Video: Iran, Israel, & Russia Secret Relationship

I’ve attacked this mythology of “Based Iran” for years now. It’s complete fiction that is being parroted by subversive elements within the alt-right, particularly by these dindu-loving nazbols who follow the Dugin script of advancing propaganda and memes in support of countries aligned with Russia.

The people in our movement who tell us that we must support these towel heads are either crypto-towel heads themselves or are being paid by them to say this.

Why white people would expense energy shilling for some goat-rapists from Iran is unconscionable. As Johnny Gat’s videos unequivocally prove, Iran supported in various forms all of these neocon jewish wars against Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. These child-raping Shiites believed that by toppling all of these Sunni rival states they could expand their influence in the region and begin colonizing other moslem countries with their own version of Islam, which most moslems view as heretical.

Iran is just as devious as Israel but has less influence globally. These moslems are cousins of the jews and practice a similar evil religion which permits lying, cheating and killing of infidels.

Iran is also full of heroin-addicted transsexuals. The Iranian state subsidizes sex change operations for these trannies and then calls them “women”. Based!

Anyone in our circles who is spending time writing asinine propaganda to glorify these Iranian goat-rapists must be considered a dindu subversive trying to distract us from the moslem invasion of our lands.

13 thoughts on “Video: Iran, Israel, & Russia Secret Relationship

  1. We have to take our allies where we can find them. The Zionist state wants to wipe Iran off the map, so Iran must be doing something right. And it’s the Saudi-led Sunnis who are causing all the trouble in the world, not the Iranian, Lebanese and Iraqi Shiites.

      1. I agree with Spahnranch69 … “Iran literally supports BLM and puts out anti-white, pro-black propaganda.” – BECAUSE we hate them AND side with IsraHell !

        1. Another judeo-christian retard repeating the same lines that Alex Jone’s Infowhores (whose wife is a jew) and “canadian” Ezra Levant’s RabbiMedia tell them.

        2. American idiots can’t even watch a video before spitting their brainless patriotic narratives, created by the enemy.
          Brandon is right. The video provides a lots of truths and data.

    1. Sunni Islam is the largest denomination of Islam, followed by 87–90% of the world’s Muslims.

      The country Saudi Arabia is officially a Muslim nation and most Saudi Muslims are Sunni.

      Wahhabism is an Islamic doctrine and religious movement founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

      The term Wahhabism is controversial and adherents commonly reject its use, preferring to be called Salafi.
      Salafis are a small minority” of the Sunni Muslim community.

      Terrorist organisations including ISIS, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram all follow the doctrines of Wahhabism, of forced conversion to their specific sect or death.

      Today Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab’s teachings are the official, state-sponsored form of Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia.

      A British spy to the Middle East, in the middle of the eighteenth century, made contact with Adbul Wahhab, to create a subversive version of Islam, the notorious sect of Wahhabism.

      The purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western (jew controlled puppets) interests to undermine Islam. Western Europeans met their enemies on the battle field. Jews infiltrate and subvert.

      The movement was temporarily suppressed by the Ottomam armies in the middle of the nineteenth century.

      Murdakhai Bin Abraham Bin Moshe Al Dounami, also known as Merkhan, a jewish trader from Basra. Iraq claimed that he was from Arabian Peninsula but his father had fled earlier to Basra and changed his name for security reasons. He married a bedouin woman and had children. One of his sons name was Saud. Mohammed Ibn Saud.
      Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhab’s ancestors were also Jews.

      Muhammad bin Saud’s successors became the House of Saud.
      The House of Saud linked with Wahhabism through the marriage of the son of Muhammad ibn Saud with the daughter of Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab in 1744.

      The House of Saud continued to maintain its politico-religious alliance with the Wahhabi sect through its own political fortunes over the next 150 years. With the assistance of the British, the Wahhabis and their Saudi sponsors founded their own state with the proclamation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.

        1. He says that the modern problems between europeans/americans and muslism are created by jews. You need more reading comprehension.

  2. I watched the videos last night and man! I pretty much knew it all already. Plus if they wanted to go after Israel then they would of done already just like Russia and China. Yeah anyone who supports transsexual stuff is a sick AF denigrate in my eyes. No trad Christian country would ever promote that nonsense. White people do not do sick things like that.

    1. “Plus if they wanted to go after Israel then they would of done already just like Russia and China. Yeah anyone who supports transsexual stuff is a sick AF denigrate in my eyes. ”
      The idea that Iran could go after Israel is laughable; don’t you know that the Jews have about 200 nuclear bombs and Iran has none? Also too I don’t give a good damn whether or not Iran converts its people from men to women-as far as I’m concerned they can do whatever they want if they want to make themselves into tranny’s. The only thing I care about is the fact that Iran is an enemy of Israel.

  3. The Talmudists Satanic Fanaticists
    And their allies (—nearly all in world—Sunni Arabs not so much in their ethno states, Asians when convenient—minimally in their ethno states, blacks too disorganized in their ethno states to be for/against collectively—but for ethnic advancement implicitly endorse BLM…Russians are quite neutral as an ethno state, but provide many opportunities for Talmudist supremacy—Yet have their own version of ‘Judaism’.)
    Thus, traditionalist ethnic Euros
    (Original Isralites/Christisns) have no allies except The Diety—If the 10 C’s At Least are maintained.—And, sometimes, each other

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