Epstein’s Madam Ghislane Maxwell Allegedly Hiding Out in Jew Land

Ghislane Maxwell is the daughter of Mossad agent Robert Maxwell.

She served as Jeffrey Epstein’s recruiter of underage girls that he used to compromise high profile people.

Like all Jewish criminals, Maxwell has purportedly sought refuge in Israel where she is being protected by powerful Jews.

Israel Hayom:

Ghislaine Maxwell has reportedly found refuge in Israel, a damning New York Post report revealed on Wednesday.

Maxwell, a British socialite who has been accused of recruiting under-age girls in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking scandal, is apparently being hidden in order to protect information she has regarding the rich and famous who socialized with Epstein. 

In an attempt to evade the long arm of the law, Maxwell has spent time in both the UK and Israel ever since Epstein was re-arrested and subsequently died while in prison. 

“Ghislaine is protected. She and Jeffrey were assets of sorts for multiple foreign governments. They would trade information about the powerful people caught in his net — caught at Epstein’s house,” a source told the Post’s Page Six. 

“She is not in the US, she moves around. She is sometimes in the UK, but most often in other countries, such as Israel, where her powerful contacts have provided her with safe houses and protection,” the source added.

While it is unclear who exactly participated in Epstein’s illicit sex parties – where underage girls were flown to his private island – powerful and prominent A-listers like the UK’s Prince Andrew and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak are just two people rumored to have participated in such events. 

This is how Jews exercise their supreme racial privilege.

Even the notorious Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky tried to escape to Israel after being indicted in the US.

Israel is little more than a safe haven for international Jewish criminals.

The entire state is a giant criminal enterprise that serves as a headquarters for global Jewish racketeering.

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