Leftists Insisting that Trump is Hitler Makes Me More Sympathetic to Him

Screwy leftists keep insisting that Trump is Adolf Hitler.


That makes me like him.

Unfortunately, Trump is not Adolf Hitler.

The biggest difference between Trump and Hitler is that Trump has a weird homoerotic love affair with the Jewish race whereas Hitler correctly despised that race.

Trump, however, has a few good points:

  • he’s an unapologetic alpha male
  • he’s more or less a social conservative
  • he promotes xenophobia towards non-white foreigners (Mexicans, Moslems, Chinese)
  • he promotes patriotism and nationalism
  • he’s doing some things to stem the tidal wave of dindu immigration
  • he’s a white heterosexual male (a true American)
  • he insults women

He’s white, male, and a womanizer. He views women as sexual objects, which counters the feminist hoax that women are not sexual objects but respectable humans like men. (Note: respectable modest women are not sexual objects, but most modern women today are not respectable women, they are sexual objects).

There is also a list of bad points (loving Jews, not doing enough on immigration, not doing enough to curb censorship, etc.) but those have already been hashed out a million times by the nihilistic satan-worshipping neo-Bolshevik wignats.

Despite not being close to Hitler, which is a true shame, Trump is a strong figure that represents the Old WASP America which the leftists despise and seek to exterminate. If anything, Trump is a symbol of the true America that our enemies work day and night to extinguish. Just keeping him up there as a symbol of whiteness is enough to keep the leftists in a constant state of foaming-at-the-mouth rage and agitation.

At the very least, supporting Trump is merely a way of trolling leftists and driving them towards unhinged behaviour… or suicide. The crazier the left looks in their opposition to Trump, the more normal people will see that and turn towards the right.

Obviously, for Americans there are no better options at the moment, so what have you got to lose by throwing a vote to this guy who makes leftists’ pupils dilate? Sure, you could just not vote at all. But that won’t change much. White Americans must continue to build a movement, promote traditional values, expose hostile Jewry and attack leftism with an indefatigable fury. Trump is simply a placeholder until something better emerges.

We are in for a real treat to watch Trump eat up Senile Joe Biden in the coming election debates. Prepare yourselves for the greatest meme-party of all time.

8 thoughts on “Leftists Insisting that Trump is Hitler Makes Me More Sympathetic to Him

  1. I hereby decree that Barack Hussein Obama was the reincarnation of Hitler set up on earth to punish the African American community from within.

  2. As a former TRS listener, I’ve come back around to many of the same points that Brandon lists as reasons to endorse the highly flawed Orange Man. Ultimately, TRS’ blackpilling, atheistic vision of America is a dead end and I believe the wrong direction for us. Thank you Brandon for your continued insights and the occasional ray of light.

  3. Trump is America ! America is Trump !!

    Hail Victory !!
    Hail Victory !!
    Hail Victory !!
    Hail Victory !!
    Hail Victory !!

  4. I am excited to re-elect Jared Kushner,David Friedman,Jason Greenblatt,Steven Mnuchin,Stephen Miller, Carl Icahn, Gary Cohn, Boris Epshteyn,David Shulkin,Reed Cordish,Avrahm Berkowitz.
    OY Vey Victory

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