(((Jordan Peterson))) Blames “Anti-Semites” for Synagogue Shooting

Jordan Peterson has tweeted that “anti-Semites” who use bracket quotes to identify Jews online bear responsibility for the recent synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh.

The tweet:

That’s pretty ironic coming from the supposed free speech warrior. This is the same argument used by the left against Peterson, that his anti-SJW discourse “enables” anti-Semites and the alt-right. He’s gone full circle, and is now using leftist tactics to shame the alt-right.

I’ve been calling out Peterson’s unrestrained philosemitism and Jewish apologism for years now. The pseudo intellectual has consistently justified Jewish domination and power over us with the “they’re just smarter than us” argument, which doesn’t hold water. Yet would he ever use that argument to justify white domination over non-whites, that whites have significantly higher average IQs than blacks, for example? Of course not, because he’s in favour of a singular supremacy, that of the Jews over the Goyim.

Peterson has been promoted by Jewish-dominated mainstream media outlets as the acceptable critic of the radical anti-white, anti-male left. He’s made millions from donations and book sales boosted by his regular appearances on the mainstream media. No true dissident against the radical left would be given that level of publicity. Now he’s the focus of a new documentary:

Peterson serves as a gatekeeper steering the anti-leftist backlash towards a centre-right, non-racial, philosemitic cuckservatism and classical liberalism. He’s not as much of our enemy as the radical left, but he is certainly not our friend, as he regularly attacks the alt-right and white nationalism, while hypocritically backing Jewish tribalism and supremacy in Israel and the West.

Peterson will never take the red-pill on the JQ because he is too heavily intertwined with Jews on a personal level, and too reliant on their media apparatus to continue to amass his little fortune spouting basic bitch anti-SJW conservative talking points.

The alt-right needs to start targeting these alt-light cucks, putting their feet to the fire on race and the JQ, demanding that they either endorse a white ethnostate or join with the left in fighting against it. The battle lines have been drawn, you are either with us or against us. It appears that Peterson is against us.

3 thoughts on “(((Jordan Peterson))) Blames “Anti-Semites” for Synagogue Shooting

  1. I knew he was a shill from the day one because he didn’t pass the standard shillery litmus tests but this is really a new low. What a pathetic excuse for a man and what a surprise that so many more “intellectual” women find him attractive and wanna hump his old decrepit university e-jew-cated circumcised pecker (lol), since he’s a perfect phony intellectual just like most anti-White-male, feminist dumbasses (they’re all for non-White males and the backwards cultures they have produced as long as they have some meat hanging between their legs to hump them and with and some muscles to chimp out with when they can’t logically solve a problem to save their lives, lol). No balls whatsoever.

    Controlled opposition, limited hangout bait-and-hook just like Trump and Putin. Trump sounded like an ear-fed robot reciting the Jew-media’s talking points on their latest FAKE shooting (the “victims” are either relocated after “playing dead” in the PsyOp and given a new identity or they are faked entirely from scratch, never even existed. Depends on the number of faked deaths. 11 masonic numbered sayanim or shabbos goys are easy to relocate and give witness protection to after they do their secret service work acting in the latest Jew PsyOp, 3000 people are not, so they completely fabricate a lot of those ones from scratch, knowing hardly a handful of very high-IQ people among billions will catch them and even if they do, they will have no major media outlets to spread their message through and be forced to limit themselves to reaching a few thousand people on the internet and even there with plenty of censorship on mainstream Jew-run or retardedly anti-free-speech, Jew-dictates-obeying sites like you tube, facebook, amazon, etc.,).

  2. This Jordan Peterson douchebag sometimes clears 200,000 dollars a show and charges 200 dollars a ticket! He’s also signed to and represented by CAA, a completely kosher Hollywood institution, the same company representing almost every big hollywood star. This guy’s such a fraud

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