetary supply; does not know borders. So if you’re fighting for your national sovereignty from wherever but you’re not meaningfully uniting in other parts of the world; if we’re not meaningfully uniting on an international level, then we are divided. And if you are divided, you will be controlled. Absolutely. This is something that seems to be lost on a lot of people; of course as soon as you wanna unite on an international level, you will be called a ‘globalist’ or you’ll be grouped in with that, and that’s very, very intelligent and clever manipulation by the PTB. There are ways for us to unite on an international level without supporting the “globalist agenda”. If we’re only fighting national causes, we’ll always be divided and we’ll never have the power required to beat that monolithic entity that does not know national borders.”

    You know, Ken is now doing Q&A sessions on YouTube. Well, here are some questions you can ask Ken, and one could ask many more, but I doubt he has any interest in responding because while he likes to refer to so many others as “brainwashed dupes”, he won’t be able to answer your questions with anything good or specific. Could it have anything to do with him not knowing WTF he’s talking about because he doesn’t know WTF is going on? Naaah, right? Lol.

    #1. How come I never see Ken addressing the BQ? How come I never see Ken talking to groups of blacks? Afraid of talking to blacks, or what? Very few black friends, maybe? Very few “truther” blacks out there, just maybe? Why is he always talking to groups that are vast majority white, or sometimes Muslim, when he talks about this so-needed, and so-necessary unity? How come he’s not telling blacks that they need to unite with whites and every other racial group? Or Muslims that borders mean nothing to him?

    #2. What the hell does Ken even mean by “meaningfully unite” with everyone else on an international level? “Slightly” vague, isn’t it. Maybe Ken could expand on that idea a bit n stuff…

    #3. How can Ken be so sure these blacks actually give a shit at all about the anti-white agendas? He expects people to fight for Palestine because they’re being demonized and disenfranchised, right? Isn’t it slightly odd how the dummy has never noticed many of the very same things happening to whites? I mean the Palestinians still have high birth-rates and are still increasing in number, in and out of Palestine, whereas whites are not. How does Ken know that if whites don’t unite with blacks that they’re gonna be “weaker”? How does Ken know Europeans even need to align with indolent, anti-white, gib-me-dat, nothing is my fault but da fault of da white demon, low-impulse control, low-IQ, high-crime blacks to begin with? Is he thinking these blacks don’t get offended and insulted when you talk about these things?

    #4. Why does dummy Ken share thinks like Jewish propaganda from Adam Hochschild about how supposedly “evil” whites have been in Afreekuh? A Jew like Hochschild wouldn’t have any agendas up his sleeve, would he? How come Ken can’t bring himself to talk about a SINGLE anti-white Jew outside the Holohoax?

    Brandon, this dude seems like a good dude to do an interview with because he’s pretty knowledgeable on the JQ and even knows some about what’s going on in Europe. It’d also be good to tell him that Ken is delusional about how his version of the World Citizen Solution and not paying taxes should be, and that non-whites simply taking an ‘oath’ to ‘respect others’ and paying a small fee in order to be able for them to go anywhere they please, especially when the welfare system in the West hugely favors non-whites, and when non-whites crimes are covered up, and especially when nationalism is on the rise all over the world, not just in the West.


    1. O’Keefe is completely worthless. As we’ve noted many times he just repeats the same lines about the neocons, Greater Israel and Middle East wars. All of that stuff is well-known. The only sense pushing any of that is to make the Jews look bad but other than that it is a waste of time to focus on anything Arab-related, especially when these bastard Arabs are invading our lands en masse, committing terrorist attacks against our people, and actively subverting our culture.

    2. O’Keefe sometimes talks straight. He uses it to get status and become a posuer. But people don’t notice that many times he eats his words. And for a person who uses “straight-talk” as a product, it would be amusing to see him lose it and cuck.

      #1 On the BQ he is a straightforward brotha-ist. That’s his product, and I think he sells a ‘tough-guy’ ‘friendly white’ product. He is influenced by cultural Marxism and hollywood to the MAX.

      #2 Vague stuff are sometimes deliberately mentioned to leave some parts as variables. And change them silently in the future. Yes that “meaningfuly unite” bullshit is very vague.

      #3 is the same as #1. #4 is again the same as #1 because Africa and the colonialist stuff is a “gib you dat”. He gives them that. He gives to them that we (whites) were deeemonz. He essentially sells his “white brotha” product. He has clearly watched too much hollywood. And he mentions movies very often too.

