Jewish Trickery On the Racial Question

A jew laid out his tribe’s trickery in the Jerusalem Post:

Quote 1:

Israeli Jews and American Jews have made a different bet about what keeps Jews safe. Both American and Israeli Jews believe that being a minority in majority cultures has made the Jewish people extremely vulnerable through our history. But, American Jews believe that America is different from all the previous Diaspora communities. In America, Jews are safe because here everyone is a minority. Therefore, the best defense for Jews in America is to promote the values of diversity and tolerance which we believe are at the heart of American culture.

Quote 2:

It’s true enough that American and Israeli Jews do not have identical interests. The experience of being a minority or a majority imposes different ethical lenses on us. And for this reason it is inevitable that American and Israeli Jews will clash on some key moral issues. In our minority mode, American Jews naturally empathize with new immigrants, and we support policies that make them feel welcome. That stance is central to our safety. In Israel’s majority mode, immigration of non-Jews potentially threatens the Jewish demographic dominance which is central to Jewish safety in Israel. No wonder it makes Israeli Jews anxious.

As we all know, the jew plays the “minority” victim card when it suits his interests as an ethnic/religious minority in a white land. But when he’s the majority in his own appropriated land, he beats down the non-jew minorities and flexes his hebrew muscle.

On jew-black alliances:

Why does it matter? In the wake of the tragic death of George Floyd, there is increasing talk about rebuilding the Black-Jewish Alliance in America. Here in Seattle, for the past year, a group of nine rabbis and nine African American ministers have been studying Bible together as a path towards having a courageous conversation about the Black-Jewish relationship. At a recent meeting, our African-American colleagues turned to us in a heartfelt way and said: “Your public support is very important to us.” But, even more encouraging was that they also said, “It is very important to us that we hear your story, too.” 

… If these new outreach efforts are going to bear fruit, it is essential that Israeli Jews and American Jews begin speaking differently with each other. American Jews need to realize that in allowing ourselves to be frame unchallenged as “white and privileged,” we are unwittingly strengthening a global narrative in which Jews in Israel and America are portrayed as “colonial oppressors.” As early as the late 1960s the same term was being used for Jewish shopkeepers in Harlem and the Israeli Jews in relation to Palestinians.

…If we are going to overcome this narrative, Israeli Jews need to realize how expelling African workers, neglecting Ethiopian Jews in Israel and moving unilaterally towards a one-state solution impacts the global perception of Jews. This is not just an American Jewish problem. The white Jewish oppressor narrative directly contributes to the isolation of Israel among the nations of the world.

In the West the jew uses the black to undermine the white (often Christian) gentile, while at the same time purifying Israel of unwanted black blood.

The jew is a racial weasel pitting different groups against each other while he conspires to take power over all.

Down with the weasel jew!

4 thoughts on “Jewish Trickery On the Racial Question

    What you are about to read may come as a shock to you, for the lives your family and children are at stake. Your family’s enemy is very cunning, inasmuch as he is a silent killer. He does his damage under a deceptive disguise. He goes as far as to put the label of “Christian” on his evil philosophy. He sugarcoats his evil in such a way as to make it appear respectable. This deceiver presents himself as your very best friend. He manipulates the masses into thinking they are doing “God” a favor, when actually they are committing the greatest of all evil. He pretends to be “God’s” favorite. This presentation is designed to break his spell. Once all the facts are cited, you’ll wonder why you didn’t understand it before. Oddly enough, only about one in a thousand can distinguish his wicked, pernicious maneuverings. We have been deceived into thinking that everything in the world is normal while the powers of hell are undermining everything we hold dear. We are misled by these deceivers into believing bitter is sweet, darkness is light, and evil is good.
    ” … I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commission will in the interest of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.”

    The “Jews” went on to brag: “… We are about to reach our goal. World War II furthered our plans greatly. We succeeded in having many millions of Christians kill each other and returning other millions in such conditions that they can do us no harm. There remains little to be done to complete our control of the stupid goyim.”
    At a “Jewish” conference, January 12, 1952, in Budapest, a “Jew”, Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, spoke before the Emergency Council of European Rabbis. The following is part of that speech which can be found in William Guy Carr’s book, Pawns in the Game on pages 105-106:

  2. Excellent find, and valuable commentary. The jews are coming out of the woodwork. They don’t even care. They don’t promote the “judeo-christian values” anymore because they see the future is their union with blak savages, not White people. Now all the kikes yell “White privilege” and that they must end “Whiteness”.

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