Am I A Racist?

Yes. But that doesn’t mean I “hate” anyone else; rather I recognize that racial differences cause conflict when different groups are forced to share the same living space and that we’re better off apart.

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16 thoughts on “Am I A Racist?

  1. It seems a certain race group are always quick at pulling the race card. How many white footballers do you get wanting to play for bksck/African teams?

  2. Dark races are the biggest racist people on Earth.
    Proof is that they breed like rats. Breeding so much is a sample of racial arrogance.
    Whites and Meds don´t breed so much, We are more racially humble.
    For me it is OK if they want to breed like rats but:

    a) Don´t ask me for help through NGO´s or Catholic Church. Don´t expect me to take responsibility for your uncontrolled fucking.
    b) Don´t come to Europe, Stay in Africa, Asia, Latin America or wherever, but don´t come over to rubb on my face your fucking breeding.

    Proof that black people hate each other: hutu-tusti genocide. In Spain we always have known about this African “issues” (maybe because we are 12 km.. from Africa) so we always used expressions such “odio africano” (“African hate”) and “merienda de negros” (literally: “nigger´s snack”, but it really means “massacre between black people”)

  3. I am a 25-year-old black man in Florida. I read that comment from Sunday, April 7, 2019. He said, “Dark races are the biggest racist people on Earth. Proof is that they breed like rats.” I thought about how black people breed like rats a lot lately, but I never ever mentioned that in words.

    I’m interested in having Aryan sons or non-Jewish Caucasian sons through adoption and surrogacy. If race was really just skin-deep then I could be blissful or supremely happy just having albino black sons or black sons that have a congenital absence of pigmentation. I know that white people are a racial classification of people that are of European descent. Black people built Africa and white people built America. Two of my favorite videos were published by American Renaissance to YouTube on Friday, May 8, 2015.

    Jared Taylor is in one, and Richard Spencer is in the other. Jared Taylor was sixty-three years of age, and Richard Spencer was thirty-six years of age, and I know that it was a three days before Spencer’s birthday, and four months and four days before Taylor’s birthday. It’s amazing how my 45-year-old father always says negative things about myself, the alt-right, and white people. It’s like a knee-jerk reaction even though he voted for Donald Trump. Just being conservative is far from enough if you’re a non-Caucasian or non-white person.

    Taylor said, “What they mean of course is that biology s what accounts for racial differences. That the races differ in average intelligence and temperament, and that is why Switzerland is different from Haiti. It’s really as simple and as obvious as that. It’s so simple and so obvious that one hundred years ago everyone understood this without even thinking about it. And it’s one of the great ironies and the great tragedies of history that the entire western world is stampeding toward the abyss because we’ve turned our back on something so obvious and so basic.”

    I never want to have any of my own sons, even though I can if I wanted to. I know about the left-wing’s wholesale demonization of everything white and male so that’s why I want Aryan or non-Jewish white sons. I’m living with my immediate family. Or living with my two older parents and my two younger sisters. They’re the most aggravating people in my life who are driving me to insanity and suicide. I remember Jared Taylor talking about how the most colonized parts of Africa were richest so I know I would be doing a disservice to America by having my own children.

    I think that non-Caucasian or non-white people who have their own children are mouthbreathers or people who are really dumb. So are Caucasian or white people who have them with them. Non-whites are all-around worse. Whites are all-around better. I want to stop white genocide.

    1. You are not white but you are white friendly and that is fab.
      You can adopt white children from Ukraine.
      You can become white skin deep if you adopt European culture and you are loyal to it.
      So many whites were deeply in touch with Asian Buddhist culture. That European fascination about Buddhist culture started in the XIX century. Si, I cannot see any problem about a black man internalizing white culture.
      Regarding Africa… Ethiopia could be a good pount for you since Ethiopians are old (very old) Christians and Ethiopian people are light skined and with caucasian traits. If I would be a white friendly black man I would put my eyes in Ethiopia, a very old and rich culture since the times of the Anciant Egypt.