      I agree with him though that taxes are levied on us to pay intere$t and bull$hit. Which in reality language translates as: “They steal money from us to give it to parasites”. In economical terms it means they take “cash” from the people as a whole and give “cash” to the people who already have held a lot of “cash” in order to lend it to people to get interest. That’s usury. Usury is parasitism.

      That’s ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. And we WHITES do that.

      Bottom line though: Ken is a specialista muh-brand fag.

      1. Small correction to myself:

        That’s ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. And we WHITES are letting THAT be DONE (guess by who!).

      2. Haha, yes Fox, I’ve heard the dude mention movies on plenty of different occasions. Ken hasn’t been using his ‘critical thinking skills’ to decode much of the BS in the movies.

        He has a few beloved-baby groups (Ken’s babies, lol): Any non-whites besides Jews, but especially blacks, Muslims, Hawaiians, Amerindians, economic migrants and illegals. Of course he’s also a white knight while he’s at it. The clown blocked me on his page because I made this comment on one of his posts where he was talking about San Diego women and I added to it, exposing Ameriskanks, and a couple other dumb fembots who don’t know shit came in talking to me like I was ‘stupid’. When I asked a polite question for debate and got no response from them, I started attacking the bitches and Ken blocked me right away like a pussy, lol. Stupid ass Ken would get smashed in a debate on feminism but he doesn’t debate it because he’s a turd, lol. And so is his girlfriend… both are fuck-nuts, lol.

        The idea that people have to stop paying taxes to these corrupted governments is something an 8-year-old could figure out. The only thing he might be adding is getting in touch with a lawyer or more who might be able to pull some legal strings here and there. I don’t know how much his lawyer/s are gonna help and they might easily be of no help at all and he might be totally over-estimating their value. Either way, as more and more people figure out these governments are corrupted and see what they use tax payers’ money for, of course they’re going to want to stop paying taxes, and eventually will, whether or not Ken O’Keefe is or was involved.

        1. ” Either way, as more and more people figure out these governments are corrupted and see what they use tax payers’ money for, of course they’re going to want to stop paying taxes, and eventually will, whether or not Ken O’Keefe is or was involved.”

          —Absolutely. And I admit that Ken has just implied what I said. He knows some stuff. But then his assumptions are questionable. I’ve never heard him say openly that this type of usury should be BANNED. As I do.

          On my post I mentioned “cash”. Let’s think of a simple think. If “cash” can be thought of as immediately tradable asset (a reasonable thought i think), then taxing (we have 24% sales tax (VAT) in greece for example) means that you forcibly remove that immediately tradeable stuff. Having a big debt to GDP ratio (greece is about 180% to annual GDP) means that the usurers can do WHATEVER they want. But even having something like 100% debt-to-annual gdp ratio means that you are giving a big part of this immediately tradeable stuff to people (lenders) who already have stockpiled that shit. This is completely irrational. It is not only unfair (these chosens that run the system are simply BORN into usury money making scam families and they get $$ by interest). It is also mathematically unsustainable. As an engineer, I would say the system is unstable (depressions…. and we can see the long term effects of inflation etc). And it FULLY welcomes parasites. That’s why the west has been fucked for centuries. Because we welcome parasites. And, Dana, again, I think that vanity plays its part here. Unfortunately when things are a-ok, we tend to want more material stuff. We are dangerously approaching ‘being a chosenite’. Some whites worship them unfortunately. A faggot named Engelman I think, in the moronic chosenite fascist (no freedom of commenting) shitplace called AMERN was like that. Supposedly a white nationalist but at the same time almost like worshiping the chosen people and their parasitism (equating their success with IQ. Fools. You betrayed the west. West means rationalism, not materialistic worship. You can rationaly understand that material stuff ARE important but should NOT be life goals.

          Vanity. Definitely my favorite sin (Al Pacino, Devil’s Advocate).

          1. Yeah Fox, well you know Marx was into materialism, and there has been and is much materialistic propaganda which makes people feel that they’ve gotta keep up with the Joneses, and if they don’t, they get insecure and must compensate for it. It causes a lot of people to wanna be ballers and flash and bling when they really don’t have the money for it. Materialism is about replacing things that really matter in life with things that don’t really matter at all, and it has the effect of making people feel empty and fake inside. You know Madonna is a great material girl, lol. Blacks and women are total pay-check to pay-check creatures who buy the dumbest shit and have the worst understandings of how to handle money and plan of all groups. They’ve got the least impulse-control and are the worst planners. And when it comes to vanity, both are very vain; way more than white dudes (especially the Westernized blacks and women).

