Twisted Pornographers Are Producing COVID-19 Themed Smut

You can always count on the Jewish porn industry to make a buck from global crises.


In a video titled “Bodycam Footage (CDC Agent) Investigates Deserted Wuhan,” you’re watching from the first-person point of view of “Jerry,” a healthcare worker in a hazmat suit, stumbling around in the dark remnants of a medical facility.

He breathes hard and his heart pounds, and a voice coming from his walkie talkie tries and fails to get him to respond. There’s a sudden, brief scuffle, and a woman in a hospital gown jumps him, pulls his erect penis from a hole in his clean suit, and wordlessly fucks him.

Globally, the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, has killed more than 3,000 people and infected 90,000. The “Deserted Wuhan” video, by a couple who goes by Spicy x Rice, contains a grain of truth: the Chinese city where coronavirus started does actually seem deserted, with public transit halted and residents’ movement being restricted for over a month now. Another of their videos, “TSA AGENT DETAINS WOMAN SUSPECTED OF CORONAVIRUS,” could be a plausible news headline.

If it’s true that art imitates life, right now life is pretty shitty for a lot of people around the world. And if there’s any form that can turn a fucked-up situation into escape and entertainment, it’s porn. 

So yes, of course coronavirus porn exists.

A search for coronavirus on Pornhub returns 112 videos with titles like “MILF In Coronavirus Quarantine Gets Hard Fucked for Medicine” and “Coronavirus patients fuck in quarantine room.” On xHamster, there are only four within that search term, and at least one is an older reposted video of people doing nurse roleplay with face masks. But according to xHamster spokesperson Alex Hawkins, following an offer last month to provide free premium accounts to regions severely affected by coronavirus, the overwhelming surge in signups outpaced xHamster’s ability to approve new accounts.

Most pornographers are debased Jewish liberals. The porn industry is an expression of the Jewish revolutionary spirit to disrupt the social cohesion of Gentile societies and an atavistic hatred of the non-Jew.

These Hebraics will capitalize on any kooky fetish to make a buck and fry people’s brains in the process.

Unfortunately these Jews will always have a significant portion of people who will consume their smut and stick butt plugs up their asses.

Coombrains rule the world right now.

19 thoughts on “Twisted Pornographers Are Producing COVID-19 Themed Smut

  1. You say “Most pornographers are debased Jewish liberals. The porn industry is an expression of the Jewish revolutionary spirit to disrupt the social cohesion of Gentile societies and an atavistic hatred of the non-Jew.”

    Many but where did you get most from anyhow?
    Pornography’s existed since prehistoric times including in the ancient world. Wasn’t Denmark the first Western nation to legalize it? How many Jews in Denmark? Were Jews responsible for that too?
    White “Aryans” must be real cucked biotches if 2% of the American population and 0.2% of the world population can manipulate them to this degree, huh?
    This is why the alt-right and sjws appeal mainly to the irresponsible or misfits. Alt-right blames Jews for their problems while sjws blame the white man rather than accepting the fact that white Gentiles gladly accepted whatever agenda Jews supposedly promoted and browns and blacks create their own problems. This is why someone like Jared Taylor is more respected than somebody like David Duke.

    1. As the saying goes money talks and bullshit walks. If you have all the money in the world you can make things happen .It was the Catholic church that made the Jews into the banking power they are today by banning Usery to gentiles while encouraging it among Jews. So yes gentiles are to blame originally for accepting a subversive Jewish cult as their religion. The Romans should have killed every Jew on sight after they burned the Temple but unfortunately we all make mistakes.

      1. The Romans had a fairer and saner sense of justice than you obviously do and they were the most advanced civilization at the time and their legacy still survives in Western civilization today. The extraordinary success of Jews has been due to Western civilization, so blame your own elites and the masses for tolerating them if you want to blame someone.

