Bat-Eating Chinks Linked to Global Coronavirus Outbreak

Oh great, the savage chinks have caused another global pandemic.

Daily Mail:

Footage purporting to show a Chinese woman eating a whole bat at a fancy restaurant has gone viral as the country is ravaged by a new deadly virus believed to have come from the flying mammals. 
A separate trending video purports to show Cantonese-speaking diners preparing to eat soup made with the nocturnal animal. 
The new strain of coronavirus, which emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan last month, has killed at least 17 people, caused illness in more than 590 and caused the city of 11million to be in lockdown
The virus, which can cause pneumonia, is poorly understood. Scientists now fear it may have spread to humans from snakes or bats.  

A leading Chinese virologist who helped tackle the SARS epidemic in Asia in 2003 has warned that a new strain of deadly coronavirus from China could lead to an outbreak at least 10 times worse than the health crisis 17 years ago.
Bats are used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a series of illnesses, including coughing, malaria and gonorrhea. 
The animal’s faeces is also believed to be able to cure eye diseases, according to ancient Chinese medical masterpiece Ben Cao Gang Mu. 

First it was SARS, and now this – all because the chinks have a fetish for eating the dirtiest disease-ridden animals that few other humans would touch with a 50 foot pole.

Only untermensch would eat nasty creatures like bats.

Bats are like rats that fly. Eating them is proof of an inhuman quality.

Mmmm, looks tasty.
Eat up, goyim.

The Chinese are linked to all of the major pandemics in modern times. The reason is that they eat disgusting disease-ridden rodents like bats and they cram their immense population into tiny living spaces, causing odious pollution that sparks viral outbreaks. They then export their homemade viruses to the rest of the world through travel.

So we all have to suffer global pandemics because chinks like eating rodents.

71 thoughts on “Bat-Eating Chinks Linked to Global Coronavirus Outbreak

  1. Chinks are the ultimate bug people. We shouldn’t even have contact with these people let alone allow them to come to our nations, buy up our property and take over. Chinese parents even encourage their daughters to find white men to breed with. They see our genetics as another commodity they can plunder. Problem is there’s a lot of thirsty white guys that will settle for an ugly pan faced Chink just to get their cummies.

    1. I will agree with you about the Chinks eating all kinds of wild animals and spread the coronavirus. There is a wild food market run by Chinks not far from us in Philadelphia, near the naval depot, and it includes wild guinea fowls and other exotic animals, the same eaten by Chinks in Wuhan, in Hubei province in Communist China.

      1. It should not be allowed in the U.S. it is disgusting that they allow it in China. Why the hell is the U.S. allowing this shit to happen here. You can’t trust Chinese Asian they lie and are dirty. I never eat Chinese food at any restaurant in the United States. I did when I was younger all the time until I realized just how friggin dirty they are Filthy dirty. They never wash their hands after using the bathroom not with soap!
        They use all bad ingredients and old oil in their food that is cooked for Americans. They actually don’t really like us and yet we go into their stupid restaurants and pay to eat their shit.
        I will never eat Chinese food unless it were a dish I cook at home for myself and that is not happening to many other healthy delicious foods to eat. They really are disgusting filthy people.

        1. Bat-Eating Chinks Linked to Global Coronavirus Outbreak …
          Oh great, the savage chinks have caused another global pandemic. Daily Mail:. Footage purporting to show a Chinese woman eating a whole bat at a fancy restaurant has gone viral as the country is ravaged by a new deadly virus believed to have come from the flying mammals.

  2. I appreciate alt-right because it tells the truth. DS and others are masturbating on some bioweapon made by the jews to kill the chinks.
    99% of Israel trade is through the chinks . Would be stoopid to genocide chinks. And chinks are the main purveyors of camel bangers djihadists. They’re not responible.
    Chinks might “persecute” their mudslimes, but are very salafi friendly otherwise.

    I would disagree on bats. They are not nasty. Have some around the house, never saw a mosquito.
    Those chinks will eat anything so they are punished now. It’s like japs killing whales for “scientific” purposes. I hate the yellow peoples even more than the browns, they know they commit evil and still do because its cultural and make their 3 inch penis bigger (it dont).
    Whales, bats, dogs boiled alive. They are below nigs and hajjis when it comes to animal cruelty. Far worse.

  3. Yeah but eating any animals is fucking horrible. Whether its a bat or pig eating animals is the height of degeneracy. It will cause more shit like mad cow disease, H1N1, and the corona virus. Cut the fucking shit and Go Vegan.