  4. I am in hell living with my immediate family. Or living with my two parents and two younger teenage sisters. I have a dark-skinned black father and a Hispanic mother that is fluent in English and Spanish. I only speak English. I found out about alt-rock concert at 7:00 pm on Monday, April 1, 2019. I never ever went to any kind of alt-right gathering in my life. So that’s four months and fifteen days from then.

    My father later said a lot of ignorant things. He said that I don’t even have to talk to a white woman there, and she just has to tell her father that she likes me and her white father would get angry at me for her daughter being romantically and sexually interested in black people. Then others there would just beat me up without even hearing a word I say. They would call me N-word and other racial slurs. They could kill me and no one would ever know about it.

    That’s basically what he said without doing a second of research. If anything, it’s everyone who disagrees with the alt-right that is unpleasant and violent. He said that there would be uneducated hillbillies there who will bear me up. It’s entertaining. I thought about that when I was at an gym. I’m in good physical shape and I go there often. I will even walk there, and it’ll take me about an hour if I walk.

    I remember that I myself in the past was called a hillbilly by another person on a public group from Kik Interactive because I had the KKK emblem as my profile picture. I never ever contacted the KKK in any way, shape, or form. I just think that they and the National Socialist Movement are interesting. My father thinks that by me just calling the Ku Klux Klan they would find out where we live and commit heinous or extremely evil or horrible crimes against my immediate family or us. I remember one of my sisters telling my father last year that I called the Ku Klux Klan.

    My father said, “Do you think the KK will come here with good intentions?! Do you think the KKK will come here with good intentions?!” It’s amazing how people like him will hate that organization and yet have no problem with black people and Islamic people. Black people commit more crime than any other race and Muslims killed almost three thousand Americans on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Muslims kill people all the time.

    I remember being at a college last year. I was in an English class, and there was an Italian and Russian 29-year-old professor. I mentioned American Renaissance in a paper. He said that they’re on the site for the Southern Poverty Law Center. I wrote a paper talking about Islamic extremism and Sam Harris. He then said that I was stereotyping Muslims.

    Teachers like him are proof that just having a college degree doesn’t make you intelligent. My father has a degree in psychology from a college, and yet I think that a white man without a college degree is ten times smarter than him. I know from listening to Race, Evolution,and Behavior: A Life History Perspective by Jean Rushton that there are differences among races in testosterone. Blacks have more testosterone than whites and East Asians. So that’s why blacks commit more crimes than anyone else .I never ever committed a crime in my life besides stealing toys a few times when I was a child. I want a better and whiter future so let’s create a better and whiter tomorrow.

    1. Have a trip to Ethiopia to find good African roots. But being a wannabe white I think is pointless.
      I, myself, I am not white, I am Med, which I think, by the way, that is way better than being white.
      There are so many blacks in the Trump movement, I cannot see any reason for not to join it.

        1. I never ever remember going anywhere outside of America. I have went to Bonaire or an island in the southern Caribbean as a child, but I don’t remember that. I don’t see Christian and college-educated behavior from my father even though he identifies as Christian and has a degree in psychology from a college. I have a 45-year-old father, and a 50-year-old mother, and my parents self-identify as Christians. I definitely don’t see them as role models or people that I admire and will try to imitate.

          My father puts on a mask whenever he’s around others so that they will think highly of him. I think that we all put on masks, but my father believes the worst about me, and brings out the worst in me. I lost it and started yelling at my father at the top of my lungs a couple times. The last time I did that was on Monday, December 31, 2018. That was New Years Eve, and my father said something totally false about me as if it was totally true. Then he asked me if I was trying to challenge his authority or prove myself.

          My father is a dark-skinned black man who acts exactly how I think that a person that has low intelligence and high testosterone would act. I know now that’s how all black people are. He angry around me, and curses at me all the time. I can remember reading on a Christian site that I trust that it’s definitely a sin to swear, and that the Bible makes that abundantly clear. He’s cursed at me for years so it’s not like it’s a new thing.