        Tucker/Tulsi 2024

      1. Way to ignore the rest of my comment talking about irresponsibility and scapegoating lol
        I agree a disproportionate Jewish presence, but you said most which means more than half. Where’s the source for this statistic? They also dominate it in Japan or outside the US?
        There’s no argument that what passes for entertainment today would’ve been unthinkable in the ’50s or even the ’80s, but there would be no supply if there were no market. The fact that the Kardashians got famous shows how culturally decadent we are that a network will put them on the air and a small fanatical minority within our population is obsessed with them.
        Why do you behave like the religious right and left by blaming sex and violence in entertainment while looking past irresponsible parents or the consumers themselves?

        1. Obviously pornographic entertainment existed since ancient times, but it is well known that Jews turned what was a niche market into an extremely powerful, global trend, at least in Europe and North America (read the ninth part of the series “Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn”). Not all Jews approve the porn industry, but the facts are there.

          Porn is a powerful debilitating agent, so no wonder why most Gentiles fell into this trap (myself included).

          1. If Jews played a role in the mainstreaming of pornography, then so did Gentile pornographers, judges, lawyers, politicians, and consumers. You’re responsible for what you watch and do, not the Jewish or Gentile Hollywood folks.
            Oh and in case you’re an actual Frenchman in France, Macron isn’t a Jew, but guess who elected him instead of Le Pen? Were the Jews behind that too?

            Tucker/Tulsi 2024

            1. Macron is a rothschild banker, porn is a jewish weapon. Thats why hitler banned it immediately when he came into power, and after he was taken out they started flooding the country with smut. Just like when the jews took over palestinian tv in 2002.

              1. Are you Angry Frenchy, Kevin? The Third Reich had an inconsistent position on sexual purity. They banned stag films and what they viewed as obscenity, but they changed the divorce and prostitution laws to encourage illegitimacy to raise the birth rate. It’s interesting how they perceived prostitution, illegitimacy, and a rise in STD rates in the name of raising German fertility as moral but stag movies and strip shows as immoral.
                Even if you ban porn for consenting adults, it’ll exist underground as it does in Islamic and totalitarian nations today and you deprive the economy of billions of dollars.
                It’s hypocritical for you and others here to want to ban porn when everyone here has seen it. Wanting to ban liberty but using liberty to express your speech here is contradictory.

            2. Jews have vast influence in Hollywood, TV, and music industry. All these titillate out in the open and because they aren’t considered porn they can reach a larger audience with their subversive emphasis on sex. Yes we are responsible for consuming it, but it’s being pushed from a lot of different angles and dominates modern American life.

              1. Last I checked, violent or sexually explicit forms of entertainment have parental guidelines and minors are restricted from viewing or purchasing them. Some are even totally banned from mainstream radio and TV and are restricted to cable and satellite radio. If sane adults can’t distinguish fantasy and reality, whose fault is that? If parents can’t monitor what their children watch and listen or instruct them on what to avoid, they aren’t fit to be parents.

                I don’t care if it’s a chimpanzee, nun, monk, rabbi, imam, munchkin, or bearded lady from the circus that wants to put out smut to try to profit from it. As long as he or she does it lawfully, he or she has the right. Don’t like it? Try to change the law or boycott the smut.

                Perhaps I have more confidence in the West and its ability to rebound than any of you, but the problem with you alt-righters and the sjws is the lack of accountability.

                1. Homosexuality and transgenderism is being pushed in grade school curriculums (to the ADLs delight). The only way to truly protect kids from this filth is to homeschool and not allow them to use internet. A lot of parents cannot realistically do this(especially the homeschooling). Living out in the country is the best option, but not a feasible one for a lot of people, whether they are good parents or not. We’re swimming in garbage, and even if you protect your kid from it, they might have friends who have iphones.

            3. Obviously you didn’t understand what I wrote. Of course, Gentiles are in part responsible for this, but why do you think that’s the case?

              Once again, porn is very powerful and once it’s unleashed without many restrictions it ALWAYS becomes a problem, especially amongst males. The worst was probably the Internet and the advent of free porn, but the situation was already dire since the so-called “sexual revolution”. Don’t forget that our society became extremely degenerate thanks to Jewish influence.

