Is the Chinese Virus Scare a Globalist Plot to Implement World Jewish Government?

In the wake of the Chinese Virus pandemic, countries around the world seem to be complying with the demands of globalist organizations like the United Nations and World Health Organization.

At the request of these communistic globalists, entire countries have been locked down in quarantines and a form of martial law implemented. Anyone who disobeys the self-quarantine order is harassed by the police if not carted away and “disappeared” in some gulag like the Chinese were doing in Wuhan.

Bill Gates and other globalists participated in a war-game “preparedness exercise” simulating a deadly global pandemic three months before the chink virus broke out. It was called Event 201.

Globalist parasite Gates has been scaremongering about pandemics for a long time, and demanding that governments adopt mandatory vaccination programs among other Big Brother type schemes to deal with it.

In a recent AMA on Reddit, Gates talked about the Chinese Virus, proposing mass vaccinations and a national tracking system. Gates and other globalists want to implement the Chinese social credit system in the West, where the government will track citizens’ behaviour and compliance with government directives through a rating system. Cameras will be on every street corner (maybe even in your house), and citizens paid by the state to spy on neighbors, family, friends.

This is the model that these control freaks are going for. This is what global communistic rule will look like. Eventually they will try to implant microchips in all citizens to track them. Every word you write on social media will be recorded and attached to your number. Wrongthink will be quashed.

This Chinese model is ultimately the communistic system that the Jews have been pushing for. The Jewish conspiracy to implement a world government is biblical and they have been working on the project for millennium. Jew groups like the ADL and the World Jewish Congress have been lobbying the United Nations and European Union to enact pan-European and even global legislation to prosecute “hate speech” against the chosen race.

All criticism of supremacist Jews, multiculturalism, mass immigration and anti-white agendas will be crushed with an iron fist while the Jews celebrate their dominion over the planet from Jerusalem by sacrificing a Christian child to their satanic deity Moloch.

4 thoughts on “Is the Chinese Virus Scare a Globalist Plot to Implement World Jewish Government?

  1. Based, based… and now is when the zionist, hardcore capitalist side of VOX is becoming a real problem, exposing the party as not so much patriotic as it claims., The zionist side is obvious, and the hardcore capitalist side is extremely unoperationall in times of war, plagues, catatrophes, echonomic crises, etc. The private healthcare these days is almost useless, the private transport, the same, Keynes is proven right once again. A keynesian right wing, such Franco , De Gaulle, Eisenhower or Adenauer is the good way. With all my respect and care for VOX, they are clueless in this very moment. I hope they will correct the direction of the party.

  2. In France, all the system is owned by jews. It’s no suprise for peoples who can connect the dots, but i hope it will be obvious to the normies. Wishful thinking.
    Anyway, the coronapocalypse who could have been resolved efficiently with masks, mass testing, hydroxychloroquine etc, is a jewish deed.
    Agnes Buzyn (polish jew, holocaust survivors descendant and stuff) former minister of health, sold the masks the chinks, made it harder to obtain chloroquine by january 13th, when this yiddish hyena still claimed masks were useless, while chinks had already successfully treated infected with chloroquine.
    Then thanks to jews there is no stuff, forced quarantine, economy will not recover from it.
    Meanwhile, afro-islamist hordes do as they want. And without whiteys working because corona, no gibs.
    Guess the jews succeeded there. Again. France is already a commie state. And the world government, they had it already. I hope the white wage-slaves will rise.
    We can’t trust political movements. I pray for the fall. Soon the base slave will not be able to pay what the gvt asks for to feed the jews and the invaders.
    And when there will be 500-600 dead pr day like in Italy, the government will not have tax collectors and cops to enforce it’s will. Because publi servants are dying too. I received my taxes yesterday, think i’ll wait to pay, hoping the vultures will be dead in the meantime. Or i’ll be. And you can’t milk a dead cow. Hopeful thinking. French administration could probably do that.

    My bet, here, the jews might lose power, with a 1929 crises, much worse actually. Dying cops everywhere, thanks corona.

  3. rich shill spencer is shilling for china as standard procedure, probably already has a connection to some chinese money fund from his russian connections

  4. It does increasingly look like this is one big jew scam just like all the others. They know they can scare the goyim and make the goyim scream for more tyranny just to protect them.

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