            A group that is very immoral, like Jews, cannot be mimicked by people with morals, like white dudes. That’s another part of the argument that whites can’t simply do what Jews do because of all the evil shit they do that you couldn’t. Like, if you ran a media empire, could you demonize certain groups non-stop and make them look the opposite of what they are, and then do the reverse for other groups? I mean even if somebody was going to give me a trillion dollars to do so, I could never bring myself to do it because it’s just so fucked-up and dirty. I’d rather be dead and never had existed. So much of this shit is just beyond words for fucked-up to me and makes me incredibly, incredibly angry. These Jews can do it though.

            Oh yeah, this shit is totally unsustainable and bad things are on the horizon. Definitely pays to be very prepared.

  3. Yeah, and it’s really weak that he doesn’t debate on FB. I’ve noticed many people who don’t debate because they’re probably aware that they’ll lose and so they just ignore or block, and it’s a real scum-bag fucking thing to do.

    If there is any truth at all to what Ken says about this lawyer he has been consulting who apparently knows that it’s basically illegal for people to have to pay federal taxes (I know the federal income tax is illegal in the US, but I don’t know what the status of it is in other countries), the idea of potentially using lawyers as defense attorneys could possibly have some merit in a place like Europe as a catalyst or kick-starter to help people with regular professions to get started to stop paying taxes. If a bunch of people suddenly started doing it all at the same time, there could be too many people for the governments to keep track of and prosecute.

    However, Ken being the cultural Marxist that he is, doesn’t understand that black Africans could easily take an “oath” to respect others and pay their small fee, just to get to Europe as an undocumented migrant and then disappear, and to now be able to collect welfare and other bene’s off whites in Europe. Ken is assuming like an ass that these black Africans actually are from similarly “high-trust” societies where they have the “same” (or he probably thinks even “better”) integrity and “morals”, when they absolutely fucking do not. Especially a place like sub-Saharan Africa which is the crime capital of the world, including every other black country. It’d be nice to see him respond to what he thinks should be done about the blacks who do this.

    So it’s a given that eventually either these politicians have to be removed, and/or eventually taxes are gonna have to stop being paid, and either way, people will eventually stop paying them en-masse out of revolution or because they simply can’t pay anymore because they don’t have the money and/or are jobless. Well, it’d also be nice for Ken to answer what he thinks should happen if taxes were even indeed agreed upon to be illegal and native Europeans suddenly stopped paying them en-masse. How does Ken propose all these blacks and Muslims on welfare should be dealt with, given there will be mass, mass riots and chaos? This will also include mass starvations and deaths. Is Ken thinking in this scenario that native Europeans should just “take in” the blacks and Muslims in their own houses? Or maybe he thinks they should be out giving them money, food, and supplies in the streets or some shit?

    One problem here is Ken still has a lot of gullible followers who don’t know any better and don’t know what a clown the dude is on anything to do with cultural Marxism. The mofo needs to be exposed for it.

  4. “Thousands of people cannot just get on a boat and sail into the ports of a foreign nation. That’s literally a foreign invasion”

    That’s a great point there Brandon. It’s just simple. Sometimes people over-complicate things. This is a military invasion.

    Tell that to the malakes (masturbators) that vote for SYRIZA. The governing communists in Greece. They will say you are a fascist. And equate you with Golden Dawn.

    The white elite and the chosen people that lead the media give you a dichotomy. Fascism vs Humanism. Interestingly, a lot of “fascists” like Golden Dawn, pop up here and there in History and lead the ‘Fascist’ part of the dichotomy I mentioned. They gatekeep the Fascist part. To make it more extreme and ‘manly’, but in a ridicoulous, laughable, faggotistic kind of way. Macho posuer neonazi muh-muscles faggots.

    Anyone caught in between, is in no-man’s land. He’s just caught in the crossfire between Fascism and Humanism. SYRIZA voters are betraying Greece when they are just letting themselves be lullabied (or loonabied) by the Humanist part of the dichotomy (SYRIZA, generic greek progressive crowds etc). Plus they let themselves be frighened by the Fascist part of the DICHOTOMY (Golden Faggots)… Which was created (fabricated?) by chosens.

    Kick the white elite out of europe. They failed us. Kick the politicians and the media reporters to the Middle East (they love to report from the middle east). White countries for whites. No boats allowed. The military should act accordingly. But no one would ever give the command.

  5. Hey Brandon, you may also want to look into doing a pod with Matt Forney. I like the dude as he’s very accurate and deep on a wide range of issues. Like in this vid below, they’re definitely correct about the FDA, GMOs (BTW, it’s reported that Bayer just bought out Monsanto and so Monsanto apparently won’t be going by that name anymore but will still be up to incredible evil), contaminated vaccines, pharmaggedon, and how the medical industry in the US has continually become more socialized, which is not good, (and when Trump first got in, he was talking like he was gonna totally reverse Obamacare, but that has changed to the clown only slightly reforming and modifying it).


