Based Dalai Lama: “Europe Belongs to Europeans”

The Dalai Lama has told media that Europe belongs to Europeans and that refugees and immigrants must return to their countries to rebuild, shocking leftists across the world.

The Independent reported:

The Dalai Lama has sparked anger after declaring that “Europe belongs to the Europeans”.

The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader also said that refugees should return to their native countries and assist with developing them.

The 14th Dalai Lama was speaking at a conference in Malmo, Sweden which is home to a large immigrant population, according to the Business Times.

“Receive them, help them, educate them … but ultimately they should develop their own country,” the 83-year-old said, when speaking about refugees.

“I think Europe belongs to the Europeans.”

He was speaking in the aftermath of a divisive election in Sweden in which a far-right party, Swedish Democrats, made electoral gains, although they were beaten by the country’s centre-left coalition.

Red Ice covered the story:

The Based Dalai Lama said what we on the right have been saying for years. Having experienced cultural destruction in his native Tibet by the invading Communist Chinese, the Lama knows well that diversity is a lie and tool of racial/national/cultural annihilation.

14 thoughts on “Based Dalai Lama: “Europe Belongs to Europeans”

  1. Buddhism is a religion/philosophy which fits with Nationalsocialism.
    Dalai Lama is a holy man. Liberals thought that Buddhism was kind of “proggie” thing. It is not. Now they are dissapointed. 🙁 Poor them.
    Schopenhauer was philo Buddhist, Nietzsche, Jung, Rosenberg, Himmler…
    This year 2018 everything is getting so revealed. It is great.
    Europeans have to make a strong alliance with Asian Buddhists, Hindus, Charvaka, Jain, Bahai, Taoists… The yellow man is our natural ally and they are very pro white. I love seeing so many Korean tourists in Spain.

  2. The infamous order to shoot at the Berlin Wall and the German-German border was the responsibility of the Jew Albert Norden. The head of the Stasi was Jew Markus Wolf. Jewish lawyer Gregor Gysi, code name “IM (inofficial member) Notary”, spyed on and betrayed the civic opposition for years after sneaking into their trust. He has written hundreds of handwritten pages about his “obervations” and passed them on to the Stasi, reports Vera Lengsfeld in a new video.

    But the brain behind Gysi is a certain André Brie, whom hardly anyone knows, the son of the Jewish communist Horst Brie, brother of the leftist “philosopher” of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Michael. “Brie is the son of the GDR diplomat Horst Brie and grew up in China and North Korea as a result of the family’s professional relocations”, says German wiki. Brie advised the last SED leader, Gysi, not to dissolve the SED, but to rename it every year in order to transfer it to democracy. Thus, the party’s assets of officially 21 billion dollars (“people’s property”), stolen from the people, from which the former Wall-Murder-Party today still finances its members and its election campaign, were not lost.

    Interesting the role of Jewish Stasi informer Wolgang Schnur, who was later unmasked, who was friends with Merkel’s father and recommended her after Kohl/Schäuble donations affair in the CDU as new party- and faction leader which she became. Hamburg born physicist and agitator Merkel, who was privileged in the GDR, had initially applied to the SPD, which was more related to her ideologically, after the collapse of the GDR, but where she was to start at the very bottom as a local politician. Then she went to the CDU, where she started her career without any previous knowledge right at the top, where she scented, bit by bit eliminating all resistance, mobbing away idiosyncratic colleagues, and finally becoming “the most powerful woman in the world”.

      1. Not to mention “IM Victoria”, Stasi-Kahane,
        a kind of “German” Barbara Lerner Spectre.

        Israeli “Tal Silberstein” wanted to
        manipulate elections in Austria
        Also interesting

        The EU muzzling laws under the lying term “tolerance”, which are
        now also to be extended to America, come from the Jewish “oligarch”
        Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor and his Israeli colleague Yoram Dienstein.

  3. In Galicia there was a so-called Batlen in every Shtetl, a storyteller.
    He did nothing but entertain people with his fairy tales, even though
    everyone knew he was lying “like a print”, in return he lived off the
    money ofthe otherwise bored listeners. A tradition that developed
    over centuries. “Hollywood” is a huge institutionalized Batlen.

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