  4. Actually 1918 flu there’s a lot of speculation army base in Britain army base in America also the China angle of where it started there is speculation there and if so it was Britain’s fault because they hired laborers who are Chinese so the white man f***** up that one. Everybody on this site needs a f****** history lesson. Also the white trash in the trailer park I probably aren’t the cleanest people

  5. Chinamen were responsible for the Black Plague too. They’re known to eat anything on the dinner table including the table. Their apathy to animals, nature, personal hygiene, and their own citizens shows they’re as barbaric as the darker races except with higher IQs.
    How one treats nonhuman animals is a sign of advancement, and Westerners have been the most animal and environment friendly people in history. No other group comes close to us.
    China is primarily behind the possible extinction of endangered species, pollution of our environment, and outsourcing and trade imbalances in the West. They’re a threat to civilization.

    1. These stupid chinks hate America. Damn slants have been trying to kill us for decades. These gooks are responsible for now TWO mutations of COVID. Sneaky Slopes planned this. Damn yellow nips naming-kids-by-dropping-silverware-down-stairs.

      1. I guess you attendded Harvard with that vast knowledge huh. I would also guess your attempt at stand up comedy failed too. Maybe you should run for President.

    2. Errr…I think people from India are more civilized with animals than westerners … many are vegan or ovo-lacto vegetarian due to their karmic beliefs that you will be reborn as an animal and tortured and killed if you eat one that’s been slaughtered cruelly.

      1. You’re both right. Due to Jainism and the other Eastern religions there, India’s probably the most animal friendly undeveloped nation and other developing countries like China, Mexico, Egypt, and Nigeria should learn from them. But the modern West was the first to mobilize in favor of animal welfare and environmental legislation and activism. Even modern Israel, which isn’t technically Western but is considered a high second tier nation, permits the cruel practice of kosher slaughter. If you go to India, you see stray dogs, cats, cattle, monkeys, elephants, goats, etc. wandering around and many of them are starving, sick, or injured. Most of the locals don’t go out of their way to harm them and some will even feed or pet them, but you rarely see them trying to rescue them or call an animal shelter (if one exists in that area) to help them out. Don’t forget that elephants are still put to work and most Indians don’t seem to have a problem with that or with cruel bullhooks being used.

  6. White cucks so triggered that they’re an inferior, dying breed that they have to bitch about other groups on a shitty, obscure safe space blog LMAO

    1. You got a point, Charlie Chan, even though you probably live in a white country as you type this. Martinez the grifter and wannabe important intellectual and his cock sucking groupies think they got an ounce of power bitching on this safe space “website” as the real movers and shakers are making a real difference and don’t give a shit about these dregs lmao

  7. Fuck stupid fucking chinks man. Fuck uo the economy in Canada with their stupid chink money. Only invest in their own chinkitry. Doesnt help canadas economy. They tank the housing market with their chink money. Now they are killing our people . And they dont even give a fuck. Stupud chinks hid the virus and tried covering it up.

    And i blame the media and shit that took hand iuts with the chink money so people cant post their opinion and the truth about these chink dirtty fucks.

    Not sanitary and this has always been know but brcause we are ran by libtard fucks nothing cam be done to control it cause the libtards taking hand outs from the chinks too.

    Fuck the world disgusts me. Fuck their chink money send em all back to their dirty country and stop fucking up the world people

  8. The fact that they eat bats knowing how they carry a million different viruses is DISGUSTING! Bats defecate on themselves and when they go to kill them they will urinate on them. These people are dirty PIGS. NO PIGS ARE CLEANER THEN THE CHINESE PEOPLE WHO KILL AND EAT BATS!
    What is worst is the dishonesty with Chinese Asians and how they hid it in the very beginning and traveled to Italy with the friggin disease and caused this country the worst hardship ever!
    They are disgusting slime balls. Next time they kill or eat a bat they should have their head taken off.
    The Chinese and even the Koreans cause all these major epidemics that happen with major diseases and viruses. They come to our country to make a fortune and buy up all are land but they are still sneaky slime balls and dirty as educated as they are they are Dirty People.

  9. Some years ago, I worked with a female Chink in Boston. The creature would bring in the most awful smelling “food” for its lunch, stinking up the office although the windows could not be opened to fumigate.

    Since I had to work closely with the Chink on a software program, there was some close proximity while looking at the computer monitor. I am not kidding when I say that the Chink’s foul breath was so malodorous that I sometimes gagged, had to step away and take a breath of fresh air.

    That is all TRUE. That greasy pan-faced stinking Chink was beyond repulsive. TRUE.

    1. Joe Sicapek claims he was a member of the Christian Rock Band Petra. But there is no mention of him on their Wikipedia page. Joe you troll. Get a life.

