Dave Foley’s Nightmare Divorce Story

In 2013 Canadian comedian Dave Foley told Joe Rogan about his nightmare divorce story and how the Marxist Canadian government was trying to extort him for $500,000 in “child support” with threats of jail time.

Some Marxist man-hating judge ordered this humble man to pay his psychotic ex-wife nearly 20K a month in “child support,” an absurd sum that obviously has nothing to do with real child support but maintaining a upper-class lifestyle for the insufferable vindictive cunt he unfortunately was married to.

Foley talks about how a therapist diagnosed his ex-wife with borderline personality disorder and how she was a pathological liar who invented stories of physical abuse to turn his family and friends against him. Foley told Rogan that this whore spent much of his money during their marriage on lavish vacations in Europe and Africa, as well as constant house “renovations”. And she didn’t have sex with him for 11 years of that marriage, according to Foley. So the whore was not even living up to her end of the bargain, trading sex for money.

Psycho confirmed!

Foley now can’t even enter Canada anymore to see his kids fearing arrest. And he eventually couldn’t afford a lawyer after they sucked all his money dry just to keep him out of jail.

The evil Canadian courts literally crucify men and punish them with jail time for not being able to pay whores money that they don’t have.

His ex-wife is a literal psycho called Tabatha Southey, who now writes leftist/SJW garbage for prominent Canadian publications like Macleans magazine. She wrote this hit-piece on Jordan Peterson.

And we wonder why the MGTOW movement is growing? There’s literally not one single reason for a man to marry a modern female knowing that the Marxist courts and judges will always rule in the female’s favour in the case of divorce, forcing men to give away substantial portions of their earnings, and in some cases obligating them to pay obscene sums that they don’t have, just to prop up these female parasites.

2 thoughts on “Dave Foley’s Nightmare Divorce Story

  1. What this prevents is obvious: deeper relationships and the trust between male and female that can produce healthy off-spring and strong families. You can be MGTOW and still get laid plenty without too many problems aside from a possible false rape accusation (lol), by just never cohabiting with any girlfriends for any length of time, just “spinning plates” forever in “game” terms; but you obviously can’t be MGTOW and get girls pregnant and have kids since then that girl would become your wife and have access to the legal knife left on the table to stab you in the back with, make you her indentured servant and slave through government force.

    Worse than those deliberately iniquitous laws are all the conformist whites who follow the shekel-carrot in front of their nose to become lawyers and doctors, which means to work in the most, destructive Jew-dominated rackets of all, hence why more shekels can be had in those professions to draw enough suckers into the trap.

    Once they’re invested into those professions as providers for their lifestyle, they will themselves, without having to be asked, defend the ‘honor’ of these mostly worthless and problem-creating professions to the death rather than face the fact that they were bamboozled into becoming legal pimps and pharmaceutical drug pushers.

    There are also many people who are somewhat “woke” but have to self-censor all the time to keep whatever other shekel racket they’re stuck in. On most mainstream jobs, if you started spouting off to your co-workers about “woke” topics involving conspiracies, you would certainly risk losing that job or being told to zip it or get fired.


  2. What a sad story. Listened to the whole thing. A very depressing listen. This thing, just by itself, is reason to never associate with Canada. Period.

    Brandon, what is your opinion about this Joe Rogan character? Sometimes I hear him speak like a plain american leftist, having Abby Martin on etc, but other times he speaks like he is semi-red pilled.

  3. I shared this horrific story on my Twitter page….Hopefully other men will read it and be warned about how vindictively psychotic women are and the Satanic Court system

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