The Sexual Revolution: Sowing Chaos & Desolation 60 Years On

By Philippe Armstrong

The madness we see today with the continual destruction of marriage and family, trans insanity, gender-confused classrooms, abortion on demand, the pornification of society, and the death of responsibility and duty is getting worse. There is no stopping the revolution. The left has the institutions, most of the media, different foundations and charities,  NGO’s all trying to destroy binary gender, de-regulate sexual norms-now moving to drags reading to kids. Also kids not knowing who their natural birth mother or sperm donor is. Pornography is deforming individuals and relationships.  

The West refuses to talk about the sexual revolution. The revolution promised ecstasy and bliss but has given diseases by the truckloads, lack of intimacy and porn addicted lives. The revolutionaries say their sex lives and what they do affects no one else. Sex, however, is interrelational, emotional and makes babies. Other people’s lives are affected. Homosexuals spread a pandemic of diseases with impunity under the guise of love is love. 

The pro-choicers rave about privacy. Under the guise of privacy about 1.3 million babies are hurled in the trash per year in the USA. They want privacy but invite strangers to insert forceps and other tools of death like suction machines 30 times more powerful than the average vacuum into their privates. And no one dare shows what abortion is all about in Australia or you will be called a misogynist. Abortion is a women killing someone else’s body unless the fetus (small child) has the exact same DNA as the mother. They don’t want to put it up for adoption and life will be too difficult in foster care and so on.

Slave owners once said slaves were not human and if they were released they would end up in prison. 63 million have been hurled in the trash since Roe v Wade simply because it is not the right time, it’s an inconvenience for my life, it’s a hard decision. Yes, I am sure a hard decision is such a  consolation as the unborn are torn to bits or burnt and pitched in the trash. All they shout about with their pamphlets of euphemisms is a right to a dead baby. The Soviet death camps never stopped. It was simply rebadged and the targets became smaller. Hatred now is based on size, location and dependency.  

The state has hopped into bed with the sexual revolutionaries. They think sex is all about freedom instead of its profound purpose of bonding and babies. What you get is a lot of anger and hurting. It started with sex without babies then shifted to babies without sex. 

Divorce separates children from families. Gender theories sepetate individuals from their own bodies. Contraceptive ideology separates sex from babies. In no fault divorce, the state sided with the party who wants the marriage the least. Fatherless homes are everywhere. 

In the UK family breakdown has reached epidemic levels. It is forever an upward trend due to the destruction of family and any restraints being smashed. 

Trans activists talk about equality,  but their social engineering ends with all sorts of nasty inequalities-sport, prisons, hospitals, private spaces. Those insecure in their identities trump others. Fantasies are now declared the new reality and everyone must bow down and call them whatever they wish to be called. And if you do not address them correctly, it is considered gross abuse and a hate crime. Transsexuals want to change with girls because it makes them ‘feel’ like girls, even though they are not. 

The homosexuals label all those who oppose them as homophobic, the term itself intended to denote some sort of disorder. They seek to impose their own disordered behavior and developmental problem on society under the guise of tolerance. Gay marriage is nothing but a way to make children over in the image of their parents and in years to come, the survivors will speak out. 

AIDS was the first politically correct disease. Any measures to curtail the epidemic was all resisted by homosexuals. Keeping the bathhouses and clubs open was simply because they were symbols of the sexual revolution.  The LGBT and trans rights movement is a subversive cult designed to sabotage the moral fabric of society and promote all sorts of perversions that corrupt and degrade cultures. LGBTQ simply should not be anywhere near children. They do not qualify,  not biologically or morally. 

The left of course will revel in the continual decay. They will expect more funding and state of the art sexual clinics. The fallout from kids mutilating themselves will be huge. Many lives will be wrecked. The consequences of pursuing homosexual acts are very clear. Progress they define as child sacrifice and participation of all sorts of deviations and perversions. The suicides, drug-use, rampant sexual diseases, psychiatric disorders, depression, confusion, anger, hormone treatment, and resentment will grow and grow.

Those who have mutilated themselves will realise gender cannot be changed. Those pursuing homosexual acts will realise no matter how much affirmation and praise it will not make any difference. The homosexuals feelings of insecurity, fragility, volatility, is so great that they need a whole raft of laws, ambulance-chasing lawyers and so on to give them protections against anyone. The morbidly obese, smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts are demonised to some degree, but no one will tear one strip off the toxic alphabet rainbow Mafia. 

The sexual revolutionaries- destroy the moral foundations and embrace moral relativism, destroy the family,  promote LGBTQ and feminism, push for trans on front lines and focus on social experiments, destroy the education system and plant Marxist professors in universities. 

One thought on “The Sexual Revolution: Sowing Chaos & Desolation 60 Years On

  1. 1960s Sexual Revolution was a female thing. Men were very free at the time. As long as I know there are brothels since millenia.
    So, yes, women released the whore within in the 60s and I don´t think that is necessary a bad thing.
    Look at the 1950s: psycopathic housewives taking anphetamines in the morning and barbiturics in the night.
    The big problem about the 60s Counterculture is that men got ensalved to feminist cult. You only have to watch at Paul McCartney in the early 70s raising another man´s child or John Lennon married to that crazy yellow monster.
    Now, I see MGTOW as how the 60s Counterculture should really be: real sexual freedom via hookers, and Alan Watts philosophy.

  2. Everything that came out of the 1960s was shit except gadaffi and the nationalist movements in the arab countries which emerged as a growing power in the last year of that shitty period of time
    (also the only time they arabs themselves tried to bring back sanity to their countries which are otherwise outer lands and full of endless killing and banditry, outremer is what those places were called during the crusades.)
    in the west that decade was the beginning of the pornography hell and the degenerative decline of society which continues its slide into the pit.

    Weimar germany was only from the 1919 until 1933 when the national socialists come to power,

    compare the amount of time the weimar insanity took place and then compare it to this insanity which has been going on from the 1960s to 2020, (60 years)

    So you should get the kind of idea of what the backlash is going to be like for these evil doers and degenerates, expect it to be 6x greater than what the national socialists and their predecessors and various other groups were capable of, It guarantees that all these faggots jannies kikes niggers traitors trumptards demoncracks eurocucks sandnoggers etc will get the rope sometime in this century.

  3. What a ridiculous article. The sexual revolution would not have happened had content white people not been receptive to it. Who forced anyone to accept this new thinking? Take responsibility for your actions and those of your countrymen instead of blaming others like weaklings always do. And not every change is totally good or bad. Yes, transgender rights and trying to get rid of gender is going over the line, but is premarital sex or living together immoral to you? You complain about welfare or crime, but do you really want future welfare recipients and criminals (many of which are nonwhite) being born and creating problems?
    Premarital sex and pornography were taboo before the sexual revolution, but how many of you hypocrites abstain from either? Enough said!
    Keep America Great Again 2020!

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