Farting Towards Or Insulting Your Wife Or Girlfriend is Considered “Domestic Violence” in Spain

That’s right, Spanish men, if you fart near your wife/girlfriend or insult her and she doesn’t like it… you can go to prison in the Matriarchal Dictatorship of Spain.

Justicia De Genero:

According to the complaint filed by the woman during the dialogue her husband turned his back and threw a fart who played was directed at her . The woman went to the Violence against Women court in the city of Valencia to report the facts as alleged crime against her dignity. The complaint was admissible and led to a lawsuit against the husband for an alleged lack of injuries . 

In its resolution , the judge of the gender violence court nº 1 of Valencia considered the facts of the case constitute an attitude of contempt that hurt the dignity of the complainant , in addition to undermining their self-esteem and honor. The author of flatulence was sentenced to a month in fines. 

There will then be incorporated to fart in the long list of punishable actions by which men can be denounced and condemned for gender fascism in Spain.

The head of Spain’s populist VOX party is completely correct in labeling the current Spanish system a “Dictadura Progre”.

Ever since some insane man-hating leftist called Zapatero instituted the “gender violence law” in Spain, hordes of women have been harassing their boyfriends and husbands with frivolous accusations of domestic violence which amount to no more than some choice words like “you’re a bitch”. And she has a license to lie, the man is automatically presumed guilty and incarcerated. That’s right, goyim, insulting a woman or farting in her direction is considered a “gender violence” crime in Spain. That’s how utterly insane it is.

There’s an entire industry built around this Stalinist gender violence law. It’s pulled straight out of George Orwell’s book 1984.

And these batshit manic feminists have the nerve to say that we’re still living in a “patriarchy”?

What we have is full blown matriarchy: the iron rule of vindictive women and their demented whims.

And we wonder why MGTOW is growing so rapidly?

This is precisely why our entire civilization is collapsing before our eyes.

8 thoughts on “Farting Towards Or Insulting Your Wife Or Girlfriend is Considered “Domestic Violence” in Spain

  1. The problem about this farting thing is, in case you ate “fabada”, you are very likely to fart in any given moment in the “sobremesa” (after lunch) while you are sitting comfortably in your coach, wife sitting close to you.


    Then, after happy farting, wife call the cops on you.

  2. Nobel Prize for Literature Camilo José Cela said:

    “Yo, como buen español, soy pedorro domiciliario”

    I am, as a good Spaniard, a farter at home”.

  3. Morrocans had better hurry up and invade again to institute sharia law. European women need a good lashing and chain around their neck.

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