    He has a good channel and good blog and covers lots of things. He is an American expat in Hungary and has been covering Hungarian politics quite a bit. He is quite pro-male as well. Aside from many good things he has done, I do find his relationship with Daniel Frieberg to be odd because of Frieberg’s association with other Swedish ANTIFA members, and I can’t say I like the fukin dude from my short impression of him on FB. Of course Matt is, I believe, still very pro-Trump and hasn’t figured out despite mounds of goddamned evidence to the contrary that US presidential elections are fucking rigged, so he likes to play every Trumpian’s mind and soul-reading skills where they just “know” what Trump’s “true intentions” are, and that they’re “good”. Every fucking time I turn on Fox Jews, I see them talk about, “The media’s anti-Trump bias”…. ummm, if the media had a uniformed ‘anti-Trump bias’, we sure as fuck wouldn’t be hearing Fox News repeat the shit over and over and over again.

    So I remember being on Matt’s page and trying to respectfully explain how these US pres, elections are rigged, and low-IQ fuck-ups would come in calling me “autiste” and other such dumb shit, but obviously couldn’t back up their dumb fucking claims. He’s also friends with people like Bernard Chapin who is another slow AF clown in my book. Bernard is a die-hard Trumpian and even has the pronunciation of the words Dahhhnuld Trump for his name description on FB. I tried to tell Bernard many years ago in the manosphere that these elections were rigged when he was talking about how he made an actual bet on Romney beating Obama. He lost, of course. He lost and never even comprehended a bit of what I was saying, and this was before the ‘election’. When did I first realize US presidential elections were rigged? In 2010. I noticed all these mysterious dead bodies surrounding both the Clintons and Bush’s. These would be situations where, say, the “suicide” was a gun-blast to the back, followed up by a gun-blast to the head: obviously not fucking “suicides”. Not only that, but this means the MSM and coroners were/are involved in these cover-ups as well. This means very dark, evil forces are in high politics and in and behind the MSM. So Chapin also likes to claim that he “doesn’t do partisan politics” (lmao, everbody is biased in many ways, including me… like sometimes I think 20% of blacks should be segregated from the rest, and then other times I’m thinking it could most likely be below 15%, etc.). And Chapin loves to yap his ignorant mouth that this is “not” a “Jewish conspiracy” and that Jews just “don’t conspire together” when I’ve compiled loads of anti-white Jews and anti-male Jews… they’re way, way over-represented in these agendas compared to their numbers and of course they fucking conspire together. So Chapin “doesn’t do partisan politics”, but can’t debate quite a few of his dumb fucking claims. And Matt isn’t super red-pilled on the JQ yet either and thinks Netanyahyu is a “good leader”, lol. He can’t debate his pro-Trump or pro-Netanyahu stances because he’ll get smacked, but besides some issues like these (he could very easily be very pro-Putin as well, like so many other alt-lighters, but I haven’t checked), he is quite knowledgeable on many other fields.

  6. Wasn’t just all the dead bodies and extremely strange deaths that obviously couldn’t be “suicides” surrounding the Clintons and Bush’s, but also surrounding Obama.

    This is an interesting one on Trump, linking him to the Kremlin as well. I’m sure there have been and are gonna be many more:

    “An ex-KGB chief suspected of helping the former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to compile his dossier on Donald Trump may have been murdered by the Kremlin and his death covered up, it has been claimed.

    Oleg Erovinkin, a former general in the KGB and its successor the FSB, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow on Boxing Day in mysterious circumstances. Video of body being loaded into an ambulance:”

    “Erovinkin has been described as a key liaison between Sechin and Russian president Vladimir Putin. Mr Steele writes in an intelligence report dated July 19, 2016, he has a source close to Sechin, who had disclosed alleged links between Mr Trump’s supporters and Moscow.

    The death of Erovinkin has prompted speculation it is linked to Mr Steele’s explosive dossier, which was made public earlier this month. Mr Trump has dismissed the dossier as “fake news” and no evidence has emerged to support its lurid claims.”


    1. I lost practically all respect for Sabrosky a couple years back after trying to educate some pro-black, anti-white SJWs on his page, then getting attacked, and telling them that blacks are a low-IQ, low-planning, low-impulse-control, high-crime group, and him coming along and blocking me, but refusing to debate. What a cowardly thing to do… sadly truthertards are fucking stupid outside of realms like 9/11.

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