          I don’t understand Christians or religious people that swear. If you aren’t going to follow all of your religion then why follow any of it? I’m not and never ever will ask for perfection from anyone, but at least don’t habitually or intentionally indulge in your favorite things that are against you religion if your want to self-identify as Christian or religious. I just don’t understand why only 84% of the world’s population believes in some form of god and belongs to some form of organized religion, and that’s about 5.9 billion people. I got those numbers from a video that was published to YouTube by OxfordUnion on Friday, December 21, 2012. In that YouTube video Dr. Michael Shermer gives his argument against the existence of God.

          I’m really starting to not care at all about God or religion. I was a Protestant Christian for almost the entirety of my life, and there were times when I distanced myself from Christianity for different reasons. My parents who identify as Christians are doing an amazing job to get me to hate Christianity. Now I only really go to Christian churches just to talk to others that are there. If I could go to an atheistic or nontheistic church or gathering on Sundays I would, but I live with my parents now and they’re religious and theistic so I can’t.

          1. It seems your parents are typical conservatives. I can understand why so many people from conservative backgrounds became leftist to break with the conservative trap. But the second move is to break with leftism, which is even more prudish and narrowminded that conservatism.
            Fascism is the answer.
            Regarding Christianity, you can be an atheist and a cultural Christian at the same time. No problem about that.
            Evangelicalism is a fanatic brand of Christianity I don´t like at all. Catholicism is more laid back. Or Episcopalianism, or German/Scandinavian Lutheranism. Or Eastern Orthoxia. Anything but Evangelicalism.

      1. I wrote “pount” in my first answer to you.
        * is the sign of correction of an erratum in Internet blogs.

        Well, I have been in Ecuador (Quito, Cuenca, Otavalo, Esmeraldas…) I guess no more of 10% of the population is white, I remeber people from Otavalo, who looks like Tibetan people. And Cuenca, in my opinion, is a gorgeous city placed in a beautiful landscape. My Spaniard “conquistadores” ancestors did know how to build!

        1. I started a campaign on on Wednesday, May 1, 2019. It’s The two things that I want most are to have my own place as soon as possible or leave and live alone as soon as possible, and to have Aryan or non-Jewish Caucasian white sons. That’s all I care about, and I don’t know how I’m going to have that. If I feel that I’m not prepared or ready then I won’t have children of any kind or race.

  5. Jared Taylor was right in a speech he gave. It’s forty-two minutes and forty-seven seconds. It was published by American Renaissance to YouTube on Friday, May 8, 2015. Jared Taylor was sixty-three years of age, and it was four months and seven days before his birthday that year. There are nine hundred ten comments on that YouTube video as of right now.

    He said, ” People don’t like diversity. They like homogeneity. In fact, all around the world the main reason people are killing each other as diligently as they are is because of diversity. It’s when people are different in terms of race or religion or language or nationality. When they are diverse in these ways that we’re supposed to be celebrating, when they live together they can’t stand it and they kill each other. But we are supposed to persist in this utterly absurd notion that if we just fill the country up with people who are utterly unlike each other as possible it will be heaven on earth.”

    That’s one of my favorite YouTube videos of all time. There’s another YouTube video that was published by American Renaissance to YouTube on the same date that has Richard Spencer in it. I can see what Jared Taylor said in my family and in my life. I wonder if there are more families like mine. My biological father and my youngest sister are the most aggravating people in my life now.

    My father and my youngest sister are leftists. I can watch Netflix and YouTube on a TV in our house. I remember saying to my her when I was watching an American Renaissance YouTube video, “There’s nothing negative that they stand for,” She said, “There’s nothing negative that white supremacists stand for?” I don’t understand why others insist on using labels and names that make no sense at all. They are no white supremacists or people that want whites to be dominant over non-whites.

    I don’t understand how most are brainwashed to believe that just saying positive things about white people makes you satanic or supremely evil or wicked or diabolic or fiendish. I thank Almighty God or El Shaddai for the alternative right or white nationalism and Bre Faucheux, David Duke, Henrik Palmgren, Jared Taylor, Lana Lokteff, Mark Collett, and Richard Spencer. I totally like listening to them on YouTube. They’re like stars in my sky.

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