#MeToo WitchHunt’s Latest Target: Cristiano Ronaldo

The feminazi #MeToo witch hunt continues to claim male victims, and the latest target is none other than Portuguese superstar footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

BBC reports:

Nike has said it is “deeply concerned” by rape allegations against footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

The US sportswear giant – which has a contract worth a reported $1bn (£768m) with Ronaldo – said it would “continue to closely monitor the situation”, the Associated Press reports.

EA Sports, which also has a contract with Ronaldo, made similar comments.

Ronaldo, 33, earlier “firmly” denied assaulting Kathryn Mayorga at a Las Vegas hotel in 2009.

Ms Mayorga, a 34-year-old US former teacher, was inspired to speak out by the #MeToo movement, her lawyer said.

“The MeToo movement and the women who have stood up and disclosed sexual assaults has given Kathryn a lot of courage,” Leslie Stovall said.

So a broad Ronaldo met at a Vegas nightclub is accusing him of “rape”. This is so ludicrous. Ronaldo had absolutely no incentive to “rape” a lousy nightclub skank. He’s filthy rich and famous and could bang any broad on the planet with no effort at all. He probably has a platoon of cash-hungry skanks lining up at his front door to get a piece. And he’s already got a wife and kids.

This is how dangerous it is for rich and famous men to get involved with random women. These avaricious females routinely come out with accusations after a sexual encounter with a celebrity in order to get some of that man’s hard-earned cash. They know they’ll never be more than a one night stand and want to take advantage of the situation for financial gain.

Women see high-status men like Ronaldo as an opportunity to score easy money through a false sexual assault or rape allegation. Instead of earning their money legitimately, many lazy, unintelligent, talentless women have turned false allegations into an extortion racket for quick cash.

Supposedly, the woman was paid by Ronaldo before to not make accusations publicly. It’s more than likely that Ronaldo paid her even though he’s innocent, because he knows sexual misconduct allegations of any kind can ruin his reputation. Again from BBC:

But the next year, she reportedly reached an out-of-court settlement with Ronaldo involving a $375,000 (£288,000) payment for agreeing never to go public with the allegations. Her lawyers are now seeking to declare the non-disclosure agreement void.

But like a hungry shark, she’s out for more blood.

This is getting to the point of ridiculousness. No man is safe from these allegations. Any female you’ve ever slept with can magically come out of the woodwork years later and accuse you of something. And the feminazis and mangina cucks running our societies encourage this kind of duplicitous female behaviour.

3 thoughts on “#MeToo WitchHunt’s Latest Target: Cristiano Ronaldo

  1. Team sports is a master PsyOp for large scale herd management through vicarious and phoney “steam let-offs,” period. “Truthers” that still watch team sports are absolute brainwashed morons. Here’s the definitive analysis in just 20 minutes:


    The “vicarious living” distraction of team sports buried into the ground, once and for all, where it belongs.

    I think the best bet for a thinking man to maintain his integrity and keep feminists and their stank shyster lawyers at bay is to only go out with women who are already “in the movement” and fairly committed. But even those women you should NEVER give your house keys to because you never know when they might turn, since the law has put the knife on the table for them to stab you in the back with as soon as you do the slightest thing to piss them off. In California 6 months of co-habitation means “common law marriage.” Screw that! MGTOW and one-night-stands all the way — until there are so many lonely, miserable, depressed skanks crying a river that the Jews are forced to change these laws so that they don’t have to listen to these idiots whine. The problem with “truther girls” is that they are much rarer than hippie girls and such. But I think, slowly the trend is changing because the really healthy and strong guys, the ones that show the most masculinity, however rare, are likely to be “truthers.” Here are three raw-meat-eating “truther girls” that went to sv3rige’s sausage party meet-up in Denmark and de-homofied it


    One of them, Luna, is his Dutch girlfriend, who was recently attacked and kicked in the face by some migrants (she says she didn’t see who it was before she was knocked unconscious, but I think she knows and just doesn’t want to get into the racial aspect of it, the fact that some genetic groups are just more pre-disposed to solving their problems through violence than others)


    The “shit city” he’s talking about is Berlin, of course, which he says is no longer a German city being something like 60% Turks and other immigrants. He himself is a Latvian who grew up in Germany when his family moved there. Obviously, since he’s hip to MGTOW and feminist BS, as all self-respecting “truthers” should be, she only visits him and he visits her. They don’t even live in the same country, but the distances there are short enough that they can drive back and forth in Europe and have themselves a nice enough relationship without becoming “common law” jack shit or whatever the equivalent of it is in Cultural-Marxist Germany.



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