              Many Gentiles opportunists seized the opportunity, especially women, to take part in this debacle since we live in a capitalist system where every opportunity to make money is good to seize. Note that porn has become a problem pretty much everywhere (except in some shitholes such as North Korea, and I’m not even sure about that), especially in Muslim countries such as Pakistan where much of the hardcore porn is viewed.

              Also, regarding my country, it’s very likely that the elections were rigged to elect Macron for president. You have to be very naive if you think they aren’t rigged to favor the system’s candidates. Although Le Pen is also a puppet for the Jewish power; she just campaigns for the Jewish tiny minority that wishes to keep France white.

              1. You say “Obviously you didn’t understand what I wrote. Don’t forget that our society became extremely degenerate thanks to Jewish influence.”
                I did understand your rant. Leftism became more influential after WWII so you can thank your fuhrer for that.
                You say “Many Gentiles opportunists seized the opportunity, especially women, to take part in this debacle since we live in a capitalist system where every opportunity to make money is good to seize.”
                Yet you blame the Jews for what Gentiles do. What a genius you are. Socialism’s failed everywhere and regulated capitalism/mixed economy is the best we can have so your nazbolling ain’t working.
                You say “Also, regarding my country, it’s very likely that the elections were rigged to elect Macron for president. You have to be very naive if you think they aren’t rigged to favor the system’s candidates. Although Le Pen is also a puppet for the Jewish power; she just campaigns for the Jewish tiny minority that wishes to keep France white.”
                Proof of rigging and you don’t want to keep France majority white French? Marine has grown the party stupendously and the growth has been fueled by millennials and zoomers so you need to give her credit for that. If she did what you or others here propose, her party would go the way of the American Nazi Party or BNP.
                Jews make up less than 1% of France, so if you people are being manipulated by such a minute minority, you’re bigger surrender monkeys than we thought lol.
                As for porn, what part of if you don’t like it, don’t watch it don’t you understand? Porn’s a regulated industry that’s restricted to consenting adults and it contributes to billions in the economy. The religious conservatives tried to get it banned in the ’70s and ’80s and failed because most of the public wanted it legal but regulated as it is now. Don’t like it? Boycott and vote for politicians who want it banned. Join organizations that fight to ban it. You don’t want to do that, because you’re too lazy and whining is easier.

                1. Hey, first, don’t call us “surrender monkeys” because you Americans did surrender during the Vietnam war against poor communist peasants, while the utterly-demoralized French (and their British allies), due to the bloodshed of WW1, faced an overwhelming force (also don’t forget that Italians attacked our country). In addition, many French more or less supported Hitler’s ideas, until he began pillaging the country and sends Frenchmen to the STO (Service du Travail Obligatoire). While I agree French sucked big times during WW2, the country has had one of the finest militaries in the world until the 1872 war, and without French’s help, the US would probably still be under England’s rule.

                  Aside from petty grievances, your government is indeed under Jewish control, which should delight you since you’re very likely part Jew (kinda surprising you’re in here, since Brando is a full antisemite). In fact, it’s well-known our whole Western societies are a stronghold of Jewish power masqueraded as democracy. Even if they were only 0,1%, it wouldn’t change the fact that most of our banks, and from this our institutions are under Zionist’s control. The reason why is that Jews are much richer than any other group religious group, and they hold an even stronger place within our society since WW2’s end. Also, don’t forget the many people that consciously or as pawns to their dirty works. Now obviously our society isn’t entirely ruled by Jews, but you guessed what I was saying.
                  Also, yes, capitalism is an utter failure. What’s the problem of saying that? It should be obvious by now after decades upon decades of crisis. I’m not advocating for a full-fledged socialist society, of course, but what do you think will happen if robotization takes its course? When an umpteenth stock market crack will inevitably happen (which might be the case thanks to Covid-19)? How is it possible that life-saving medicines cost so much, especially in your country which is the so-called first world power? How is it possible that there is so much of our own homeless? The system cannot sustain itself without taking away OUR poor’s rights and dignity. We can still discuss the modalities of a future, liberalism-free society but liberalism is doomed and you know that. Removing Jews from places of power should be a first step towards the right direction.

