The Modern Female Is a Lifeless, Soulless Mannequin Who Slaves Away for the Jewish System

The modern female is little more than a mannequin, unable to produce independent thoughts or emotions beyond what was programmed into her by the television and Marxist schooling system.

She chases wealth, material possessions, luxury and the “good life”. Her idealized life path is that of a childless “independent” career woman in hot pursuit of superficial status and the approval of the corporate drone world.

She is a lifeless, soulless prop doing what her Zionist & Marxist masters demand of her. She’s a slave to the Jewish system and a servant of its diabolical whims.

The modern female sucks the life out of you and leaves you a broken empty shell with nothing left to live for.

Hello White men. We are modern women. We are all the same. We believe in nothing beyond chasing riches and status so we can get the approval of the Jews and pillow-biting homosexuals in power. Will you marry me, White man?

2 thoughts on “The Modern Female Is a Lifeless, Soulless Mannequin Who Slaves Away for the Jewish System

  1. Its not just white women .most white men are conformist zombies who will do anything to attain social approval. Nothing will change untill we get off the internet accept there is no political solution and start to act accordingly.

    1. But it’s mostly white women. Women are much more conformist than men. The entire Alt-right is made up of White men, not White women. The only political movement that involves large numbers of women is satanic feminism.

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