        1. Hey Jiang tao you angry because you can’t get laid because you look like a nerd and have small penis and what I hear from yellow yellow lady friends that yellow men lousy in bed… Ha ha ha

            1. Hey jiang tao u piece of yellow shit , my mom wouldn’t fuk a small dick ching chong.that is why she never called you back. I just gave your grandma my empty soda can and bottles , she said she love me long time for more cans, I said hell no bcuz she look like you , wait you all look the same . Ha ha ha

              1. I’d rather be a ching chong than smelly low IQ wetback, go eat some beans or join cartel HAHAHAHAHA


        2. Hey jiang tao, u dumb ass ching chong, I’m not Mexican , your stereotypical anti Mexican insults show that you are a dumb ass low grade chink. Jose is a name that all Latinos have u stupid fuk face. Mexicans are better than chinks , they haven’t caused killer virus like your shit country exports. What u eating tonight ? Bat stew… Yuck u nasty ugly ass chink. Stick a bat up your ass

            1. Jiang tao, it’s ya mom that is a whore. All those chink massage parlors, I bet ya mom working in there. Ya mom charge 5 bucks for happy ending ha ha ha cheap chink whore ya mom is

            2. jiang tao, Stop acting like you’re speaking on behalf of all Asians. Some of us minorities who are fortunate enough to have been born or raised in the U.S. are patriotic enough to want to preserve the white American majority and to appreciate what the West has given to the world. Most non-Chinese Asians know how dirty, uncouth, and corrupt you Chinese are and that’s why they hate you. You’re just bitter because you’re stuck with your greasy dandruff laced bowlcut hairdo and unbathed body in a Chinese village.

            3. hi jiang tao at least Latinos aren’t half blind you fucking ugly gook retard XD chinese people smell like fucking garbage

        3. Jiang tao is such a chinky name. Why you haven’t changed it.. how about you change it to Jim shu… Get it like gym shoe… HAHAHA CHING CHONG CHUNG CHOY EAT BAT U UGLY BASTARD

  10. Seriously man, China needs to get bombed, it’ll be the best thing for the world. Fucking ugly pan faced slant eye chinks. They all look the same. Ugly language and shitty food.

      1. Learn to write English properly you ugly dog eating chink. Can’t understand your fucking ching chang chong vocabulary. Chinese names are ugly. I’d kill myself if I was Chinese.

        “Ohhh ching chang chong, what should we name our kid?”

        “I don’t know, let’s drop pots and pans down the stairs”.

        *Cling clang clong, ping ting tong, jing jang jong*

        “We shall name him Jiang Tao.”

        And that’s how your ugly ass got your name.

        1. I don’t eat dog you ass hole…fuck yourself…Hahaha haha 🙂

          How many round eyes does take to screw in light bulb? none as there all fat lazy shits 😀

  11. Oh that’s right, you eat cats, bats, rats and anything else that moves.

    At least we can actually fucking see where the light bulb goes. Fucking slant eyed chink. Dental floss blinds you lol. Go back to chink land you ugly gook. Hahaha

    1. Dogs cats and bats are filthy beasts…just like americunts LOL

      go fuck your mother…if you can leave house that it 😀

  12. chink men and woman smell like pissy cats and corona virus Chinese virus. chinks and niggers belong together they are full of disese.

  13. Let’s be sure to not pick on other Asian races. Chinese, chinks are the dirtiest, most repulsive looking race. They’re just above blacks. At least blacks only eat left over meat parts of cows and pigs. How the hell do chinks eat some of the shit they eat. China is a global problem. They have no morals, ethics, or respect for nature. This is the reason the Japanese wanted to get rid of this ant like race. All they do is propagate and destroy. The world would be a much better place without chinks to ruin all that is good. Fucking chinks and their Wuhan Bat Soup Eating China Virus. They also cause all the influenza each year.

    1. the ching chongs cheat on IQ tests rofl. they cheat on everything that requires skill. fucking chinks should only be used as slaves for people with normal eyes.

  14. To the person who wrote about India not having more animal protection centers should remember that it is still a developing country. Money is a big problem. Hindu and Buddhist temples offer sanctuary and food to stray animals as much as possible.
    It is true that Western countries and India love Dogs , Cats and animals in general. Just so that one does not become two faced, while the eating of Dogs, Cats and many wild animals by certain people is rather disgusting and sad, the killing of Chickens, Cows and Pigs under inhuman and cruel conditions should be discouraged in the Western countries.
    It is refreshing to see young people stand up for animal rights. They will eventually be successful to some extent. However, cruel treatment of animals in slaughter houses and killing of animals by hunters remains a problem in the Western world. The latter should be stringently controlled and in medical experiments, totally banned. Why allow kill animals by hunters when they don,t even use the remain as food?

  15. So let me get this straight, chinks have been eating this shit for probably thousands of years now, why no COVID-19 till just now?
    Yeah, I can’t buy this theory, it’s the mainstreamed theory after all, bio-weapon sounds way more plausible and realistic.

    1. You haven’t been keeping up with medical history. China’s been the source of many if not most of plagues through human history. That’s why other Asians like Indians, Koreans, Japanese, Thais, Vietnamese, and Filipinos deplore them for their barbarism and lack of hygiene. They’re probably as dangerous as the entire Third World and Islamists.

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