Marina Abramovic Pictured With Jacob Rothschild in Front of Satan Painting

This picture says it all really, the alliance of satanism and Jewry.

Abramovic is a satanic “artist” beloved in elite circles for her commitment to infusing her art with satanic imagery and lurid scenes of death and gore.

Lord Jacob Rothschilds is part of the Jewish banking dynasty which has effectively ruled the world for centuries from behind the scenes.

There is a strange connection between Judaism and satanism. Saturn is a treasured symbol in Judaism and Jews are obsessed with black cubes and saturn.

Jews have written books on the link between Jews and saturnism.

This book explores the phenomenon of Saturnism, namely the belief that the planet Saturn, the seventh known planet in ancient astrology, was appointed upon the Jews, who celebrated the Sabbath, the seventh day of the Jewish week. 
Moshe Idel details how the anonymous, late 14th century Sefer Ha-Peliyah was to have disturbing consequences in the Jewish world three centuries later, interweaving luminaries with the cultural, historical, religious, and philosophical concepts of their day, and demonstrating how cultural agents were inadvertently instrumental in the mid-17th-century mass-movement Sabbateanism that led to the conviction that Sabbatai Tzevi was the Messiah. 

Anton Lavey, the founder of modern satanism, was of course a Jew.

Research has been done on this question. I haven’t bothered to look into it in depth but Jews are adept at using saturnalian symbolism and references to show reverence to their satanic god Moloch.

Like this Jewish private intelligence agency, Black Cube.

Black Cube is a private intelligence agency based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid,[1] and is the trading name of BC Strategy Ltd.[2] The company was founded in 2010[3] by former Israeli intelligence officers[4] Dan Zorella (in Hebrew: דן זורלא) and Avi Yanus (in Hebrew: אבי ינוס). Its employees include former members of Israeli intelligence units. Black Cube provides intelligence, evidence, and advisory services in multi-jurisdictional legal and white collar crime cases.[2] Black Cube dealt with fraud, bribery, money laundering, and corruption.[5][6] The company uncovered high-level corruption in Italy, Panama, and Mexico.[7][8][9] Black Cube’s specialization in asset tracing has led to the discovery and locations of hidden assets valued at billions of euros, such as in the bankruptcy cases of Motti Zisser and Eliezer Fishman.[10][11] Black Cube’s tactics have resulted in a number of international controversies. In Romania, two of its employees were convicted of criminal charges involving harassment and hacking.[12][13] The firm drew widespread condemnation for its work surveilling and assisting with efforts to slander the reputations of women accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual violence and journalists reporting on them.[14][15][16]

Spying, treachery, bribery, corruption…. these are all things Jews excel at better than most other groups.

Satanism is inextricably linked to Judaism and the Jewish mindset: inciting chaos in the world of goyim to deliver the earth into the arms of their satanic deity Moloch.

It all makes sense.

6 thoughts on “Marina Abramovic Pictured With Jacob Rothschild in Front of Satan Painting

  1. Los que hayan leído El Antiguo Testamento se darán cuenta que el dios de los judíos, Yahveh, es el mismísimo Lucifer y los judíos son su pueblo elegido.

    1. google translate :

      Those who have read The Old Testament will realize that the God of the Jews, Yahveh, is Lucifer himself and the Jews are his chosen people.

      1. I am afraid that that is incorrect. White people are the ancient Israelites. The jews today are imposters. The jews of today are decended from the devil, as Jesus told them in John’s Gospel. The jews are a mixture of all sorts of tribes and races of people, and since about 150 BC have been pretending to Israelites so they can claim the benefits of being like us caucasian Children of God. Jesus came for the “Lost sheep of the house of Israel” only. So if the jews are Israel, why do did they kill Jesus and continue to hate him to this day? Because they are decievers and liars is why. Caucasians are the people of the Old Testament… hence why we are the benefactors of the New Testament. Here is a great video and list:
        God bless!

      2. P.S. Yahweh is God’s name, which translates to I AM THAT I AM, as he told Moses.
        Yahshua is Jesus’s name which translates to I AM SAVIOUR.
        This is why the jews got in a rage with Jesus when he told them I AM. because the jews are not God’s children. Jews are satan, and satan translates to DECIEVER… which sums up the jews nicely.

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