Alex Jones Confronts Smug Cuckservative Marco Rubio

This is absolutely hilarious. Alex Jones confronted smug cuckservative congressman Marco Rubio about internet censorship. Watch the video:

Rubio is a lousy cuckservative who’s not even really conservative on anything. He’s known for being a pro-Zionist shill along the lines of John McCain, supporting foreign interventions in the service of Israel.

Rubio is a classic status quo psyborg politician who stands for nothing real, nothing substantial. Descended from Cuban immigrants, he’s definitely sympathetic to Latino immigration into the US. Rubio is obviously of White Castilian Spanish descent as are many Cubans, but the lines are blurred with the cultural mixing that went on in Latin America. White Latinos often mistakenly put themselves in the same basket as mestizo and black Hispanics even though they’re White.

Zionist prostitutes like Rubio are not our friends. The Republican Party is riddled with cucks and crypto-leftists who are weak on immigration and do little more than act as Zionist operatives in the US Congress pushing legislation to help Israel at all costs.

Some of these dumb mofos calling themselves politicians literally run campaigns on the sole platform of doing Jewish bidding in the Middle East, neglecting the needs of their own citizens to buttress Jewish supremacy in a foreign country.

America needs to divorce itself from Israel. That country is like a fat boil on the backside of the American citizenry, sucking out billions of dollars of taxpayer money to increase its military state and wars with wily Arabs. White America needs no part in quarrels between  Arabs and Jews in the desert. It serves no purpose to back any side in that eternal dispute.

Rubio was a weak ass candidate compared to the strong populist performance of Trump. That’s why he lost so bad in the election and is a laughingstock as a presidential candidate.

As for Alex Jones, he’s only good in calling out the anti-White hatred of the radical left, but he does so in liberal way of saying “we’re against all form of racism including against Whites,” affirming his race-blind libertarian mindset. Jones definitely has some implicit pro-White identity going on, but he usually reigns it in and starts cucking hard when confronted with the validity of White nationalism in America and the West. He has his uses but ultimately he’s not alt-right and has shown himself to be an enemy of the alt-right at times.

5 thoughts on “Alex Jones Confronts Smug Cuckservative Marco Rubio

  1. These cucks are remote-controlled by Jews to a ridiculous degree. That Sacha Baron Cohen sketch proved it beyond any doubt that if you put an Israeli in front of “conservatives”, they get weak in the knee and say/do the darndest things.
    Masonic prostitutes.

    1. A pop filter can be made cheaply from an embroidery crochet hoop and some ladies black nylon stocking.
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  2. Alex Jones heckling there was great fun to watch.
    Rubio did well to mostly ignore it and to even get some sort of message out.
    However the main point here is the de-platforming and freedom of speech issue.

    According to David Icke this week in his videocast, the internet is – as well as being exploited commercially (that is really only a bonus feature of it) – primarily serves the government military and intelligence machine.
    Everything you do online is monitored and correlated by “big brother” . . . and in china people are even being evaluated from their online activity and given a trustworthiness credit rating.
    Here in the west platforms such as facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest are able to censor and filter the information people receive and transmit.
    They can ban you from their sites if they disagree with you, therefore these platforms can influence people’s perceptions, especially at election times.
    We need to have an alternative internet that has an infrastructure outside the control of the governments and their rotten agencies.
    Maybe in the future we can arrange to have concealed optical fibres that tunnel independently everywhere like tree roots to make a huge hidden network, or how’s about above ground light beams (much faster and greater data rates than rf or wifi). Fantasy science fiction? Well who would have thought possible 100 years ago all of the things we take for granted today.
    Bottom line is we need to have a society that does what it wants, not what it is told to do.
    The wealthy who can buy influence have power over the poor of the world.
    Caspian Report reviews a book about why Africa is the way it is (corrupted),
    CaspianReport on youtube
    Review: The Looting Machine by Tom Burgis

    Well worth a watch I think,

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