My Debate With Male Feminist on Feminism as Gender Supremacy Movement

I debated a male feminist about feminism, my argument being that modern feminism is a gender supremacy movement and power grab entirely designed to privilege women over men. You can vote for who you think won the debate on the Qallot website HERE.

I will be putting this up on my Bitchute channel too.

4 thoughts on “My Debate With Male Feminist on Feminism as Gender Supremacy Movement

  1. To clarify – on the Qallout website, vote PRO if you think Brandon made the better case (i.e. won the debate).
    I think Brandon succeeded here, using strong arguments built on solid facts, facts that his opponent had to accept politely in many cases.
    Brandon outlined the burning issues which are undeniable and very concerning for us.
    Feminism is one of the very powerful forces destroying our homelands and societies from within.
    Resist the call of the feminists.

    1. Radical feminists are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’.
      Every day it is possible to be on the receiving end of some form of wrath from a modern female, genetically they have always been good at making their feelings very apparent.
      Now with the shift in male / female dynamics women are empowered and have the approval of state and legal system to ‘put men down’.
      At the very least they can and often do ‘take the wind out of our sails when we are in a good mood’.
      Any bright ideas or upbeat comments are quickly and almost automatically ignored, belittled or if they have their ‘brain in gear’ criticized in some way.
      There are some rare exceptions, e.g. if the woman you are dealing with is traditional and really likes you, or it is in her interests to be nice to you.
      Then of course the media (most women are heavily influenced by the mainstream) plays a huge part in making WHITE MEN look stupid (programme content and adverts), some of it cleverly disguised, a lot of it is blatant.

      1. Since the sixties there has been a downward spiral of standards of decency.
        Aided by constantly improving communications and distribution networks, the originators of these declining standards have brainwashed entire populations.
        It probably cannot be reversed.
        The radicals, of all stripes, have an attitude of “I do whatever I want . . . and don’t tell me what to do or what to believe”.

        Liberalism Find A Cure. (that was a plug for Mark Dice on youtube)

  2. Hands down Brandon won.

    Being pro feminism or a feminist these days is like being against “terror” (a jewish fake).

    It’s really a mundane, conformist position that the modern narrative requires of you. Having any other idea is seen as very weird, savage, ancient, barbaric.

    The state propaganda machine has made us look weird. When THEY are they weirdo social engineers.

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