UK: Cunt Judge Awards Stupid Bitch £400,000 Payout of ‘Potential Earnings’ for Career She Never Had

And we’ve arrived at George Orwell’s 1984 nightmare in its full glory.


In an unusual divorce case, a woman has been awarded not only half of the assets she and her husband owned, but also a large payout for potential earnings she would have earned had she never given up her career to have children.

The judgement in London could have dangerous implications for future marriages ending in years to come, thanks to a court ruling over “relationship-generated disadvantage.”

A judge used the term to explain why a woman was being awarded a payout from her husband of 10 years for sacrificing her career as a solicitor. The couple share two children, both of whom the woman cared for full-time.

“The husband’s career took precedence. I accept that it is unusual to find significant relationship-generated disadvantage that may lead to a claim for compensation but I am clear that this is one such case,” the judge said about his ruling. 

What makes the decision especially egregious is that the divorcing woman was not only awarded £400,000 for her supposedly stymied career, but also half of the £10 million she and her husband had in assets. The husband is also a solicitor. One would assume the splitting of assets would prove suitable compensation for one person’s career ‘taking precedence’ over their partner’s in a relationship, but now that is not enough.

Female privileging has gotten out of control.

This is heinous and wrong on so many levels, and a prime reason why so few men are even getting married.

Why would a man get married when some harpy judge can force him to pay out millions in imagined earnings for a career his ex-wife never even had?

This is gender tyranny, folks, and women absolutely love what is happening.

Divorce courts have become Stalinist show trials for men where evil pro-feminist judges are meting out draconian treatment of men in order to castrate them for not bowing to the greedy bitch that they mistakenly married.

Men are getting a raw deal, and privileged women are getting a great deal, which is why men need to boycott marriage until all of these satanic Jewish laws are changed.

We need to teach women and their Jewish Daddy State a lesson. By boycotting marriage, women will have to fend for themselves completely. No more joint bank accounts, ladies. They will have to work 60 hours a week at their miserable soul-crushing office jobs and will be lonely cat ladies eating tubs of ice cream while watching romantic comedies. They will be swiping away like unhinged schizophrenics on Tinder but never finding anyone who wants more than a quick lay.


These career women are becoming disgusting obese emotional train wrecks, steeped in suicidal and depressive thoughts.

When women realize that a large percentage of men have left the Modern Female Plantation, only then will their juvenile and narcissistic behaviour start to change.

Until then, they can keep eating and drinking themselves to death and we will laugh about it.


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