                  You said that there’s no proof of rigging during the elections, but once again, I would be very cautious since our so-called democracy is corrupt about every possible.

                  The primary cause of Le Pen’s growth is because she has an anti-Islamist stance which doesn’t include the racial equation and panders much of the traditional right, without actually rejecting much of our system. No wonders retarded Millenials and Zoomers would vote this hoe.
                  Once in power, she’ll lead politics akin to Trump, which consists of doing pretty much nothing aside from helping Israel and perhaps closing some mosques here and there, I GUARANTEE you. And no, Trump did a very poor job overall, he constantly panders to Israel as well as the Afro-American and Mexican community, and he didn’t even build a single meter of the so-called Great Wall he promised at the Mexican borders. The truth, it’s not even about Trump, which is quite powerless, but the fact that the system is made in a way that doesn’t allow strong deviations to the underlaying goals set, which are to destroy Gentile’s society and replace it with the mixed man of the future, easier to control, unless a revolution involving much of the people happens.

                  Finally, pornography isn’t actually a problem, but it does when it becomes a pandemic, which is the case today thanks to Internet and retarded women who massively took part to this debacle. If by public you mean Jews, pedophiles, faggots, lefturds, non-Jews mobsters eager to make a buck, sluts and other perverts, yes the public supported it; but while they weren’t a strong opposition to this bullshit, the large majority of people didn’t support it either.
                  Regardless of its so-called beneficial effects to the economy, porn to a massive scale cannot be sustained as it will cause a widespread breakdown of the family in the long terms, since most men have become somewhat addicted to that crap, which hinders severely their ability to bond and form a family. And guess what race is the most affected?
                  I’m not whining you douche, I’m just saying the pure, unadultered facts. Joining an anti-porn organisation is utterly useless since porn is deeply engrained in our society and needs a political response to return to a niche market, and most of these organisations are pro-feminist, lefturds pieces of shit that panders to feminists, degenerate women in general and their shitty attitude (e.g. Fight the New Drug).

                  1. We can thank America, not the Austrian painter for the debacle. If it wasn’t for the Yankees, the USSR would have been defeated and dismantled. However, I cannot guarantee that our situation would’ve been a lot easier, since Hitler completely gave up the socialist aspect of his program once Jews became stripped of their economical power, and became simply a fierce nationalist, which is “half-based”.
                    I’m not Hitlerian, but I believe we need to implement a policy mixing a moderate form of socialism and a preservation of our cultural heritage under the form of nationalism.

            4. Tucker and Tulsi? Hell yeah, a lot of us Groypers could get behind that. Most Jews are libtards beyond redemption, but the ones who aren’t like you, Kissinger or Michael Savage are based af.

              You sure got the French frog fag hopping mad lmao
              We want real realistic solutions and that’s what people like Nick are suggesting, not gay bitching in safe space blogs.

              And you pussy fags can keep bashing the US all you want. That doesn’t change the fact the USA is still the best and most powerful country in the world while you pricks are living in shitholes or cucked armpits that are overtaxed with hate speech laws, gun bans and socialized medicine lmao

  2. This crisis we are facing with a potentially civilization ending virus is a direct result of the judaification of our world. Our world used to be run by serious white men. This virus has been seeded all over the world because there are no serious people in positions of power. Just a bunch of clowns and browns that are woefully inept at their jobs.

    Where the hell was the WHO when it was clear to anyone on Twitter that the virus in China was deadly serious? They had plenty of warning but wasted it all with that dumb ass negroid at the head of the WHO telling us it wasn’t a big deal. They should have been leading the fight against this from week one and stopping it from getting a foothold all over the world.

    Where the hell was the CDC? Where the hell was every other nation’s health department? They are still playing catch up on this!

    It’s all because we have a dumbed down jewed up world that doesn’t know what the hell is going on.

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