Colored Bigot Admits Democrats Are Using Demographic Warfare Against Whites to Establish Permanent Leftist Rule in America

The left openly admit what they are doing to us, but then turn around and call it a “conspiracy theory” when white nationalists call it out.

These are Saul Alinksy tactics, folks.

Big League Politics:

Far-left activists are letting the mask slip, and admitting that their plan is to use demographics to replace America’s white majority and create a grievance-based voting bloc that will usher in radical socialism.

Panelists admitted the demographic reality during the first day of the We Are Democracy 2019 Conference, which is still ongoing in Washington D.C. right now. Guests of the conference are speaking about social justice issues and discussing strategies on how to spread the far-left agenda.

“So that when we get to 2042 or 2045, whatever year you want to use, that we actually will not be suffering from what other countries like South Africa had, which is having the numbers but not having the power,” said Judith Browne Dianis, who works as the executive director of the National Office for the Advancement Project.

“We want… You know, people say demographics are not destiny. Well, we’re trying to make it destiny so that’s the work that we are doing,” she added to a response of “Amen!” from former Obama administration official Stephanie Valencia, who was leading the panel.

These people are waging a race war against whites.

And openly so.

Yet if you say anything white man, you’re a “racist white supremacist nazi” and must be locked in a Gulag for all eternity.

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