Jordan Peterson Gets ‘Emergency Detox’ Treatment in Russia

Jordan Peterson isn’t in good shape, folks.


Jordan Peterson’s family says he has sought “emergency” drug detox treatment in Russia, after several failed attempts to overcome his dependence on a potent anti-anxiety medication. 

The controversial University of Toronto psychology professor and internationally famous self-help guru is said to have been in a Moscow hospital for the past month, recovering from both the “incredibly gruelling” treatment and a severe case of pneumonia.

“He’s had to spend four weeks in the ICU in terrible shape, but, with the help of some extremely competent and courageous doctors, he survived,” his daughter Mikhaila Peterson said in an online video, posted Friday evening. “The uncertainty around his recovery has been one of the most difficult and scary experiences we’ve ever had.”

The 57-year-old professor has been out of the public eye since September, when it was first disclosed by his daughter that he was seeking treatment for his dependence on clonazepam, a benzodiazepine tranquilizer that is often prescribed to patients with panic issues. 

His family says he had been taking the drug for years to mitigate lingering anxiety following a severe autoimmune reaction to food. His dependence reportedly started last spring after doctors increased his dosage to help him cope with stress as his wife Tammy battled kidney cancer.

Despite all the self-help messaging, he apparently doesn’t follow his own advice, and is addicted to anti-anxiety pills.

It must have been all the pressure that the Alt-Right put on him to start addressing the Jewish question, which he failed miserably in doing.

We put his feet to the fire and called out his gatekeeping. It looks like he’s finally cracked under the pressure and become clinically depressed.

This is what happens when you conceal the truth from people and collaborate with the enemy.

Constantly lying to people weighs heavily on your soul.

5 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson Gets ‘Emergency Detox’ Treatment in Russia

  1. Yes, so much for his “fantastic” advice on how to live a productive, healthy life.

    Anyway, the fact that the bloke suffers from depression is not his fault and neither a motive to rejoice about. Still, he deserves our contempt for his cowardly refusal to acknowledge the JQ and for attacking ethnonationalism. He is a shill and a fraud. It serves him right.

  2. I’ve heard so very much about this Jordan Peterson individual over the past 3 or 4 years; at first,he seemed some sort of minor talking head among the many then emerging in the rising “Alt-Right” movement.Later,he stuck me as coming across as a kinda of Canadian academic version of Ben Shapiro; finally,he seemed to turn into a clownish,cult,figure,for the mentally unemployed,running at the mouth endlessly about the absolutely absurd idea that “white nationalism” has something to do with Marxism!?!,In point of fact,he,and his cowardly,social-engineering “comrades” in the ballless,intellectual-sterile land of kosher,cock-sucking,clownworld,are the ones “toting-the-party-line”,so to speak.What a shame,what a waste!?!,😒

  3. I know he cucked on the JQ and prospered immensely through common-sense advice, but my heart still goes out to him. As a family man myself, I couldn’t fathom the agony of dealing with a sick wife, especially if I were married for decades like Jordan. I’d be losing my shit as well.

    His takes on marriage are still profound and expedient to those of us filling 1 on our taxes.

    I hope the best for him.

  4. Also check out my jewish prison gang tats, my original ice cold takes, and my stolen hot takes from the people I call wiggers while actually talking/dressing/acting like a wigger. Also I’m most likely a C.I. (since I’ve surrounded myself with outed-feds) and my boofshelf is full of books I’ve never even read let alone digested, but I’ll still preach to you about not being an internet larper while being an internet larper. Finally my best advice I give to everyone with no regard for their safety “goys: dox yourselves and take power”

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